Sunday, August 16, 2020


A musician friend reports...

"Just heard the end of the game in the car on the way home from a very rare gig tonight. Last out, game over and NO WIN WARBLE! WTF?! How long has this been going on???"

Did anybody else hear this? What is happening? 



  1. This is true. I heard it myself, and felt his lament. John was down on the whole Yankees Red Sox thing just not being the same without the fans. He also wasn’t happy about DJ’s thumb. The Red Sox looked so bad it really was like running over a puppy with a humvee.... just not thuuuuuh most victorious victory.

    Or John is dying.

  2. And just to clarify... this was the first time I’ve ever heard a warble-less victory in a decade or more. I’ve listened to every game this year too, and minus the Ricardo interlude, this is the first time. Was it an epochal moment? Time will tell.

  3. If you need to hear this for yourself, the Devers at bat starts at 03:06:30 in the archived game in your indispensable At Bat app. The time of the apocalypse was 03:09:41

  4. I heard a warble this week that was about one second long.

    Maybe we're the problem, expecting him to get it up at this age.

  5. I'd rather have a Master with no warble than a warble with no Master.

  6. I suffered through the Fox coverage the whole game. Smolz is so anti-Yankees it's just an embarrassment to the profession. Even when not criticizing them directly, he slides in little remarks that denigrate them somehow and makes subtle and not-so-subtle excuses for whoever they're beating. And I had enough of Ken Rosenthal from the moment he tried to corner Pete Rose at an All-Star game years ago and badgered him with gambling questions during what was supposed to be a step toward rehabilitating Rose's image. The little creep.

    All in all, it's hard to hate the Red Sox this year because they just suck so badly. But if you watch Fox, that hatred can find a huge outlet with those two smarmy bozos.

  7. I have no sympathy for Rose, the constant liar. But then, I also don't mind seeing Humvees run over puppies. As long as they're puppies with red socks.

  8. JM,

    Rosenthal is a twerp, but it was Jim Gray at the all-star game. Easy to confuse the two since they are both a-holes.

    I met Pete Rose. I always hated him, but he was very pleasant. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, though.

    Smolz misspells his name. It should be spelled Schmuck.

    And ALWAYS hate the carmines. It's the right thing to do. I hope they go 0-162 next year. And I'll pay for the gas for the Humvee even.

  9. Hey guys, I watched the FOX broadcast too, except for a few minutes when I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich. I agree about Ken Rosenthal; I can't stand that guy. But I'm not really hearing any anti-Yankee bias from John Smolz. He was pretty complimentary about the Yankees. He said he loves Gary Sanchez and thinks he's a great talent. He said the Yankees might be in trouble come the postseason, if they strike out too much and only try to hit home runs. These are things we all know are true. Did I miss out on some snide anti-Yankee remark during this game? I don't recall Smolz being anti-Yankee in previous games either. In fact, I've always considered him pretty fair. It's Joe Buck that I've always found annoying.

    And yes, the FOX faux zombie crowd, the fake noise, the sudden commercial interruptions during an inning, it's all extremely annoying. The NHL hockey games on NBC, on the other hand, don't have any fake virtual noise or crowds, and I find the games exciting, thrilling, and professionally produced. Who ever thought the NHL would be more professional than major league baseball?

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