Sunday, August 9, 2020

"Dear Brian: I hope you will read this condolence note in the spirit in which it is intended..."

(This was written by HoraceClarke66, whose computer is off partying like a beast at Sturgis.) 

I can't tell you how sad I was to see that Giancarlo Stanton is injured again.  Who knew?  I did—
but I kid, I kid.

Seriously, who would ever have put the over/under on Giancarlo's home run total for three years
at 43? Besides me, I mean?  Kidding, totally kidding!  Actually, I had 42, so the joke's on me, huh?

Really, after reading Inside the Empire, that book you did with Bob Klapisch and Paul Solotaroff—by
the way, are there any ethics left in journalism anymore?  Just wondering—it made me see how
badly you took me to the cleaners.

I mean it.  Around the pool yesterday, Tommy and Gisele were trying to tell me that somebody who's
a real master at running a baseball team like the book says you are, doesn't go out and brag about some mark he's taken.  But I told them you were right.  

What's happened with Giancarlo—well, that's pure bad luck.  What in his career with the Marlins could possibly have indicated that he couldn't stay on the field?  I mean, besides the 40 games a year he averaged on the injured list?

Hey, I'll never forget that day that you made sure was in the book, too.  About how during our last 
negotiation, when you said that you weren't going to pay me for past performance or popularity.  
Sometimes, you know, the past can tell you something about the future.  But then, you also made
sure to get in how you told me that if I didn't like it, you could replace me with Troy Tulowitski.

Troy Tulowitski.  You know, me and Hannah still crack up about that sometimes.  It won't take much.
Just over a meal or something, one of us will say, "Tulo," and we're both on the floor.

But yeah, bad luck with Giancarlo.  I remember when he hit that home run in the ALCS with a hammy strain, or whatever it was he had, maybe a bloody nose, and then he said he couldn't go.  But he wouldn't get off the roster.  

Geeze, I remember playing in a couple World Series where I stayed in even though I thought I'd broken my ankle.  Then I did break my ankle, against Detroit in the ALCS, and I didn't stay in because I couldn't stand up.  

But I digress.  I just remember Tommy calling me up during the Houston ALCS last year and saying, "It's like Vince Lombardi used to say:  'Sometimes you gotta not play with the small hurts but make you keep taking up a roster spot."  Oh, we laughed and laughed.  And then this spring, I saw Stanton was getting ready for the season by bench-pressing Adriana Lima.  Yeah, I remember when I used to pump Adriana Lima—but hey, I'm a married man now.

Yep, I'm a married man who lives in a huge mansion by the sea.  With his supermodel wife, and his best friend, America's quarterback, and his supermodel wife.  And that half-a-billion dollars or so I have kicking around somewhere.

Some people might think, you don't mess around with somebody who came up from nothing to where I am now. But I remember how your co-authors said you came from nothing, too, and the only help you got was "a family connection that got you an internship."  Which is to say, your father used to sell thoroughbreds to George Steinbrenner.

Anyhoo, gotta get back to work.  Just wanted to say that I hope Giancarlo's okay.  Of course, with the injury now, that means he won't be opting out after this season.  You got him for, what, another eight years?  Huh.  Well, look at the bright side:  who says you'll be around that long?

Your friend the past performer,


  1. A triumph. Well done.

  2. Man, that was COLD. Well done, sir.

  3. Heard he strained it while getting up after kneeling for the National Anthem. Just saying; Karma is a bitch

  4. Wow, that was brutal. Jeter is the perfect Missing-personality player to anthropomorphize too... in reality Jeter would have at best given Cashman a cold stare. So I assume this was not a letter, but a window on Jeter’s mind.

  5. Paxton doesn't suck today.


  6. ICS finally got a hit. It used to be "Gary is scary".

    Now it's "I'm wary...of Gary".

  7. Paxton showing signs of sucking....

  8. Paxton is officially sucking now...

  9. Thanks, guys. But in reality, I'm sure Cashman doesn't even cross Derek's mind.

  10. Yeah, great effort out there today. 0-for-gazllion with men on base.

    Also, I would have thought the idea of having 27 relief pitchers is that you get one in BEFORE the damage is done. I guess not.

    When I saw that line drive by Sanchez that almost dipped in over the low left field wall—but went foul instead—I thought, 'There goes out last chance.'

    This will not end well—especially with Crazy Joe West calling balls and strikes.

  11. Of course, they are singing the praises of Little Sapling now, as though he had just come back from a long bout with the Covid.

    6 1/3 innings, 3 runs on 2 monster homers by guys nobody's ever heard of. Yeah, it was practically Sandy Koufax.

    Now Holder will be left in to lose it. Because it's not like we got 27 guys in the bullpen.

  12. Nice DP. But really, the take is that the bullpen is too "taxed," so the whole game had to be put on the shoulders of Jonathan Holder.

    Think about this for a minute. We're 15 games into a 60-game season, we have 13 pitchers on the roster—more than half the team—and they're already so worn out that we're down to sticking with the back of the pen to get through.

    What is wrong with this picture?

  13. Raise your hand if you knew how this was gonna end

  14. Gary Sanchez is simply not capable of being the everyday catcher for a championship caliber MLB team. Time to re-evaluate, Brian.

  15. Yankee Universe is getting tired of this...

  16. Thanks, Bitty.

    The time to re-evaluate Sanchez was after the 2018 season, when they apparently had the chance to trade him for Realmuto, one-on-one. They should've pulled the trigger. They didn't.

  17. We can blame Sanchez all we want, but this four game set with Tampa was a total team hitting failure. The pitching was, for the most part adequate, but the reason the Yankees lost 3 of 4 was an abysmal RISP FAILURE.

    How does 4for26 grab you? Yesterday: 0-8, Friday: 0-5. Even the first game of the doubleheader - A GAME THEY SCORED 8 RUNS: 1-7.

    The second game of the doubleheader was terrific: 3-6. They still lost.

    They left a pretty remarkable 63 men on base.

    A total team hitting failure. It’s not just Sanchez.

  18. They can't hit really good pitching. Just like in 2019. And 2018.


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