Friday, August 21, 2020

So Who Is Up Next?


We were supposed to recover from the Tampa horror by playing the Mets who, ordinarily, are at our level of incompetence. 

Now, Covid has shut that down.  Who went to the strip club and when?

So, instead of " getting right back on the horse " as they say, the Yankees get to stew for days and days over how Tampa has our number.  Gleybar can ice his leg and remember his bad throws  Others can remember striking out with the bases loaded.  Thoughts become nightmares. 

I think it is becoming clear why there is no help coming this year from our minor league system.:

 How is anyone going to get " major league " ready hitting wiffle balls off a tee in a public park down by the river in Scranton?  Seriously, it would be better if our " alternative site were in Japan somewhere. 

I think MLB should be flexible and let the Yanks play the Cardinals  They have about 20 games to catch up and we need the work.

Which reminds me:  in a Covid year is there a required minimum number of games a team must play to qualify for the year end tournament? If a team is 4-1 in mid-September ( best winning % ), do they still get a slot in the playoffs?

Baseball has already passed the date by which I predicted they would have to fold their tents ( 8/15) , so I give them credit. 

But with hot spots still flaring up, I continue to worry.


  1. Some quick fixes:

    Trade for Austin Romine. He has a one year contract with Detroit. The prorated amount will not be onerous and the Tigers are going nowhere. It shouldn't take too much to get him.

    Perhaps Mike Ford can be traded. I know a lot of people like him but if I see him pull into the shift and get thrown out from short right one more time I will scream.

    He is in some ways everything that is wrong with modern baseball. And I LIKE HIM TOO. But he's never going to be what we need there. Maybe AnDUjar should get some AB's at first. He's really an infielder. At least until he gets more OF experience.

    Bring up Schmidt. Why not? Might as well audition him for next year. I can't imagine we re-sign Paxton. Tanaka is probably gone too. Also, bring up Devi. Same thing. They can't be worse than what we are throwing out there right now.

    I get the feeling that Thario will be a pleasant surprise at 2B. On both defense and with the bat. DJ will come back in a month and in time for the stretch run.

    We will weather this.

    For example, the three games against the Mets are postponed. That's three games that will be made up later, perhaps with Judge and DJ and Gleyber back.

    Also, we just have to make the playoffs which, thanks to the NBAazation, is pretty much a slam dunk.

    The key is to be as close to whole as possible. So let's use this period to see if any of the kid pitchers are the real thing and give our players time to heal.

    Doug K.

  2. Good points , Doug K.

    The only one I disagree with is playing Andujar at first.

    In my view, that is a far more difficult position than most people think. And I am surprised about how deftly Voit is starting to play it
    Andujar is not good with a glove, period He would be a disaster at first, trying to pick up balls in the dirt while keeping a foot on the bag.

    Left field is where he should be, if he is ever to become a full-time position player. But he needs to play a full season, everyday. And that won't happen anywhere at the MLB level. For him, the end of the minor leagues in 2020 is a career disaster.

    He has not shown the ability to DH, as he is pressing all the time.

    I am afraid he is a lost soul. He needs a fell season in LF at AAA. and then he can push for full time status in the Bigs.

    But he wold be worse at first than Froggy the giraffe.

  3. I see your point.

    I've long been an advocate of having a "professional first basemen". As a tall left handed guy it is the position I spent the most time playing, and it definitely requires a special skill set.

    My thought was AnDUjar, as a third baseman, would at least have that reaction skill going for him but you're right, he doesn't have the footwork and it would be hard to learn on the job.

    Plus, 1st gets a lot more plays than left.

    I guess he's pretty much toast for the year. Let's hope he has the mental strength to bounce back next year.

    Doug K.

  4. Voit is doing too well at first to replace him. However, since only competent players get put on the IL (mostly), he may well fall.

    So here's a loopy idea. Put Gio at first. He's a better glove man than Miggy and can probably learn the position to at least a competent level pretty quickly. Then put Miggy back at third on a daily basis. Sure, he's nowhere near the fielder that Gio is, but he is used to the position. And maybe it helps him get back to his 2018 form--which, if you recall, was just fine, since his bat more than made up for his fielding.

    Getting Romine back would be great. Sanchez is another guy whose bat supposedly made up for his fielding, but those days are history. Romine at this point is a much better hitter and fielder.

    A lot of us knew that letting Romy go would come back to bite us. And that letting Didi go very well might, too. Two more stellar moves by Cashman, who never seemed to consider that Sanchez could be a lost cause offensively and defensively, or that Gleyber's fielding at short would fuck up his head when he grabbed a bat.

    I'd've been happy with an infield of DJ, Torres, Didi and Gio, or even Miggy, with Romine behind the plate. That sure looks a lot better than what we have now, with apologies to Voit, a good player who'd be the odd man out. But better that than this.

  5. I thought that re-signing Didi was the right choice. Simply because everyone on this team gets hurt. Where would he play? They'd have to do the rotating infield again, just like when he was here. Or just wait 'til a couple of guys get hurt, which time has now come. Anyway, it would have been a very good insurance policy, and he is a left handed hitter, and he wouldn't have cost that much, relatively speaking. But you know, Cashman (and whoever else runs the show here) has always been penny wise and pound foolish. And that foolish lack of foresight has caught up with us once again.

    The Hammer of God

  6. @JM Voit is only an inside fastball by Tampa pitching away from a bruised elbow that will put him out of action for a week. I had previously thought that we should trade Voit and give the 1B job to Mike Ford, but after seeing how Voit thrashes Boston Red Sox pitching, I've changed my mind. We should keep Voit, I think he's part of the solution. We should try to trade Gardner, Hicks, Stanton. Who I am kidding? Those three are never leaving.

    The Hammer of God


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