Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Meanwhile, back at the Ministry of Information...

So Cashman is now saying that Judge had a "failed rehab" of his calf strain, which will likely keep him out at least another three weeks, i.e., the rest of the season.

Nonetheless, the Hand of the Brain, Ma Boone, told the press that, "I know he [Judge] feels pretty well with what he's doing."

And why wouldn't he?  A minor calf strain that turns into two months of inaction?  What could POSSIBLY go better?

Meanwhile, Boon also said that he's "pretty pleased" with how new pitching coach Matt Blake is doing.

OF COURSE HE IS!  Half the pitching staff is injured, and the other half is underperforming.  How could anyone possibly do better???

Wouldn't you like to work for the New York Yankees?  Wouldn't we all?  The place where it's always okay for you to take as many days off as you need, and where your performance is never, ever graded according to objective reality!


  1. I really think George Costanza is not an imaginary figure born from the deranged mind of a Mets fan.
    Just like the real Kramer is real, George is the prototypical real Yankee employee. I bet they all sleep in a self build cradle under their desk.

  2. Also like our government.

    Doing nothing and no accountability.

    i mean the Yankee government. No politics.

  3. And...Montgomery going right out and giving us the start we need.

    That Matt Blake: could he do ANY better?

  4. We're lulling them into a false sense of security.

    Doug K.

  5. Monty was so much better at El Alamein.

  6. Did you guys notice the way the pitching coach came in to settle Monty down? Neither did I. I guess that the metrics didn't call for him to waste a trip.

  7. JM, LMAO! Maybe we need Patton instead of Monty.

  8. Kevin, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? Matt Blake is doing a great job! Judge's rehab of his rehab is going great!

  9. Horace, sorry, sorry, I got a bit carried away! I keep forgetting that Cashman hires the best in the business. I will walk to the Yankees' Tampa offices and beg for a good flogging.

  10. @ Kevin Yeah, apparently Brain Cashman believes that it doesn't make any difference whether the pitching coach goes out to talk to his pitcher, according to the stat nerds. Unlike the Brain, looks like Tampa believes in lefty righty. Notice they stacked their lineup with right hand hitters against Montgomery.

    The Hammer of God

  11. Hammer, so right you are. You know, once upon a time wisdom held that the Yankees needed left-handed bats and pitchers to succeed. Why do we not draft or buy same? I guess it's because past GMs didn't understand the game....

  12. It's not that Tampa believe in "lefty-righty." They study individual player's platoon splits. Geez--read a book on analytics, please, SOMEONE on this blog. It's just reading, ya' know.

  13. Anonymous, I for one started reading Bill James in 1980. The REAL grandfather of analytics was probably Earl Weaver, as a reading of his 1980 book, "On Strategy" shows clearly. He was WAY ahead of time. Another book, not of the analytics school that shows great understanding of the game was written by Whitey Herzog, "You're Missing a Great Game". You're into analytics, but I would strongly suggest that you read the books written by Weaver and Herzog respectively. Analytics are great, but they have become a panacea, one that allows managers (and GMs) to hide behind the excuse, "hey, it's in the numbers". This defense is often Very Wrong. It follows that if analytics were the final answer in baseball (and human behaviour) then it wouldn't be that hard to create AI. I don't mean to imply that your are an absolutist, but I do see plenty of writings that are strongly indicative of such attitudes. Again, I'm not disparaging metrics, just pointing out that they are far from infallible.

  14. I simply can't watch anymore. It's like watching the newsreels of Germany wiping out Poland in 1939, and you are French. We need Neville Chamberlin as our trainer. Or the preppy Frat boy in Animal House yelling "All is well, all is well," as he is being run over. Wake me up in 2025, if I'm still alive, and let me see the new GM announce a 10 year contract with AL MVP, Jasson D. Until then, it is only what I can glean from reading this sublime Blog

  15. The metrics that the Yanks are getting are clear...doesn't matter what you do against the lose...

  16. @ Anon "It's not that Tampa believe in "lefty-righty." They study individual player's platoon splits."

    Platoon splits: that IS lefty-righty. This ain't rocket science. Sure, some righty hitters might have better stats against righty pitchers than lefty pitchers and vice versa. You take those stats into account when you write out a lineup. But for the most part, having 7 or 8 right hand hitters in a lineup against a righty pitcher is a recipe for disaster. Listen, I know there's nothing Ma Boone can do about it right now. It was Brain Cashman who engineered this farce.

    And for the love of God, please call yourself something other than ANON. Put your stage name after your post. Thx.

    The Hammer of God

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