Sunday, September 20, 2020

Make no mistake: Without Clint Frazier, the Yankees would be in trouble

Behold, the Yankee beautistics:

I direct your attention to RBIs, the $$$ number, where Cool Hand Luke Voit stands atop the pile by a George Bayer tee-shot. Luke has had a magnificent year, a breakout, and he deserves the next standing O that ever happens in Yankee Stadium, assuming we all live to see one. And after Luke, you expect the usual marquee names: Judge, Stanton, LeMahieu, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle, Ruth, Bader, Ginsberg...

But, lo, next in RBIs is Mr. Clint Frazier, who has spent 2020 either hidden behind a mask or in the Scranton/Gitmo refugee/re-education camp. The other day, the Yankee brain trust batted Frazier ninth - ninth - seemingly unaware that he has saved the team's collective ass this year. Clint ranks second in team batting average, third in walks, third in SB, fourth on both runs and hits - and 10th in games played. 

Without "Red Thunder" - a cruel nickname that threatened ridiculous expectations - it's hard to imaging the Death Star rolling comfortably into the playoffs. They'd be fighting the Houston Cheatstros for the wild card. And it's still a miracle that he's here. For months, sixth-grader Gammonites - eyeing the Yankee OF scrum - proposed trading Frazier to Tunisia or Timbuktu  for new versions of Sidney Ponson, whose elbows would burst upon arrival. 

Somehow - and, frankly, Cooperstown Cashman deserves credit here - the Yankees did not bite. As a result, if we want to list the long-term reasons for Yankee hope, Clint Frazier in LF looks pretty sweet.

Due to the craziness of 2020, it's easy to look at Voit, at Deivi Garcia, at everything and wonder if it's just a mirage, a short season sample size. Even now, we wonder: Is Voit really an MVP, or would his numbers tank in a true second-half? We won't know until 2021, after he's received a few curtain calls But this we do know: Frazier is here, and after all the hype, all the wait, he is for real. Our LF for the next five years? I say, write him in.


  1. Indeed. Write him in!! And while we're at it, give Florial a shot in centerfield soon, too! Let the youth movement march on!!

  2. Florial? We have this problem where I work. Someone proposes a great idea. Then someone else attaches a bad idea to it. The good idea sinks after being attached to the bad idea. So Frazier, just Frazier.

  3. We've been saying here on the board that Frazier is the heir apparent to Gardner in LF. I think it's time now...

    Was listening to an interview with Joel Sherman on the FAN the other day. He said something to the effect that the Yankee brain trust didn't give up on Frazier as they thought he would finally come around. Clint has worked his butt off becoming a decent he's a more complete player now. Same by the way with Miggy. Yanks would rather keep him for now as they see something in him too. For all those in the trade Miggy camp, you would rather wait until his value is high before you do that. Yanks seem to think this value spike will happen...

    Or maybe the reason to keep Miggy would be something that the Public Relations folks are working on. If Higashioka and Andujar pan out you would have Higgy and Miggy...has a ring to it. And as Michael Kay shared on Friday night, yes Higgy plays guitar...

  4. Higgy can dye his hair and join Frazier as the new acoustic guitarists for The Redheaded Strangers. [Truly check them out when you need a lift.]
    He who once was St. Michael the Archangel

  5. I have come to admire and respect Red Thunder. He does seem a disciplined, and effective , hitter.

    His defense in RF has been very good.

    Left field is still a bit of a stretch for him, but he can master it.

    He should have made that catch last night at the green monster, where Gardy spoke with him afterwards. I will write it off to inexperience with that structure.

    Lucky to still have him. He has made a huge difference.

    He even takes pressure off Stanton and Judge.

  6. If they'd played him more, something everone on this blog was clammering for, then perhaps we'd be in first place and we'd have won a couple more against the Tampons.

    The Hammer of God

  7. Yet, for all the good he’s done, Boone “promoted” him from ninth in the order to seventh for today’s game while Hicks continues to play out of the third spot.

    Frazier should be batting third and Walk-in Hicks belongs batting ninth. Weren’t “people in the know” talking about the ninth hitter potentially being another leadoff hitter?

  8. Here’s a great stat for you: the only guy in the lineup for all 21 Yankees losses this year is Hicks. Maybe it’s a meaningless stat, but it’s clear to me that Hicks is a loser. Maybe we can trade him for Sidney Ponson?

  9. Recently not only have the Yankees been batting Hicks third (a spot in the line up traditionally held by the best hitter on the team) but batting Gardy, whose sell by date has long since past, in the top third or ahead of more meritorius hitters. Hicks and Stanton batting back to back guarantees any newly birthed rally initiated by LeMeMahieu and Voit gets strangled in its crib.

  10. In the year of Clint's Night of National Shame in right field, I railed several times about the stupidity of playing him in right. He had been a consistently competent left fielder to that point, and Boone's semi-regular use of him in right could almost be seen as a move meant to embarrass and humble the youngster. Which it ultimately did.

    Left was his natural position up until then. So it would be heartening to see him take over that position from Gardy. It's where he always belonged.

  11. Garcia is sucking wind today. But 6-0 is not a safe lead in Fenway.

  12. Here's the problem with the Yankee organization: if everyone had been healthy all year, Frazier would still be in boot camp. He's there more by circumstance than by design, which tells you all you need to know about the essential stupidity of Cashman.

  13. Anybody have a reason for why Voit, visibly limping, was playing the ninth inning of a 10-1 game in Fenway this afternoon? Is Ford totally off the roster now? Couldn't LeMahieu put in an inning there, if need be?

    Very weird, as ever.

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