Tuesday, September 8, 2020

1000 Yard Stare

I remember when Rich Kotite coached the Jets to a 1-15 season.

The team might appear competitive for a while, and then something would go wrong.

And that would be compounded by a player error.

A key play would be inches short. A pass for a first down, dropped.

And then the wheels would come off.

The camera men got used to covering Richey's face at each of these junctures, and it was obvious that he had entered a " trance-like state," by the time the outcome became inevitable.

It was the "1000 yard stare," a descriptive phrase coined during the Vietnam war. Where nothing good was down the road.  Only more of the same.  Horror and loss.  Horror and loss. Yet on they must slog. 

The Yankees are getting that "look."  

When Voit bungled that ground ball, he got the look. 

Torres  has the look when a ground ball approaches. 

 Sanchez is buried by it.

Chad Green walked off the mound with it.

Ottavio's eyers bulged with it as he gave up runs

They are beginning to realize they aren't going to win this war. 

And they might not make it back in one piece. 

The 1000 yard stare.



  1. the thousand yard stare, every Marine who's been in the shit has it. (Full Metal Jacket)

    Yeah, good observation, I agree.

    The trouble with relying 100% on metrics, which is just a fancy new age baseball term for processing stats, is that you're blinded by past performance into thinking that you'll get a similar performance now. There's virtually no forethought. I suppose the metrics morons will say they take into account people's age, such that after this age or that age, they think they can predict when pitchers start losing effectiveness. They fail to live in the moment and assess what's going on now, and they fail to predict what will go on over the next year or two. Too much reliance on metrics and not enough reliance on scouting/evaluating your own players.

    Everyone with eyes can see that this bullpen sucks and has sucked for a long time, except the metrics morons. There should have been some changes being made every winter with this team over the past 3-4 years. There were trades that should have been made. People who should have been bought out or released. Basically, nothing has happened with this club for a very long time, other than bringing in a so-called superstar every now and then, believing that merely adding a big time player would put us over the top and bring a championship. That, and scrap heap acquisitions from dumpster diving. And throwing big contracts at people who they like but who haven't even proved themselves (Hicks, Severino).

    The foolish decison making has now caught up with us big time. Not enough thought going into building a real team. Just throwing a bunch of guys together and thinking that their combined WAR values will result in a championship. A huge payroll, and what do they have to show for it? That's very poor GM work.

    The Hammer of God

  2. But Hammer, don't you understand, it about launch angles and proper rest for the pitchers with their pitch counts. SHEEIITT.
    Even a dandy like Jim Palmer would tell Boone to fluck off. Can you imagine him trying to talk to Bob Gibson or Fergy Jenkins about spin ratios? God help me, they should all be forced to play a doubleheader in wool, with no masks.
    Release the hounds,
    The Archangel

  3. The last two years have shown that resting players on a schedule, not pitching relievers three days in a row, etc. do not help with injuries or "freshness" going into October.

    Or maybe it's too small a sample. I don't know. I'm not a computer, you know

  4. With our luck, when Steinbrenner decides to cash out the Yankees, he will sell the team to the worst team owner in modern day sports: The oft drunken and always foolish James Dolan.

  5. Platoni, I think that goes, "Dammit Alphonso, I'm a baseball blowhard, not a computer!"

  6. Carl Weitz, old George nearly DID sell the team to the Dolans, back in 1998. At the last minute, he tried to do a Wilpon and secure a place for himself still running the baseball operations—yes, the worst of all world!—but Papa Dolan wouldn't go for it.

    See, it CAN always be worse!

  7. They looked like they were scared to death out there, Green (around the gills) and Mr. Zero. That's what kills me.

  8. Wow, Horace, I don't remember that historical tidbit...thanks!
    Or as Paul Harvey would say " And now you know.......the rest of the story".

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  10. @The Archangel You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk? You were born to kill, Joker!

    The Hammer of God


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