Saturday, August 8, 2020

April, 1936: DiMaggio, Dickey Sent Down. Yanks Promote Jumbo Brown, Kemp Wicker.

(Written by HoraceClarke666)

Yankees' general manager Ed Barrow announced today that new center fielder Joe DiMaggio and catcher
Bill Dickey would be sent down to the Newark Bears, so the team could bring up pitchers Jumbo Brown andKemp Wicker.  

"DiMaggio will be a fine player for us—one day.  But he's injured again, and what he really needs right now is to get some International League at-bats," Barrow told reporters. "And Dickey has had some
fine seasons. But he had an off-year in 1935, and he's been bit by the injury bug of late, too.  I think both
these players could do with some steady playing time."

In their stead, the Yanks announced they have called up pitchers Jumbo Brown and Kemp Wicker.  Barrow reminded reporters that Brown had won six games for the Bombers last year, including a shutout.  He is convinced that Brown has his weight problem under control.

"I am confident that he now weighs less than 300 pounds," said Barrow.

Wicker, though a rookie, is already a canny veteran at 29, and Barrow is hopeful that he can give the Yanks' staff some badly needed innings.

"Look, bottom line, in today's game we need pitching," said Barrow.  "And don't forget, we've got Myril Hoag to play center, and Arndt Jorgens is a terrific catcher.  We'll be fine."


  1. Genius. Just fucking genius.

    Standing O, Hoss.


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