Monday, September 7, 2020

The Yankee season is broken, and the great lie of 2020 has been exposed.

It's a modern tradition: Every late spring - around May-June - the mighty Yankees slip-slide into the doldrums, a two-week losing streak that causes terrified IT IS HIGH posters and commentators - (I plead guilty) - to shriek that all is lost, that the season is dead, that this godforsaken, nepotistic, monopoly-built, corporate money-machine needs to clean house. Were we political, we'd say the Yankees needed to drain their swamp. 

But but BUT... then - as the red, boiling sunsets of July and August fry our systems - the team's plucky veterans would heal themselves, right the ship, and make a pennant run. We end up winning an elusive AL wild card slot, which then leads to an early playoffs knockout, and - by golly! - we'd have come soooo close that, by next winter, we'd tell ourselves that only a minor tweak was needed, and come Feb. 20, we'd happily wait for the big wheel to turn again.

Last winter - ah, do we remember last winter? - we were so certain, so absolutely sure, that adding Gerrit Cole, a legitimate ace, would bring us a ring. All we needed to do was avoid the massive injuries that crushed us last year - and that was mere happenstance, right? Cole was the missing ingredient, the Game One starter, who would lead us to Valhalla, or maybe Skaneateles.  

Well, you don't need me to say how disappointing, how disgusting, this year has been. The Death Star has blown its fuses. It's dead in space. You sense it in every stranded base-runner, every botched grounder, every called third strike on a fastball down the middle. If an opposing team scores three runs, three!, holy crap, we are in an inescapable pit! Three runs? Impossible!

This pandemic has laid naked the great Yankee lie of 2020 - the bottomless depth of our farm system. Last year's "Next Man Up" miracle is gone. This year, nobody has replaced any of our injured starters, the lineup is pocked with sub-.200 batting averages, the YES team deniers yesterday were relegated to suggesting we can eek out a playoff spot, get our stars healthy, and make a miracle run. We're betting for a magical resurgence. It's come to that.

I suppose it could happen. And Russia might overturn Putin, too. The Yankees are still playing as if it's late May, and they have 100 games left. They are stretching out pitchers and waiting for - well - for Godot, I guess. Other teams are playing with the abandon of mid-September, the O's happily giving hungry youngsters their chances to shine. 

We keep waiting for Aaron Hicks to hit, for Miguel Andujar to field, for Gary Sanchez to do something - anything - and for our vaunted ace to save the day. Three weeks left. It's not May-June. 

It's quite possibly the most depressing Yankee season since 2008, the year of Sidney Ponson. 

So, here is my official shriek of despair. The only hope I can conjure: It will all be over soon. 


  1. There are many 10 year-old Yankee fans who have never seen a Canyon of Heroes Parade---and they are aging.

  2. This was one of the saddest weekends in Yankee history. At least this year.

    These guys are pathetic. But Andujar is hitting. Now if only Boone can send out a lineup with Andujar, DJ, Voit, Frazier, and Torres (fingers crossed), we may actually score a few runs. Especially since Gary "The Whiffer" Sanchez is benched for the time being.

    Of course, it's inevitable that one or more of those guys will need a day of resting due to the grueling 60-game schedule. How can they be expected to actually play in 20 games straight? Unheard of. Can't be done.

    And the looming hangnail awaits at least one of them.

    Mantle is still laughing his ass off at these wimps.

  3. But don't worry Cashman has his crack metrics team ready to fix all this winter. It will be trumpeted that season ticket prices will remain the same and succulent lamb kabobs for $42.00 will now be served to those fans and corporations purchasing tickets beneath the moat level. This is so bad that the guy waiting for Godot just left the building.
    The Archangel

  4. I wouldn't count on The Gleyber.

    BUT, imagine, just imagine, if they were to bat D.J., Voit, Frazier, and Andujar back-to-back-to-back-to-back, in one order or another?

    Huh? Their best 4 hitters, all in a row. Why, why, why, they might actually be able to string together some hits and score some runs!

    Which still leave the pitching. But hey, it would be a start!

  5. A few things...

    1) Waiting for the stars to get healthy

    The problem with magical thinking (other than its magicalness) is that it absolves the team from having a sense of urgency.This is why Boone's look for the silver lining style of management where he can rest guys because mathematically it will all work out is not what is needed. Or to put it differently... it's fucking stupid.

    2) Finishing over .500

    Hoss wrote about this at length so I will be brief. If they fail to finish above .500 this year, a huge possibility given that we are playing 10 games against the hungrier and more talented Blue Jays, and they fail to fire Boone and Cashman I will... See, that's the problem. I am open to suggestions on this.

