Sunday, July 26, 2020

Update: He weaseled out of it. Good.


  1. He'll be playing golf on one of his courses with some washed-up quarterback.

  2. Yeah he's so lame compared to Joe Biden, the Pedo

  3. Barry used to put such a tingle up Whitey Fraud's leg. He wants another man in the WH, like Hillary

  4. Trump makes a lot more sense than the kneeling Bronx wimps. DWA

  5. Some insight...

  6. Rumor is he's going to drop Pence for Nikki Haley on that day. But I think it's because it's Napoleon's birthday.

  7. Horace, Please go back to crafting your mundane, yet irrelevant virtual baseball games. They are actually more cogent than your political musings.

  8. Nice hearing from anonymous incel weenies. Poor snowflakes. Fuck you!

  9. WASHINGTON — An hour before Dr. Anthony S. Fauci threw the first pitch at the season opener between the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals, President Trump stood on the briefing room stage at the White House and declared that he, too, had been invited to throw out his own opening pitch.

    “Randy Levine is a great friend of mine from the Yankees,” Mr. Trump, referring to the president of the baseball team, told reporters on Thursday as Dr. Fauci was preparing to take the mound. “And he asked me to throw out the first pitch, and I think I’m doing that on Aug. 15 at Yankee Stadium.”

    There was one problem: Mr. Trump had not actually been invited on that day by the Yankees, according to one person with knowledge of Mr. Trump’s schedule. His announcement surprised both Yankees officials and the White House staff.

    But Mr. Trump had been so annoyed by Dr. Fauci’s turn in the limelight, an official familiar with his reaction said, that he had directed his aides to call Yankees officials and make good on a longtime standing offer from Mr. Levine to throw out an opening pitch. No date was ever finalized.


    More BS...


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