Sunday, August 30, 2020

The losing streak ends with a gift from Dellin and the absence of Gary

 The quirkiest debate in 
yesterday's gifted victory from the Mets came moments before the bearded Dellin Betances - (in our hearts, still a clean-shaven Yankee!) - practically fired a fastball into the Hudson River, letting Clint Frazier score the winning run. 

As Yankee backup catcher Eric Kratz solemnly marched to the plate, the vaunted YES team of Michael Kay, David Cone and Paul O'Neill pondered whether the Yankees should pinch hit for him... and bring in Gary Sanchez. 

Kay seemed particularly adamant that Sanchez - the official starting catcher of the New York Yankees - should get a shot. After all, the 2020 season seemed to be balancing on a pebble, and Sanchez was the undisputed better hitter, right? Why not use the better hitter? Neither Cone nor O'Neill disagreed, though both seemed strangely muted.

I believe they were hearing fans across the vast Yankiverse collectively shrieking at their TVs: NO, NO, NO, NOOOOO SANCHEZ!

You can't predict baseball, Suzyn, but here's one, anyway: Had the Yankees pinch-hit Sanchez, he would have fanned for the 38th time this season, leaving Frazier to likely die on third. Maybe we would have won later. Maybe not. But Sanchez ranks 14th in the AL for strikeouts, despite coming to the plate far fewer times than any of the leaders. The Yankees needed a ball put into play, and Sanchez was the least likely hitter on this team to do so. 

Thus, the most important at bat of the season thus far was relegated to the 40-year-old Kratz, who was signed off the scrap heap last month.

Across the Yankiverse, and maybe in the dark pits of the Yankee brain trust, I believe a decision has been quietly made on our future catcher. And it's not Gary Sanchez.

For three years now, the Yankees have sought to solve Sanchez's fielding issues. It hasn't worked. He remains a stone-handed obelisk. At times, they discussed moving him to 1B, keeping his bat in the order. Now, with his a strike zone that spans two area codes, that's no longer an option.

This winter, J.T. Realmuto, baseball's best catcher, will become a free agent. The Phillies - currently treading water at .500 - are not expected to re-sign him. (There is even a rumor that they'll trade him tomorrow, though it's probably crapola.) For the last several years, the Yankees have selected catchers with their first round draft picks. They remain in the lower minors, and this will have been a lost year for their development. 

This weekend, Cooperstown Cashman spake the obvious: Sanchez remains "our best option on both sides of the ball, and we look forward to him finding his groove sooner than later, because we need it."

The words of a terrified man.

Before I kick Sanchez harder, a few thoughts: He seems a fine teammate. I've seen him on the mound with his arm around a rattled pitcher, and the world stands still. And he was never going to meet the expectations raised by his incredible rookie season. He's played with injuries, which at times made him look like he wasn't hustling. I get it. And like Cashman, I want him to turn it around. 

But I remember years ago, when the Yankees obtained John Mayberry, the former slugger, in the gruesome twilight of his career. He couldn't hit, and as the season went down the drain, I began rooting for him to strikeout, so the team could move on. If Mayberry homered, it re-set the clock on his demise, and he'd get another 100 at-bats. It was like having a good day in hospice: You'd celebrate, but why kid yourself?  

I'm starting to get that feeling about Sanchez. And we won yesterday by keeping him on the bench.


  1. I should also point out that, at the moment of decision ( Kratz vs. Sanchez ), there were two other factors in play:

    1. Kratz was 0-3 , with three strikeouts, on the day. So even a guy headed for the "golden sombrero" was considered the better option.

    2. Given that the Yankees were on a streak of leaving runners in scoring position stranded, this game was likely headed for the Covid overtime format. To have Sanchez catching in that circumstance, where the pitcher dare not throw a breaking ball, is a formula for " we give up."

  2. Gary stood on the dugout steps, bat in hand, glancing with contempt at Aaron Boone for not calling on him.

    As mentioned in the post above, perhaps we are seeing a sea change. Maybe the Yankees are finally dealing with what is and not what "they want it to be" So a few thoughts...

