Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I Was Going to Write to Speculate About What Stanton's Injury While On the Injury List Would Be...

...But what's the rush? 3-4 weeks out is the word now. Worst Yankees deal ever?


  1. Stanton's injury is giving a decent shot to Frazier. Although when he's healthy...or I should say, if he's ever healthy...he'll be right in the thick of the lineup again. And Clint may be back on the bus.

    And John Carlo was in such great shape this season. Cough.

  2. "Worst Yankee deal ever? "

    Worst deal on any level in any venue.

    Worse than the Versailles Peace agreement after WWI....

    Worse than the Louisiana purchase....

    What would I give for a nationally televised interview with Hal, focusing on the net benefits of that nearly half a billion deal.

  3. Stanton deal will make Jeter get into the HOF a second time as an executive.

  4. I know, Alphonso. It's like what some of us used to say about the Knicks drafting Frederic Weisz with their first pick in the 1999 draft.

    We used to say it was the worst pick by any team, anywhere, in any sport, including Third Division Bulgarian soccer.

    This is similar.

    Only at least the Knicks didn't have to pay a fortune to draft Weisz, or hamstring (you'll pardon the word) their roster for the foreseeable future.

  5. If not the worst deal ever, it's definitely up there. How the hell are we ever going to get rid of this guy? He's a platinum millstone the size of the Titanic wrapped around Cashman's neck. As someone posted on another thread, though, it's certainly possible that Cashman wasn't the one who made this deal. He might have been taking orders from the Yankee hierarchy. Which theory makes sense because Cashman still hasn't sunk to the bottom of the sea.

    The Hammer of God


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