Thursday, July 9, 2020

With Clint Frazier's bad hoof, Yankee injury-free streak ends at four days

Well, so much for 2020 being the debutante breakout year for Clint Frazier. Old Red Thunder - (he's now 26) - has "a little plantar fascitis," according to the Death Star Zoom Network. 

Trouble is, in a 60-game season, there is no such thing as "a little plantar fascitis," or a little of anything. (By the way, along with fascists, could Antifa fight fascitis?) A bad plate of clams can put a guy out for half the year. Plus, there are those 14-day virus quarantines, which can pop-up at any time. In an 10-week season, two-weeks down is a disaster. 

Capping Red Thunder's latest setback is the Yankee outfield traffic jam, at least until the next avalanche of injuries. If it's true that Miguel Andujar is leaving 3B - (a mistake, in my opinion, but I understand it) - that leaves the following players competing for five slots.

Aaron Hicks
Aaron Judge

Giancarlo Stanton
Brett Gardner
Clint Frazier
Miguel Andujar
Mike Tauchman
Zach Granite
Thomas Milone 

Tyler Wade
Rosell Herrera

Before you dismiss Granite and Milone, both are great fielders, perhaps the best CF gloves on the roster. From a strategic standpoint, one of them probably makes this team. Likewise, Wade and Herrera can play anywhere and thus present enormous value. And the team is packed at DH, too: Luke Voit, Mike Ford, Gary Sanchez and - gulp, if he's compromised by COVID - DJ LeMahieu. 

Even with the 26-man roster, the OF looks crowded, too crowded, until injuries start culling the herd. We are now two weeks away from Reopening Day, and nobody knows WTF? Yesterday, Boston's best starter, Eduardo Rodriguez, tested positive. And can you imagine running safe camps in Miami, Houston or Phoenix, with the virus spiking? 

I'll believe in the 2020 season when two weeks are in the books. Until then, we're just zooming a mirage. Then again, maybe that's all Red Thunder ever was, an illusion in the desert. (Still pulling for the guy, though. Rest the footsies, Red. This is getting stale.) 


  1. Hmmm..."a little plantar fascitis," someone else had that for awhile...trying to think who...umm...someone who had the DL renamed after him?


  2. Is getting "a little Plantar fasciitis" something like getting a little bit pregnant?

    We could have asked our resident expert had he still been under contract...

  3. No worries necessary about crowded outfield. Stanton and Hicks will get hurt. Maybe Judge also. We'll end up using everybody on that list.

    The Hammer of God

  4. Looks like Johnny D left some fascitis in the outfield grass as a parting gift.

  5. JM - :)

    So yesterday I went to MLB on my Roku to see if any of the inter-squad games were being broadcast. They weren't. So I scrolled ahead a couple of weeks and there they were. Scheduled baseball games. As much as I believe that there will not be a season it was still very nice to see them. Especially opening day NY vs. Washington.

    Again, I don't think it's happening and if it is well... good. Why not? As I've said before, you gotta take what little pleasures life is giving right now.

    Doug K.

  6. Like the Yankees were gonna give RT a fair shot at playing ...

  7. 1. Ranger and LBJ are correct......Plantar fasciitis does not come in small doses. If you have it, you are done. At best a season off cures worst; surgery...which half the time doesn't work. The Red Thunder is a sign of the times. Lost and betrayed by a mystery force of evil.

    2. YES as been broadcasting the intra- squad games.....Maybe no all of them, but I taped one recently. It was a bit disconcerting to watch guys in the outfield playing catch between pitches....

    3. Who ever "umpired the game " from behind the plate had to be nuts. he wore a proper protection for his head, but not much else. A would tip into his arms or shoulders would ache big time. The Yankees can't afford proper attire?

    Watching these efforts, however, seems disconnected to the game of baseball. Often, they give a pitcher 5 outs to he'll get the number of pitches they want him to throw.

    No sounds, no "miced" players, no spitting ( thank god pumpkin seed are banned , facemarks in the dugout....

    I still believe this ain't going to happen. Summer camps in both Arkansas and Missouri just closed, because everyone tested positive...campers and staff.

    And if they took action in those states, it can happen in baseball.

  8. I actually had plant fasciitis some 13 years ago. That is, my feet hurt. A doctor prescribed egg cups. I wore them for a couple months, and was fine. And slightly taller, which I loved...

  9. ...and yes, I did used to choke around about how that was the original name of Francisco Franco's party...

  10. ...But I digress.

    I've never been one of those people who dismiss athletes' injuries out of hand. They put much more strain on their bodies than we can easily imagine.

    But sometimes, it really does come down to the Vince Lombardi saying: "You have to learn to play with the small hurts."

    This is probably your last grab at the brass ring, at least in New York...and you have a foot strain? You got said foot strain after 8-9 months off? How is that even possible?

    At a certain point, it comes down to desire. One of the reports on Frazier's injury noted that Tanaka was not only working out again, but intensifying his workouts, to make up for lost time. Hmm.


  11. as if any of this matters.

    what do you think the over/under is on how many games get played before they have to shut the whole thing down?

    my guess: 13

    and i'm taking the under


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