Friday, August 28, 2020

One For The Books

 I find myself cachinnating at every trade rumor mentioned by Brian Cashman. 

(Seriously, how many humans have ever heard the word, " cachinnate ?")  

Does John Sterling ever use it in game coverage? Does Suzyn?

Probably Mustang and El Duque know it.....that will make me cachinnate.


  1. I had to look it up. That's an amazing word. Never heard or read it before.

    It's spiffy.

  2. Just looked it up as well. Good word. I will have to use it sometime.

    Probably as a reproach. "Will you PLEASE stop cachinnating! or Your incessant cachinnating is driving me nuts.

    Maybe as a reason Jerry Seinfeld broke up with a girl.

    "She was a cachinnator! A cachinnator George!
    "She Cachinnated?"
    "She most certainly did."

    Doug K.

  3. Florial and AnDUjar at third.

    Leave them both there. Put Hicks on the IL. Just because.

  4. This team is putrid. And while I agree with putting Hicks on the IR because it's Hicks, I can't agree with leaving Andujar anywhere near a major league team.

  5. This is as bad as it gets. What a disaster. 5 plus solid from crafty Monty, Frazier leading the offense. Then, one of Cash's prototypical 21st century short relief power arms tosses home run derby. Against the fucking Mets. And Betances, of all people, gets away with a hanger against Gary Sanchez, of course. Terrible team. Bad baseball.

  6. JM, Doug K.—you guys are en fuego.

    Leinstery, I still have faith at Andujar. Or at least, put it this way: why trade a player who still has great potential when he is at his absolute nadir?

    The Yanks will get nobody for him now, and he might be great.

  7. Those Mets are so stupid! They bat their best power hitter fourth! What a bunch of losers. He should be leading off, OBVIOUSLY!

  8. HoraceClarke66 -- Thanks for pinning your argument on one instance out of 100 quadrillion possible examples from the history of baseball. It's a tough competition on this site, but you are clearly in the lead for King of the Tiniest Possible Sample Size. And if you think it's a great idea to do everything you can to (a) ensure that your best hitter doesn't come up in the first inning and (b) has 25 percent fewer plate appearances in a season (c) even though by batting him second you're not substantially reducing his RBI opportunities, then you ought to do some reading about real-world baseball rather than churning through the discredited seat-of-the-pants mythology that passes for baseball knowledge in your brain.


  9. Hey, maybe you could participate on this site without insulting someone. Ad hominems aren't really worth anything unless you have something concrete, you know, like facts, to bolster your arguments. The three points you mention may have some merit, but without some statistical information to prove your point, you don't really have a point.

    I'm sick and tired of hearing things
    From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics
    All I want is the truth
    Just gimme some truth

    You got some?


  10. As to the current state of the Yankees, I have run out of expletives.

  11. Is that our old friend, Insult the Anonymous Dog? Been a long time.


  12. These games sucked.

    But. Wait a minute:

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

         It's a tough competition on this site, but you are clearly in the lead for King of the
         Tiniest Possible Sample Size.

    Is StatBoy back?

  13. We have a good sample size for Brian Cashman's performance. 10+ plus years as NY Yankees without at least an American League pennant. The evidence is in. He no longer can put together a championship winning major league baseball team.

  14. Slept through the first of today’s games because I wasn’t feeling well. My lunch had come back up earlier. It was green... a portent in the form of puke.

  15. The sweater in for the month. The waterfall. The cascade of perspiration.

  16. Not the month. The ninth.


  17. I will write more about this tomorrow but...

    A lot of us have mixed feeling about George Steinbrenner but let me tell you something, if he were still alive Aaron Boone would be fired and Buck Showalter would be the new Yankee manager.

    Batting Sanchez clean up TWICE!
    Leaving Green in after two home runs.
    Putting a guy who's pitched once in the last month and who is wild to begin with.

    Hal - Channel your Dad. Fire Boone.

    Doug K.

  18. Well, if ever there was a year to implode its this one. Sham of a season anyway

  19. Boone doesn't make the decisions. Cash and his nerds do. Cash needs to go. Bring in new eyes, new blood, take a look at the star of the roster, make tough decisions, go from there. Cash man is the problem. Until then, as a Yankees fan I'm rooting for Jeter, Mattingly and their improbable Marlins.

  20. Pub,

    Yes to an extent but Cash doesn't bat a guy cleanup who can't lay off low and away and kills rally after rally. He doesn't pull starters who are dealing and leave in relievers who clearly have nothing.

    Tampa wins the one run games. We lose them.

    So sure, fire Cashman in the off season but fire Boone now. Showalter will light a fire.

    Doug K.

  21. Brain will not fire Boone, and it's too late for any of that after all. I think the Yanks' best bet this season is that it all gets canceled as part of a protest.

    7 in a row. Anybody know the last time they dropped that many? I can't say, offhand. Well, at least nobody's there to see it...

  22. Hoss,

    "Well, at least nobody's there to see it...

    What are we chopped liver?

    Doug K.

  23. Sorry, Doug K. And you, maybe if there WERE people in the stands, their incessant booing would drive this bunch of palookas to at least play like they cared.

  24. I've seen 7-game losing streaks before by the Yankees. But I have to admit, I've never seen one that was interrupted by so many days off.

    Usually that's a good thing. The injured players heal, the team shrugs off its bad mojo, one pitcher or another gets hot.

    With this disaster of a club? No can do.

    The AL record for consecutive losses in a season is 21, by the 1993 Orioles. The major-league record since 1900 is 23, by the 1961 Phillies, and the all-time, ever, record is 24, by the notorious 1899 Cleveland spiders.

    I think the Yank have a solid shot at all three. But, with any luck player protests will shut the whole thing down. Can't wait.

  25. What are the percentages of dropping both games in a Double-Header? Yanks have dropped 2 of em in three days

  26. Hoss, I think Cash and his nerds do in fact make the decisions you described. My bet is we'll find out before too long that Boone has very in game little discretion. Lineup, pitching changes, etc, he's told what to do. Re pitching, it's probably not a phone call...yank him now!put in Green!...but the nerds almost certainly give Boone a pregame plan: how long the starter will go, who the relievers will be, etc. Boone may have some input but once the plan's decided, no deviation.

  27. Oh, I think you're very right, Anon. That's why Boone was hired: to be the Brain's body on the field.

    It's working so well.

  28. @ Anon (8/28/20 7:02 PM) Thanks for your flowery prose. It might help to weed out the silly personal jabs (King of the tiniest possible SS/seat of the pants myth that passes for knowledge in your brain). Just because you're on the internet doesn't mean you should personally insult people.

    Your assumptions are largely incorrect. If the best hitter is hitting third, that ensures he'll come up in the first inning. That ensures that he'll have the best possible probability of hitting with at least two guys on base at least once during the game. If the best hitter hits fourth, then if you have three guys hitting .300 in front of him, his chances of hitting with at least one guy on base during the first inning is 65.7% (do the calculations using the "not" trick, you'll see).

    "by batting him second you're not substantially reducing his RBI opportunities": I beg to differ on this point. How often does Judge, when he plays, come up with at least two guys on base? How often does Voit, when he hits second? Ever wonder why Judge and Voit hit mostly solo home runs or, at best, two run homers? Are we watching the same games?

    So Washington won the WS in 2019, and they used their best hitters 3 and 4, while Houston used its best hitters 1 and 2. In a 100 years of baseball, managers generally thought it best to hit their best hitters 3 and 4. So the new thing is to hit them 1 and 2. From what I've seen of it with the Yankees and with other teams as well, I'm not impressed. It sure looks like it reduces scoring, by a lot.

    The Hammer of God

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