    1) Good. I really hope they get Romine back at the deadline for Kratz and "considerations". I would also like to see the Yankees hire Kratz when he's ready and make him a coach. I really like this guy.

    2) The reason I want Romine is, he can play in more games. If they start giving Kratz more games sooner or later his 40+ year old body will break down.

    3) It would be great if the sea that is changing were a little more of an ocean, because they really need to take a hard look at what they've got. I know Hoss did a fine analysis in an earlier post but here are my two cents anyway...

    a) Hicks to is just not going to happen.

    He's not Bernie Williams. He's not even Gerald Williams. He's an OK player most of the time. That's it. Don't know if Florial will grow sufficiently to take the spot but this off season is time to look at alternatives.

    b) Give Gleyber 2B.

    I know it's not easy to go from one position to another if you're not one of those "super utility guys" so let's put him where we know he can get the job done.

    c) There's no Ford in our future.

    As much as I like him as a person. (Based BTW on no actual facts - just a sense of the guy from watching him on TV and what I've read) He is a one dimensional hitter and to paraphrase the Who

    "they've got him sussed.
    The shift is the new normal. He is a bust."

    I wish him well.

    d) Up Stays Frazier

    I don't care who the Yankees are trying to get, if they get rid of this guy they are bigger idiots then we like to say they are and that would make them... uh, really big.

    Sorry, I was going for something that was really big and all I could think of was the Ed Sullivan Show which both seemed inappropriate and too much of a stretch.

    They need to stop screwing with this him. Don't care if Stanton and Judge both return and some how are injected with radioactive stem cell plasma making them invulnerable. This guy stays.

    e) So Who leaves?

    Gardner. Give him a watch. Thank him for his service. Got nothing bad to say. He's a true Yankee. He's done.

    That's all for now.

    Oh wait, last one

    f) I read that Sheffield is starting to put it together for the Mariners. I guess I still make the trade but that's what happens when you trade the future for winning "now". Will we do it again in the next 24 HRS? Abreu? Schmidt? Devi? SMH.

    Doug K.

  3. So true, so true. Kratz is actually better at 40-something. Now, I had to read a link that said they expect to pick up Boone's contract. OH Lord. Can we get someone like Gardenhier of Maddon who actually can strategize without pushing "enter" into a computer. Oh, and don't get me started on .200 and less hitters with great launch angle analytics .

  4. Sanchez has gone 6 for 38 for a .158 BA, and that actually brought his average UP to .130. Elvis has left the building.

  5. I agree with most of what you say, Doug—though I would give Ford at least a little more time—but don't count on it happening. Brain never likes to admit a mistake. If he had taken over the Yankees a little earlier, we would probably still have Ryan Bradley on the team.

    Also, there is a bigger problem: how come nobody gets better?

    How come so many seemingly can't miss superstars-to-be come up and are soon overwhelmed by injuries or simply decline? In a hurry?

  6. Hoss,

    I can't speak to the injuries. BTW just read Stanton won't be back for a long while. Probably just in time to take a bench spot when the playoffs start but not in time to actually play.

    As to the decline of the players... it's gotta be the analytics right? The philosophy of launch angle and true outcome vs. fundamentals.

    It's not so much that they get worse as it is that the Yankees play a brand of baseball that emphasizes swing for the fences above hits hits move them along. It's why a guy on third might as well be on first in terms of driving him in.

    It's infuriating. It's why Gary has survived so long. I think I saw a graphic that has him in the top 5 all time for ops for a catcher. They don't mention that most of that damage was done in his first year. He could always hit it out!

    I know you know this but, this is why yesterday's leaving him on the bench when all that was needed was someone who could put the bat on the ball was so worthy of note. It was an actual decision made by circumstance on the field and not some favorable trend. Hallelujah!

    Doug K.

