Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Aroldis Chapman returns to make us remember the wages of sweat

Last night, once again, we could relive The Terror.

You know - the anxiety, the unease, the dreaded pandemonium - as glistening armies of perspiration tumbled off the chin of Aroldis Chapman, while the tattooed titan closed out the ninth with - as always - a runner on second and the chilling sense that we were but a hanging slider away from disaster. 

I'd almost forgotten how to panic. 

That's what El Chapo does to me. He marches in, stares up into the lights, walks a couple batters, throws a few to the backstop, and sweats like Trump on the 13th fairway. Did I mention that Chappy sweats? He sweats a keg of beer. He sweats a small child. When done, you'd think he just took the Ice Bucket Challenge. He needs a new nickname, and I'm hereby taking nominations. Here are some to prime the pump:

1. The Fountainhead
2. Niagara Falls
3. Charybdis
4. Rain Man
5. The Johnstown Flood
6. Chap the Dripper

I could go on. I got a million of 'em. But that's not the point.

For the first three wonderful weeks of 2020, the exceedingly boring Zack Britton handled our ninth innings, often retiring the side one-two-three. Grounder, grounder, grounder. No drama. No excitement. Nails un-bitten. Now, the quiet Britton will pitch the eighth, as a prelude to El Chapo's theatrics - which don't always work out the way we wanted. 

Does the name Rafael Devers ring a bell? 

Don't get me wrong: I'm glad Chapman is back. He's a stoic old soul, a good teammate, and the Death Star is certainly more deadlier with him. Remember: He's not replacing Britton. He's replacing the lowest rung on our bullpen, somebody already on the Joe Biden shuttle to Scranton. El Chapo adds a powerful layer of intimidation, and hopefully this short season will add to his Hall of Fame creds. No kidding: He's got a shot at Cooperstown. He just needs another ring.

But here's the problem: Were I an opposing manager, I would give my batters firm instructions on what to do. I would tell them, "Don't swing at a single fucking pitch he throws. If he's got command of his shit, we're done. But if he doesn't - and he often doesn't - he turns into Chuck Knoblauch. Just stand there and dodge the balls aimed at your head. Don't help him. Don't swing. He'll walk you. He'll walk the bases full. And then - THEN - he'll groove one." 

I hate to say this, but for the last two years, I've been dreading the ninth with El Chapo. The reality is that no lead is ever safe. Last fall, after DJ LeMahieu's clutch homer tied the game against Houston, my first thoughts turned to Chapman, and the euphoria began to subside. We'll never know if Jose Altuve was cheating, but who will ever forget that lunatic smile on Chapman's face, as water cascaded off his chin. 

He's back, and - look - let's be positive here. The Yankees signed Chapman to win this year. He's had COVID. He should be immune. He's got six weeks to go, and then the post-season. If he's dominant, we have an incredible weapon. If he pitches us to a World Series, there will be no asterisks on this site. All will be forgiven. Chap the Dripper? Who's got the name?


  1. We’ll never know Altuve was cheating?


  2. We’ll never know Altuve was cheating?


  3. “I think the only thing I can tell is they have no rings, I have one,” catcher Christian Vázquez said. “We beat them in the playoffs. I like my ring.”

    Boston lost its eighth straight game overall.

  4. Chap the Dripper. Love it.

    As for Altuve: guessing is harder than knowing.

  5. Does Vazquez's ring have an asterisk on it? It should.

  6. How about, "The Shower of Power"? But I do like "The Fountainhead."

  7. Thing is, we were long spoiled rotten by The Great One. No other reliever was ever that dependable, for that long. Chances are, no one else ever will be.

    Beyond his yips, though, what I dislike about The Cuban Faucet is his game sense. Much as Gossage was always trying to make a point by throwing his fastball past George Brett—no matter what the situation—all The Water Cannon had to do was walk Altuve (or better yet, plunk the cheating little bastard) and pitch to the next batter: back-up outfielder Jake Marisnick, currently unable to crack the starting lineup of your New York Mets.

    But no. To hell with common sense, or the team. Show us what a stud hoss you are even when you get behind on the count...

  8. The Perspirater - It's like Terminator but with sweat.

    Doug K.

  9. Water Cannon. Cuban Faucet.

    Ya can't make this stuff up.

  10. The only relief pitcher I saw sweat as much as Chapman was Steve Howe. But that was from copious amounts of cocaine.

  11. Perspirator is pretty good, too.

  12. My favorite is actually the Cuban Faucet but I think it is the kind of nickname that gets used in a more historical context.

    Sort of like the difference between "Joltin Joe steps up to the plate" and Joe DiMaggio, nicknamed the "Yankee Clipper" played from ....

    There is something to be said for "And Boone calls for the Cuban Faucet to put out the fire."

    Water Cannon works really well there too.

    As to the Perspirator, it feels fierce. Plus anyone who consistently beats him could be the Anti-Perspirator and there's something to be said for that.

    That said, I'm good with Water Cannon.

    Doug K.

  13. Friend of Local Bargain JerkAugust 18, 2020 at 2:00 PM

    Rip Tide, High Tide, Hard Rain (gonna fall), Wet n' Wild

  14. "Deep C" is all I got ("Puddles" sounding too 1920s-ish), though "The Perspirator" and "Rain Man" kick plenty of ass, too.

  15. +1 for Chap the Dripper. The Fountainhead is pretty great, too. The Cuban Fire Hydrant?

  16. I do like The Perspirator myself.

    An anonymous team playing in an empty stadium—are the Rays the future of baseball?


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