    Doug K.

  6. Yeah, I don't see the need to rest 25 year old guys during a 60 game season. Is Boone crazy, or just plain stupid, or just following orders from Cashman?

    If anyone should be rested, that would Gardner, basically a 4th outfielder. If he played only two or three times a week, he might actually play better.

    If they fail to fire Boone, Cashman, and clean house, I am only going to check on box scores, as someone else wrote on this blog a few days ago. I am not going to waste my time on this shit show. There are too many other diversions these days. This ain't the '80s anymore.

    The Hammer of God

  7. I feel as though I've already engaged in my own boycott, going from 20 regular-season games a year plus the postseason, back in the turn-of-the-century heyday, to...the game we all went to last year was my first since Derek Jeter's penultimate contest.

    I continued to watch and listen to a lot of games, but that's fallen off drastically this year, too, thanks to the conditions of Covidball most of all, but also from exhaustion with the Cashman style of baseball.

    It really does remind me of the '80s, in which the madness of King George—repeated over and over again—got to the point where I was barely paying attention by the end of the decade.

    I fear this could easily be the same situation. Just enough 1983- and 1985-style pennant races—just enough relatively able seasons from the like of Judge or even Stanton—to maintain interest, while the team slides steadily backwards overall...

  8. ...On the other hand, things might get a lot more hairy, a lot faster.

    The young active teams in the East Division—TB, Toronto, and maybe even Baltimore (??!)—seem to have already used this pandemic year to buzz past our boys.

    Sure, Boston's still tanking. But you know that won't last for long. We could easily see this Yankees team in the bottom of the division by, say, 2022. Which will be interesting.

  9. No one is going there...but I am...

    Here's a list of people we don't talk about...and should:

    Eric Cressey Director of Player Health
    Donovan Santas Assistant Director of Player Health
    Michael Schuk Director of Sports Performance
    Tim Lentych Head Athletic Trainer
    Steve Donohue Director of Medical Services
    Brett McCabe Strength and Conditioning Coach
    Christopher Ahmad Head Team Physician
    Stuart Hershon Senior Advisor of Orthopedics
    Chad Bohling Director of Mental Conditioning
    Douglas Cecil Massage Therapist

    Outside of Steve Dohohue (who we all know), these people should not have a job next year with us. They all need to be replaced. If Chad gets a job in some mental health group do not make an appointment with him. If Stuart leaves and gets a job in some medical group, do not have him evaluate you. I don't know what these people are doing but the reason might be that they don't know what they are doing.

    When these people get sacked and interview for other jobs, I'd like to see how they explain their exemplary performance in New York when the interviewer sees this on their resume. If they were smart, they would leave that part out.

  10. @ Hoss, I'd say there's a pretty good chance we're finishing dead last this year. We might actually have the gall to beat out Boston for the battle of the basement. We're going down like a lead balloon, as Who drummer Keith Moon once quipped. Now that we've had our butts handed to us by the Orioles, you know the Blue Jays, who always give us fits, are chomping at the bits to rip us to pieces. We have ten games left against the Blue Jays ... gulp? Unless there's some of kind of divine intervention, and people like Gary Sanchez wake up, I don't see this team doing anything except clogging up the basement this year. Depressing, yes, but I try to tell it like I see it. Start praying, everyone.

    The Hammer of God

  11. The only way to win that championship is starting pitching, after Cole that rotation is crap, Tanaka is a 4th starter in a championship team

  12. And Cole is not somebody who can keep a hitless journeyman from homering in a big game. Oy!

  13. We need Boone to get hit with a 20 game suspension and Cashman to get a one-year suspension for tampering or election fixing or hiring someone to follow Stanton
    The Archangel

  14. Why is no one mentioning replacing Marcus Thames? Misplace BLM sensitivities?

  15. Probably everyone believes that Thames, and the entire coaching staff, is just a Cashman puppet show. It's been quite obvious to me that the organization wants its hitters to try to hit home runs in every at bat. The all knowing Metrics Man has given us the solution to maximizing scoring: walk and hit home runs. Strike outs are all right. They don't care how many strike outs there are. They believe that metrics show that the home runs will come and runs scored will be maxed out in the long run. Just stupid, total antithesis of fundamental baseball, driven by Cashman & Co. We see the results, the .130 batting average of Sanchez, everybody else also hitting .200. But they don't care about batting average, either. Batting average is a dirty word these days to metrics fans.

    The Hammer of God

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