Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Mr. Cole, you're needed...

 It's finally here. For the first time since July 27, the MLB season actually feels like a pennant race. And tonight brings us the sense of a game the Yankees must win. 

Of course, it's not real. It's Memorex. .The Yankees could lose all three to Tampa this week and remain comfortably on course for the post-season. In fact, they host the Rays again in two weeks, another three-game tea party, and by then, this series will seem a COVID fever dream, a distant memory of Jimmy Carter and John Kerry. Nevertheless, here we are: Sending out our ace tonight in a game that seems more critical than anything thus far in 2020.

More than ever, we need Gerrit Cole to throw a sopping blanket over Tampa, so that our continual losses to the Rays don't become a "thing." Win tonight, and we can take the series tomorrow. Win tonight, and Tampa can leave NYC with a worse record than when they arrived. Win tonight, and we have our weapon, a pitcher who might start three times in a best-of-seven bloodbath, which this year eventually will boil down to. Win tonight, that's all. Win tonight...

Some thoughts on last night...

1. It's nice to see Luke Voit celebrated in the lead-off slot, but it represents a complete abandonment of speed as an offensive weapon. It's not that DJ LeMahieu was a base-stealing threat, but he's a smart runner - a la' Jeter - while Voit, despite his Jenny Craig weight loss, still seems to be plowing a cornfield as he moves. Voit and Gio Urshela leading-off reminds us of all the talent on the IL. Moreover, the Yanks will need everything they've got to beat Tampa, and that might include a SB here or there.  

2. The endless wait for Aaron Hicks is growing old. Last night, another 0-for-4, right in the heart of the order. He's hitting .220, which frankly is not far from his output last year - .235. We've been patient, hoping that someday, he'll return to that neo-all-star form he briefly showed in 2017. But the truth is, he gets hot, and then he gets hurt. We have two other CFs - Gardy and Tauchman. Soon, Boone will have to make a decision. 

3. Boston's tanking has begun: The Redsocks are reportedly dangling Humphrey Bogaerts in trade talks. If they deal him, they would surely seek a boatload of prospects, while ensuring that the team continues to fade, looking to finish last and draft high next June. Boston is playing a brutal, cutthroat, scorched-earth strategy with their stars - similar to what Tampa does annually. It is the modern way to build sports franchises: Show no loyalty to your stars, and don't worry about how the fans will react. 

Christian Vazquez was quoted the other day making light of the fact that Boston has more rings of late than the Yankees. Fans reacted furiously on Twitter, but the comment drew blood from me. Vazquez is right, and if the Yankees botch this season, within two years, Boston could be in the World Series, while we are paying off aging salary dump black holes. At some point, Cooperstown Cashman might have to consider trading off all that aging talent in the OF - Hicks, Stanton, Gardy, Tauchman, even Judge - not for aging pitchers, but for next year's Austin Meadows. 

4. Last night, Clint Frazier came within an eyelash of homering. His drive down the right field line kicked foul by inches. The guy can hit to the opposite field. How refreshing is that? He belongs in this lineup every day. Am I right? 


  1. Aaron Hicks is an albatross on this team. Yeah he works walks, but this team need to score more ways than HRs. Sit him and play Tauchman and Frazier until Judge returns. He can kneel for the Star Spangled Banner and then sit on the bench until they need a late inning defensive change. Plus, he's due to get hurt any day now

  2. Why did Cashman sign Hicks for a long, stupid contract, when everyone on IIH could see it was an incredibly stupid move?

    Just ridiculous. And of course, the Yankee Way means that he'll be in the lineup consistently no matter how much he sucks. Because, you know, the contract.

    Judge, Tauchman, Frazier should be the OF. With Miggy as number four, although my God, remember 2018? Are we really ready to sideline this guy because he had to miss a year? It seems bizarre.

    Gardy and Hicks should be playing in an alternative site universe.

  3. You are always right, Duque.


    Fuck somebody or other.

  4. Absolutely spot on about Clint, and doesn’t he look like a legitimate defender in the outfield?

    Tauchman might be a good guy, but right now I’d give Frazier left field for the next ten years. I’m not even certain, based on this latest call up, that he’s done improving with the glove.

    As for that douchebag crowing about his ring: last place must be pretty comfortable for him. He better get used to it. Dumbrowski cleaned out that farm system and it’s going to take more than one or two years to restore it. Just ask Detroit or Florida how Life After Dave feels.

  5. Good point, Richie, and great post, Duque.

    —Yes, T.O.I. Hicks was The Office Boy's worst signing after Stanton and Ellsbury. He should be thought of—and played—only as a defensive replacement, and to give the starting outfield of Frazier (RF), Tauchman (CF), and Andujar (LF) a breather.

    —Yes, I said Andujar. JM is right. The guy showed he can hit, and if Frank Howard could play LF, Andujar can learn it, too. Leave him in there until he finds his stroke again, and improves his fielding.

    —Sad to say, Aaron Judge has proven once again that he can't stay on the field for any length of time. Make him a DH, and late-inning defensive replacement, like T.O.I. Hicks.

