Saturday, August 29, 2020

Point of Emphasis

There is some appropriate chatter buried in the comments which deserves headlines.

The Yankees are on a non-covid, "normalized" version of a 19 game losing streak ( 2.7 x 7 ).

In any world with which I am familiar, fans would be so boisterous and angry that even the dull and mutant ownership of this franchise would be forced to respond. 

Specifically, the question must be raised: 

 Have Cashman and Boone done a good enough job acquiring, developing and utilizing talent to make this a world class, competitive franchise?  To win number 27 or 28?

Clearly, they have not.

 Soon, we shall begin hearing excuses that a short season, and seven inning double headers, are the reason.  (the Yankees have now lost more double headers in one week than they lost all of last season).

Cashman has skated for years, on the basis of finding scrap heap players like Urshela, Tauchman and Voit.  He gets credit for "no brainers" like Gerrit Cole. and DJ LeMahieu.

 But he is still trotting out underperforming relics like Sanchez, Hicks and more recently Gardy.  Even Gleyber Torres was looking like a failure at shortstop, and it took away his hitting. The team is saddled with Stanton forever, and likely Judge will be the same. And they won't even think of dealing them.

Boone is doing nothing right.  Tanking no chances.  Trying no new approaches. And losing.  Day after day after day.

We have no depth at first, short, third, center, catcher or on the mound.  King is wrong. Schmidt is right.  And yet, who pitches? 

And Cashman has his trigger on sending away more untested young guys for old failures. 

Cashman and Boone need to be replaced.  Monday morning.  First light. 


  1. Everything the Fonze says is correct and makes perfect sense. This is why, of course, it will never happen.

    Cashman's job is to follow the stats and keep Hal happy. This means not taking too many chances except when little money is involved. Office politics probably loom large in his considerations.

    Boone's job is to do whatever Cashman wants and is comfortable with. This means using Sanchez, Hicks, The Sweatbomb, and acquired veterans over young guys who are still developing. Remember, a couple of years ago, when we traded Miller, Chapman and Beltran, the kids who came up carried the team back into contention. But as the bigger contract and most hyped players came back from injuries, they displaced the chemistry and excitement of the kids. And we returned to sucking.

    Frazier is only playing because of the injuries. Otherwise, he has no future here. We continue to choke the roster with pitchers who are mediocre, the idea seeming to be that when nobody is any good, more of them is the answer.

    All obvious, all continuations of failed policies from the past. Failing once again.

  2. Kay just now proving how much of an idiot he can be, touting how great it is that the Yankees haven't had an 8 game losing streak since 1995... which they recovered from and made the playoffs. And every other team has had an 8 game streak since 2007!

    What a tool. Plus, no mention or consideration of how short this season is, which changes the math considerably.

    Thank God DJ is back. A triple. We're back to half a hitting lineup.

  3. Sanchez has never been a good defensive catcher and hasn't been a good hitter since 2017. Even towards the end of that season he started looking like the abomination at the plate he's been since the start of 2018. Why they still treat him like the golden calf is beyond me.

    Hicks will never be anything more than a defensive replacement who gets two hot streaks a year lasting for about 3 weeks total. Yet this jerkoff was handed a 7 year contract after his 30th birthday and right before back surgery, then later elbow surgery. Brilliant.

    Andujar should have been traded long ago. A guy who can hit and can't field can be found anywhere, and now he can't do either and they can't get rid of him. I always thought it was Torres that was the hangup in the Cole trade, finding out it was Andujar all along makes me sick.

    Any idiot could have told you Chance Adams (a right handed pitcher who threw 91 mph and had two pitches) wasn't going to do anything, yet they held onto him for what? I have no idea, and he tanked his stock in about 2 weeks to the point I just realized was no longer in the organization.

    Clint Frazier, has anyone been more mishandled and wasted than this guy? He should have been traded or playing years ago, but this middle of the road shit has done more to tank his stock and confidence than any slump could do.

    The Binders may have may mistake after mistake, but at least Binders was a manager with an idea for what he wanted to do. And part of what he wanted to do was not let Cashman be the manager. Cashman is a directionless GM trying to play manager, and he sucks at both.

  4. And, due to an unjust rule regarding pitching decisions, Chapman gets the fucking win.

  5. Thank goodness for Fellin. By the way he pitched today, is he still on our payroll?

  6. @Leinstery...add Tyler Wade to that list. We've given him enough rope to hang himself can't even get a batting glove in return for him in a trade...

  7. This all starts with Prince Hal. He's obviously got the wrong people running this organization, and there is absolutely no accountability for anything. His father would have had a heart attack if he'd seen this. All of them, Cashman, Boone, the coaching staff, should be fired immediately. But we know Prince Hal won't do anything. Even this winter, after we've finished in last place, with the second to worst record in baseball, I expect all of the clowns will stay put and life will go on as usual in the sleepy post-George Steinbrenner era.

    The Hammer of God

  8. And the perfect metaphor for the yankee offense: The Mets won yesterday with a walk-off homer; the Yankees won today with a walk-off wild pitch, from a former Yankee.

  9. I don't understand this veneration of Steinbrenner from people like Hammer of God. Steinbrenner did fire early and often, but merely circulated cronies and drunkards and fools, reducing the organization to a rubble of dysfunction and lunacy until he was suspended and Stick and Buck had a chance to rebuild without his intereference. The problem with Hal is that he thinks everyone his father ever liked or hired is thereby to be entrenched in perpetuity--because Hal runs the organization by ancestor worship rather than by brains or talent.

  10. Ranger, Wade stinks but he's one of those guys no one outside the organization was talking about so I don't count him. If they still had Jorge Mateo floundering about, then we'd be talking. Thankfully they traded him for a guy who they promptly ruined before allowing to flourish again elsewhere.

  11. Wade does not stink. He's very good overall--great runner, great defender, potentially good hitter--but has never gotten consistent playing time, like many Yankee prospects.

  12. @Anon...Wade has had opportunities to hit...jeez...I'm potentially a good hitter...but I'm watching the Yanks at home with a Grade 1 strain of my eyeballs watching this dumpster fire over the last 2 weeks...

  13. ranger--Wade has only begun to get consistent starts in the past week because of injuries. For three years he hasn't. With a significant sample size in AAA in 2019, he put up very good offensive numbers. He just needs time to develop at the MLB level, which he will never get with the Yankees. People who judge young players on a week's worth of plate appearance scattered widely here and there are acting like Steinbrenner at his worst.

  14. @ ANON You misunderstood what I was implying. No, I don't remember George Steinbrenner with any veneration, though he did bring winning back to the Yankees, in the '70s. He has to get credit for that. But after that he turned into King Jackass, running the Bronx Madhouse Circus until he was suspended, which turned out to be the answer to Yankee fans' prayers. I was merely saying that Prince Hal never cans anyone, which is the total opposite of his father. I was saying that there's got to be a happy medium. Sorry if I sounded like I loved old George. I couldn't stand him.

    The Hammer of God

  15. @ ANON, Ranger Tyler Wade might be a very good player. He is also a left handed hitter, which we need. And he brings a ton of speed on the bases. Both Wade and Thairo Estrada look good and I'd like to see them get playing time before making assessments.

    The Hammer of God

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