Thursday, August 27, 2020

Welcome to The Abyss: The darkest days in the darkest year... and, damn, it's a Stygian place

Well, nobody was ever going to peg 2020 for a delightful, Jimmy Fallon/Drew Barrymore romp. There's the pandemic, the death toll, the shutdown, the riots, the bread lines, the wild fires and now the hurricanes... Calgon Bath Oil Beads, take me away! As years go, 2020 is a turd. Yesterday, the Yankees joined the shit show and, frankly, they made losing look easy. 

Over 14 innings - the modern twin bill - I never once could shed the stark certainty that Atlanta would win. Scores didn't matter. You could feel it. The Yankees were destined to lose both games, and the only real question was whether we'd suffer a no-hitter. 

Truth be told, I didn't think Mean Chad Green would blow game two. (You can't predict baseball, Ivanka.) I figured that honor of Goat would go to Aroldis Chapman, who hasn't pitched since the political oil cans started bellowing at us. Anyone who has followed El Chapo's ongoing Yankeeography knows that he will return in a storm surge of sweat, walks and wild pitches. In this deluge, he is capable of blowing any lead. Our next brutal, out-of-body loss - surely against the Mets this weekend - will feature a hideous mental snapshot of The Water Cannon bursting with bodily fluids, as the winning run crosses the plate. Mark these words: The worst is yet to come.

Today, the Yankees possess the sixth best record in the AL. If the playoffs began this weekend, they would face the White Sox in a best of three series in Chicago. That would mean Lucas Giolito in game one. 

Fortunately, the Yankees are fading at such a rate that they will face the top-seeded As or miss the post-season altogether. See, everybody? I'm not all gloom and doom!

It's becoming almost impossible to imagine the 2020 Yankees winning anything substantial. The death of this team is its inability to score without the home run. We have a collection of free swingers that would make Becki Falwell flinch. They never modify their approach. They never go to the opposite field. They cannot bunt, probably because they never practice it. They do not move base runners. They cannot react to an over-shift - again, because they surely never practice it. And in the case of their star player, Aaron Judge, they represent a collection of athletes so tightly wound that they cannot stay on the field.

No horror show account of 2020 can be complete without mentioning Judge. The crowning achievement of yesterday's debacle - the worst Yankee day of 2020, thus far - was Judge's five-inning appearance, before tweaking a gonad while running to second base. The Yankees say he might go back on the IL. Why, why, why would we expect anything less?

Maybe I'm over-reacting. But right now, it wouldn't bother me if the Yankees, at this weekend's trade deadline, pulled a Mookie Betts. Some team with an actual shot might cough up a prospect or two for Judge, or - even better - take Giancarlo Stanton and his Ruthian contract off our hands. A week ago, such talk would be blaspheme. Now, why not? Does anyone feel that this team, this organization, is moving in the right direction? If we're going to flounder, let's do it with Cliff Frazier, Miguel Andujar, Clarke Schmidt and Deivi Garcia. Let's see what happens. If we fail, at least 2020 will end in September, rather than October. 

Sooner the better. Calgon, where are you?


  1. Well it seems...I have landed on the EL. My eyes have been sore for the last few weeks. So I had a doctor look at...came to the conclusion that I have a Grade 1 strain of my eyeballs. Asked me if I've been watching too much television? Told him no, but I did share with him that I watch the Yankees when they are on. He suggested maybe watching something else. He also suggested that a winning streak might alleviate the symptoms.

    Sure enough, I'm watching Cole get hammered and I change the channel...sure enough, my eyes felt less pain while I watched the IceLanders lose to the Flyers. Turned the channel back to YES...pain returned. Think the doc is on to something...

  2. In the words of Doug K., "Theeeeee Yankees stink!."

    Trade everybody. Get out of the perpetual injury hell. Give kid pitchers a chance.

    Or maybe we could just boycott all the remaining games in solidarity with the NBA and other pro leagues. That might work. And we could trade everybody who isn't hurt yet before they have the chance to get hurt. And the pitchers. And the porcelain players.

    This is pathetic.

  3. Good to hear it, ranger. Watch out for those eyes, no pun intended.

    JM, I love your idea. Make it a cause. Make it many causes. "The Yankees won't play again until world hunger is ended." That should last us until Brain Cashman finally retires.

  4. With Judge...ah, hell, this is one of those times you hope to be right.

    You voice your worst fears, hoping to make yourself a sacrifice to the juju deities. But in my heart of hearts, I knew what I was saying was true.

    The Big Guy was too big, too dedicated a ballplayer, and too bamboozled by the Idiot's Creed of the game today to ever regain that half-season of greatness we saw in 2017 for very long.

    'Get back in the weight room, swing for the fences on every pitch, and then, yes, pump some more iron! Repeat no matter how many times it doesn't work, until your body is a wreck of its former self.'


  5. A few things...

    1) I'm afraid I've got Judge dread.

    He's not gonna come back is he? I'm starting to feel like none of them are.

    2) So, Tanaka told Boone he had emptied his tank. OK, glad he was honest and no one can doubt his heart but 50-70 pitch outings is apparently his new normal. Uh, that's not good.

    3) So, Micheal Kay says that not only had Clint Frazier faced Anderson in the minors but homered off him. So, naturally Boone has Clint play in the second game.

    4) Last - Lest I be accused of being a nattering nabob of negativism, there was one bright spot yesterday. AnDUjar is starting to hit.

    This means, of course that he will not be in the lineup the next time they play. Damn it there I go nattering again.

    Doug K.