    —Much as I would love to hire a team of rogue Ninja warriors—or perhaps Ninja turtles—to kidnap Stanton and hold him in an undisclosed location for the next 8 years, we're stuck with him. Use him to fill in at DH for all those periods when even a part-time Judge is unavailable due to injury.

  6. Oh, and having guys who can run at least a little bit in the first two spots? Yeah, that's another of those things that everybody in the history of the game got wrong for 150 years, until today's certified (and certifiable) geniuses came along.

    Beyond how it hurts the place-setting, the real harm it does is in keeping your team from being able to pile up power hitters in the 3-6 spots.

    I'm sorry, but much as the sabremetricious pooh-pooh it, putting three or four guys together who can hit "a bridge piece," as Reggie Jackson used to call it—collect a toll—wears down and intimidates pitchers. It also keeps them from being able to work around the guy they fear the most.

  7. Clint does belong in the line-up every day.

    He is starting to make some plays in right field, indicating a growing confidence. Don't fuck him up by moving him around. He can DH when Judge comes back. Besides, Judge will get hurt again.

    Also of note: Red hit a bullet in the ninth that, with different luck, would have been a double in the corner, scoring the runner from first. Instead, it was right at "what's his name's?" glove and resulted in a DP.

    Tanaka is killing us with his softness. And Andujar looks like a player who needs a full year of play at AAA ( in LF ).

    Boone did grow giddy after the Boston romp, but putting Luke at lead-off.....just after he started to look at home in the second spot...was lunacy.

    And we do need speed in th line-up.. we also need a shortstop who wont make three errors a game ( saved on one play by a back-hand scoop by Luke...... who is looking really good with his glove ).

    Nice reliever work.. I din't even know Nelson was back.

  8. I like Jimmy's idea of trying to trade Hicks. (No one will take Stanton. There's only one team dumb enough to do that and that be us.)

    Hicks was supposed to be Bernie. Switch hitter with power and good defense but he just doesn't have it. His 10M a year salary isn't onerous. They should be able to do it.

    I will reserve judgement on Gleyber at SS until the end of the year. He hasn't played short in a while. But, yes 2nd base and go after Lindor sounds like a plan. Once again Stanton and the money owed will be an issue. He will screw up the team for the rest of the decade.

    Frazier/Tauchman/Judge next year with another attempt to trade for a good CF. We will need it when Judge gets hurt again. And he will,
    Then it's Tauchman/CF/Frazier.

    Gardy retires. Don't know if AnDUjar will get enough reps in Left to become competent to the point where we can pencil him in there but he totally belongs on the team.

    And yes! Sign DJ!

    Doug K.

  9. $36 Million a year for another HR given up...another Yankee pitcher not pitching well in an important game...smh

    I'll save you the trouble Winnie...

    Fuck you Hal!

  10. Absolutely no excuse to pinch-hit Tauchman for Frazier. Way to go, Boone, if you're determined to demoralize and undermine the confidence of one of your best young players.

  11. Wait, ranger, you're blaming Cole for that loss? 2 runs in 6 2/3 with 10 Ks is not exactly getting bombed.

    The problem is a lineup that, even with all the injuries, could not manage more off a starter with a 7.04 ERA this year, and the usual parade of TB relievers.

    Sanchez and Gardner look done. Gleyber looks like yet another in a long line of can't-miss, future-superstar burnouts, and Andujar looks like he could use another year of rehab.

  12. And let me contradict myself: yet another year in which injuries ARE the problem. The Yanks' 3 most productive hitters this season, along with their no. 2 catcher, and now 2 key bullpen cogs, all moldering on the DL for who knows how long. All despite the longest "spring training" of rest and rehabilitation on record.

    And hey, this year, the collected pumpkins aren't turning into coaches.

    Wonder how Cashie's investigation into the Yankees' training and treatment is going...

  13. @Hoss...that is a sign of frustration from me...we're not scoring runs...but I'm concerned in a big game (yes it was a big game) that Cole gives up another HR and they get the lead first.

    Since when the TB Rays have kryptonite in their uniforms? Seems like we're powerless against them...

    Oh and one more thing, how is it that ICS only hits HRs when Judge and Stanton are injured?

  14. It sure was frustrating, ranger—and home runs to those mediocrities. But even a blind pig, once in awhile...

    Amazing how quickly this time, like so many Yankees teams over the last 20 years, seemed to have indomitable depth and ability...only to watch it all fall apart in the span of a couple injuries. They ain't goin' nowhere.

  15. Certainly, Frazier is an everyday player and should be in there. Why he was pinch hit for is beyond me. Maybe our hottest hitter and we pinch hit for him? Why?

    @ Doug K. Would love to see Hicks traded, but I think Cashman is the only one dumb enough to think he was the next coming of Bernie Williams. Seven year contract for a .220 hitter? Good luck trying to trade him. There will never be another Bernie Williams. Switch hitters with power from both sides, who can actually hit ... rare, very rare.

    The Hammer of God


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