  7. With apologies to all caps:



  8. This team is a shitty mess. Boone may have gotten the best out of them last year but this year he has zero ideas. He's not pitching or batting himself, of course, and there are no highly stupid decisions on his part, LORD, seems like every single move he makes is costly

  9. Every friggen game, one gets through the legs of Sanchez. Absolutely fucked up...

  10. they are saving Clint for the second game...Frazier has more energy in his left pinky than Sanchez in his whole doubt he can play both ends of a seven inning doubleheader. Don't get it...maybe he had bad numbers against Porcello on a Sunday when it's a day game in August with temperatures between 70 and 78 degrees...SMFH...

    1. Not only that, but AnDUjar hasn’t made an appearance in either game. How the hell is either player going to get any better when they can’t get consistent at-bats? It’s not like they have better alternatives.

    2. Not only that, but AnDUjar hasn’t made an appearance in either game. How the hell is either player going to get any better when they can’t get consistent at-bats? It’s not like they have better alternatives.

  11. Oh and with the fake crowd track I've noticed there's no boos...or a laugh track...

    1. They need to build a Wailing Wall after this season

  12. This team collapses faster than a boner in ice water.

  13. Who the hell are these guys they have pitching today? Are they quitting the season? Cashman isn't even trying to put a competent team on the field.

  14. Can Edwin Diaz suck anymore than this?

  15. They came back. 5 in the seventh. 1 in the right.

  16. Now, that's the team I expect to see.

  17. We saw a classic Dellin Betances inning. And yeah, leaving Sanchez on the bench won the game. I don't know why he would be annoyed that he wasn't called upon. He should look at his batting average sometime. He is hitting worse than most pitchers.

    The Hammer of God

  18. The only time Sanchez swung at first pitch (in the eighth), it wasn't a meatball. Weak popout ensued. That guy can't do anything right. I'm starting to feel sorry for him

  19. I might start praying for him. I hear that helps.

  20. Richie,

    They sent him down yesterday.

    Doug K.

  21. Which is also pointless.

    Has Tauchman even homered this year? What has Gardy done? But Andujar goes down. Nuts.


  22. Jiminy Cricket!

    Who is running this show?

  23. Well shit, the fat toad just bought himself more time with that grand slam.

  24. I’m sorry. That nickname was issued many many years ago.

  25. I’ll use an old golf adage when someone makes a “ no brainer”
    “ If you give a monkey a typewriter, sooner or later he’ll spell a word “
    Let’s see how many, whiffs, pop-ups , and DPs he hits into the rest of the season.
    As a Yankee fan of course I want him to do well...tired of the failure rate.

  26. You can't predict Gary. First extra inning pinch hit grand slam in Yankees history.

  27. Gary could have given virgin birth and walked on water and still be, on average, useless.

  28. Good for him. I hope he bats .400 for the rest of the year. Because whether he does or he doesn't, we're stuck with him.

  29. Hoss,

    Me too. I don't root against any Yankee.

    Did anyone notice Hicks started hitting and then got hurt. Who would have guessed? I heard the Yankees were talking to Arizona about Starling Marte. He was my first choice a year ago. I really hope they get him. (with a low prospect cost.)

    Doug K.

  30. Did anyone notice that Hicks started hitting after they called up Florial? Now that he's hurt again, they should play Florial. But I know they won't. Gardner will play every inning of every game.

    Now that Gary Sanchez has saved the Yankees' bacon with a pinch hit grand slam, I expect he'll swing even harder at every pitch for the next two weeks. I cringe every time he launches one of his moonshots. Because he'll be swinging the bat like Paul Bunyon with an ax, trying to chop down a giant redwood tree with a single stroke. Did everyone see that swing? 97 mph fastball above the strike zone but over the middle of the plate. I'd like to know the exit velo on that thing. What makes me mad is that with talent like that, he should be our best hitter, not our worst.

    The Hammer of God

  31. So Deivi Garcia looks for real, doesn't he? Yeah, it was against the lowly Mets. But the Mets have some pretty decent hitters. Especially with Youranus gone. Look what they did to our bullpen. So Cole & Garcia. Could be the makings of a starting staff.

    The Hammer of God


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