Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Mortimer Opening


The Yankees have shown what they can do when all their pieces are on the board.

We have also recently experienced some clear mis-moves leading to a sweeping failure. 

And it should by now be obvious that we can never keep all these pieces on the board. 

Time to trap the AL East in a different way.  An unsuspecting way.

Time to make dramatic moves using unknown and, more importantly, unexpected players.

Some might say:  "out with the old, in with the new."  I say; lay the damn trap.

This is the time of year ( Aug 31 trade deadline ) when we have to fear Cashman.  He always exposes our Queen either short-term or long term.   This year he needs to "shock and awe" by trading unforeseen players for unforeseen players.  Lure the opposition into lethargy.

Get rid of Chapman; Hicks; Sanchez ;Paxton: Stanton; Happ and a few other of the "done and dusted. "  Take youth and speed. 

Attack with a new army.  Entice the enemy into blurry overconfidence, then surround and pierce the King. 

This is the moment for radical change. 

If not, it is going to be a frustrating and awful year.  Again.

1 comment:

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