  6. What'd I tell you guys? All right handed hitting teams don't win. The Murderer's Row Yankees and many of those great hitting Yankee teams were before my time. Does anyone know if they were all right handed hitting lineups? I certainly cannot recall any right handed lineup winning the World Series lately, from 1980 on. Perhaps I am overlooking some team that squeaked out a championship on the strength of big time pitching.

    Not only do we have the stupid money ball philosophy of hitting here, we have a lop sided lineup. We get eaten up by hard throwing right handers with good hooks. For that matter, we also get eaten up by hard throwing left handers with good hooks.

    First things first. If we don't win this year, which is starting to look like a dead certainty, I want the entire front office taken out and shot. Then we can start trading anyone who is nearing free agency. We should trade anyone who gets hurt a lot. We should trade anyone who sucks. We should trade anyone who makes a ton of money.

    Yes, I agree that I'd much rather watch guys like Frazier and Andujar, even Loiasiga and Cessa, than guys who make tons of money who get hurt or just plain suck. If we're not going to win, at least lose with some exciting young players.

    The Hammer of God

  7. JohnnyBlanchard'sGhostAugust 27, 2020 at 11:17 AM

    Sadly, Judge has morphed from "Face of the Franchise" to the repeat winner of the Nick Johnson Award.

    On top of that, Cashman, after finally getting out from under the franchise-crushing A-Rod contract, signs on for an even worse deal, with an even less productive, less reliable player, Giancarlo Stanton.

    Maybe, between such poor judgement and the organization's unhealthy tilt toward all or nothing wannabe sluggers, it's time to move on from Cashman.

  8. Remember when a guy like Nick Johnson was an outlier? A freak? Snake bit?

    We have half a team like that now. If you watched "Orphan Black," you might start to think they all came from the same lab where chidren were created to have great baseball potential, but some had genetic faults that couldn't be overcome.

    Does Judge's mom or dad have a long history of muscle strains? Rib injuries? Tightness in the groin or calf? Could it be that his family history is worse the Mickey Mantle's?

    I couldn't watch very much of either game yesterday. Too depressing. Instead, we watched more episodes of "Silent Witness." Only about 20 more seasons to go on that binge. But I wonder if Kay and Co. mentioned the word "potential" at all. With Sanchez, that phrase can be replaced by "the best hitter on the team." Or as we like to call him and his brethren, AAAA all-stars.

    "You know, David, you just look at this lineup and on paper, you think, how can these guys not be scoring 10 runs a game? But look at the averages and the RISP. It's pretty dismal. I was talking to Jody about it the other day and even she's upset. And she's much more an NBA fan."

  9. I have a worse condition. I tape the Yankee games on YES because i cannot abide the commercials. Then, some sports site I subscribe to "pings " and posts the Yankee game score.

    Once they are behind, they are behind fo ever.

    So I don't get t0 watch more than the top of the first on away games

    I agee with the solidarity comment above. Just tank the season now.

    I predict that two of the Yankees three double headers schedule after todays day off will be rained out. So he Yankees will face 6 double headers in four days, the following week.

    They still wont give Schmidt a chance. Or Kyle Holden. I dot want to watch anymore of these old broken guys. I'd rather lose with interest than boredom.

  10. I meant to write, "HATE" to be right. Sorry. Something Freudian or just my rotting keyboard.

  11. Johnny Blanchard, were that it were ONLY one big, awful contract Brain Cashman fell for after finally shucking off A-Rod.

    It's not Stanton. Try CC's renewal, Hicks, Sevvy, and of course the all-time winner, Jacoby Ellsbury's.

    At least A-Rod brought us a ring in his new contract. None of these other ever have or ever will.

    Mark Twain said that a cat that jumped on a hot stove won't do it again, but it won't jump on a cold stove, either.

    A Cashman that's jumped on a hot stove will jump on it over and over again, until its paws are thoroughly burned, its fur is completely singed, and its whiskers have fallen off. And that it will meow that the stove's not really hot.

  12. You make a good point, Hammer.

    The 1920s-30s Yankees? They only had those two eminent left-handers, Ruth and Gehrig, batting third and fourth in the lineup.

    (Today's baseball geniuses would, of course, bat them first and third, due to their high on-base percentages.)

    In the 1930s-40s, Gehrig, Dickey, Red Rolfe, Tommy Henrich, Charlie Keller, Nick Etten, Aaron Robinson, and Twinkletoes Selkirk all hit lefty.

    In the 1940s-50s, Berra, Dr. Bobby Brown, Gene Woodling, Johnny Mize, Irv Noren, and Joe Collins all swung from the left side, and of course The Mick was a switch-hitter.

    In the 1950s-60s, you had Mantle, Maris, Norm Siebern, Tony Kubek, John Blanchard, and Joe Pepitone from the left, and Tom Tresh as another switchie.

    In the 1970s-80s, you had Reggie, Chambliss, Nettles, Rivers, and Murcer hitting lefty, and Roy White from both sides.

    In the 1990s-2000s, it was Boggs, Paulie, Tino, Darryl, Ledee, Giambi, Ventura, Matsui, Nick Johnson, Cano, Abreu, Damon, Gardy, and Dave Justice from the left, and Bernie, Jorge, Raines, Chili Davis, Melky, Teixeira, Swisher, and Ruben Sierra all switch-hitting.

    But hey, what do the guys who built all those teams know? I think Brain even said something to the effect that it doesn't really matter anymore in the modern game if you hit right or left.

  13. I think that you are being terribly unfair to the Yankees. They should be commended for being the first MLB team to quit playing in support of the grave miscarriage of justice in the shooting of _______ [ file in the blank]. They have stated that they will not play again until the Baltimore Orioles have an opportunity for a fair chance to participate in the MLB dream

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