Saturday, September 26, 2020

Fun Facts About the Twin Towers!

By HoraceClarke66


Did you know that…

Like many people, I thought that Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton might not only match but even surpass their career-year, 2017, combined total of 111 home runs in a season.


And they (almost) have!  Why, between them they now have—count ’em!—108 home runs.  In three seasons.


Hey, I know, that’s unfair.  They’ve been injured.  A lot. 


Still…they have played 439 games between them.  As opposed to the combined, 314 they played in 2017, the last time both of them could stay on the field. 


In other words, they’ve gone from 1 HR every 2.83 games to 1 every 4.06.  


But don’t worry.  Some day they might even bat back-to-back!


  1. To paraphrase Churchill, never in human history have so few with so much done so little. They shall rehab on the training tables, in the whirlpools, and off the batting tees. They shall engage in baseball activities. They shall never play baseball.

  2. Winston would be proud to be so ingeniously paraphrased.

    I only hope the Yankees have invested in twin whirlpools for our oversized disappointments.

  3. Dave Winfield and Frank Howard were huge guys and they didn't have these kinds of problems, did they? Why are Judge and Stanton so fragile? Perhaps it's weight training, perhaps it's steroids, perhaps legal supplements, or perhaps they just don't have the durability genes. I remember the pitch that broke Judge's wrist. Didn't seem to be that bad, was maybe 88 mph, but it resulted in a fracture. And then diving for a fly ball broke a rib. Someone told me that these are signs of steroid use. I hope not, but these injuries do make me suspicious. Combine that with the stories of steroid use in the Olympics, where it's said that almost every athlete these days is using PEDs, and you have to wonder.

    The Hammer of God

  4. I would hate to accuse anybody without proof—proof in this case being an oft-repeated rumor by sportswriters. But seriously, it may well be that neither man is juicing.

    Broken bones are flukey things, and like many guy who are that big, it is not a huge surprise that Judge can get injured by just falling down.

    But I don't think there's any doubt that both these guys—and so many others—are overtrained. There's just no need for such constant, demanding workouts all through the demanding long season.

    The question is why it takes two years of constant, debilitating injuries to almost every leading player for the Yankees to look into this—or, really, NOT to look into it at all.

  5. Oh, and by the way, the Mets were finally eliminated. Even in a season when more than half the teams make the playoffs. And when they're leading the league in batting. Not easy to do!

  6. I’m a relative newbie here and don’t know how to create a new topic, but here goes...
    1. The “ new “ baseball, which relies so heavily on stats and “metrics” is boring as hell. Homer or walk...nobody advances a runner or sacrifices....small ball is a dead issue. Driving people away...a death spiral.
    2. The new breed of “athletes “ is so fragile it’s laughable..... don’t have the stats to support this, but when I was a young fan, the Yankees fielded the same 9 guys almost everyday ( Richardson, Kubec, Boyer, Mantle, Maris ) get the picture.
    3. Why the *uck can’t anybody see how easily it is to bunt or “butcher boy” a shot to to break up these shifts...drives me nuts. Giambi,Texeria, Hicks, etc, could raise their averages by 30 points and break up this over shift BS by simply taking advantage of the opening they are given.
    Anybody with the skill to be a major league hitter should be able to direct a ball to a wide open infield.
    4 Long Term contracts are a death knell....players being paid megabucks whether they perform or not. How about bringing back performance induced contracts....sorry I forgot, that’s discriminatory or somehow anti American thing you know ...Participation Trophies for all..f’n BS
    5. Off topic but....the worst thing to happen to live baseball on TV was adding “ color” commentators ....they can’t shut up and have to one-up each other with non stop talking and statistical BS
    6. Thanks,... rant over.

  7. It's pretty obvious that most professional athletes are still juicing in various ways. In MLB, the emphasis has shifted to human-growth hormone, which is notoriously difficult to detect for various reasons that you can look up. The musculature of most of these guys still look freakishly swollen compared to nonathletes.

  8. Frank Howard and Boog Powell. Two enormous men in their age of baseball, yet incredibly durable with almost no help from DH. Frank Howard may has just pled into the DH era.

  9. Since 56 is new here, I’d just like him to know you can say fuck all you want. No need to censor. Like when the batting order is announced and Hicks isn’t 9th... Fuck. Or when Sanchez is playing at all... fuuuuuck. Or when our closer comes in with a mere one run read... oh fuck fuck fuck.

    Go ahead, let it out, prepare yourself for the two game post season.

  10. @Sampson...back in the day there were no weight rooms or steroids or HGH. Not nuch injury either. Those days don't exist any longer. AI is deciding everything...including what you click on FB, what you watch and what news is tailored for you to see. Which also means who bats when, how to bat and how the other team defends. Yes it's boring as hell...and yes I miss those days as well...

    @Beauregard...I think you channeled Lewis Black there...just watch the fucking language lol...


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