Friday, October 9, 2020

After everything that has happened, tonight will define 2020

Call me a crazy, bull-goose looney - (R.I.P. Ken Kesey and Randall Patrick McMurphy) - but I believe that by next October, the World Series will be played in front of live fannies rather than poster-board figurines. Thus, the next two weeks will be shoehorned into history as a unique moment - a post-season of neutral fields, fake noises and not even one boo. Lose tonight, and we will forever view 2020 as a mistake, a glitch, a rat we brought home from vacation, thinking it a Chihuahua. Lose tonight, and the moral of the story will be simple: We should have never lowered our guard, never turned on the TV - instead of YES, we should have said no.

But if we win, and then keep winning - (hey, we'll have beaten the AL's best team, right?) - we will not care if a 60-game season is a joke. Tonight is Kismet. Tonight is Kerouac. Tonight is everything. 

So... like America overall, we stand on a precipice overlooking heaven and hell. Realistically, I have nothing else to say. 

That said, I did draw up some notes...

1. Early in the playoffs, Met spinmeister Ron Darling was asked what the Yankees want from Gerrit Cole, based on the money they're paying him. His response: Cole needs to pitch the team to the World Series, and anything less will be a failure. He was right. 

Tonight, Cole gets his shot at Yankee mythmaking. If he can carry us through October, nobody will care if the regular season was a joke. The playoffs are real, and pitching on three-days rest is no Covid hallucination. The season may have been Fake Sports. What Cole does now is for the ages.

2. Tonight, the Death Star need at least six good innings from Cole. Seven would be better. Going the distance would be godly. The Rays bullpen will be rested. I rant about our homer-happy lineup, but tonight will probably hinge on long-balls, because Tampa won't let any pitcher get too deeply into trouble. A three-run homer wins this game.

Our big three - Green, Britton and Chapman - will pitch on fumes. I cannot help but think the game might hinge on - gulp, dare I write this? - J.A. Happ, who was ridiculed after game two. Happ's Yankee history is a roller-coaster; whenever he's relegated to The Abyss, he returns to pitch well. If Cole falters - if the myth gets undressed - Boone will need a lefty to turn the Rays lineup around. That's Happ. After that, if it's not too late, maybe the ultimate chance for legend: Deivi Garcia?

3. It's clear by now that Kyle Higashioka is the Yankee catcher. In one at-bat last night, with Jordan Montgomery serving tennis balls into the dirt, Higgy made three incredible stops, holding Tampa runners in place. I shudder to think how Gary Sanchez would have handled them. There is no going back to Sanchez. I'd prefer Eric Kratz, with his knuckleball.

4. Gleyber Torres' resurgent October reminds us all how short the regular season was, and how little we can assess it. I mean, seriously, does anyone truly believe that, in a 162-game season, Luke Voit would have led MLB in homers? Listen, Luke would have had a great year, maybe finishing in the 40s. But he would have spent a month on the Injured List, and he would have gone into a slump. 

In a normal year, 60 games brings us into June, with the brutality of the pennant race still in the distance. Gleyber entered the playoffs with a wretched set of numbers and the lingering fear that he cannot play SS. Whatever happens, he'll leave October with his image restored as the true future face of the Yankees. (Sorry, Aaron Judge, but as you say in the commercial: Fagettabowtit.)  

5. On that note, the Gammonitic universe has fallen for Randy Arozarena, the 25-year-old Cuban who looks like the Second Coming of Hank Aaron. But in a normal year, he would still be in his Odibe McDowell phase (remembering one of the great two-month legends of the past.) Maybe Arozarena is a future superstar. Or maybe pitchers simply have not developed a book on him. Remember how great Aaron Hicks looked for two months in 2017? Not to rip on Hicks - who's had back luck with injuries - but is anybody this good? 

6. I was terrorized last night when Aaron Boone yanked Zack Britton in the eighth. The guy was dealing. Tampa had no chance. Then, suddenly, there was the chance that Bad Aroldis might show up. When Bad Aroldis comes in, no lead is safe. 

And when Aroldis Chapman walked his first batter, I was screaming at the TV. (I later apologized.) Today, I can discern - well - let's call it a relative wisdom in the move: Maybe Boone was giving El Chapo a few batters to acclimate himself. With two outs, he was less likely to melt down. It worked. But yeesh, Britton lowers the temperature, and El Chapo raises it. At some point...  

7. I still can't fully process Giancarlo Stanton. Yeah, he's had a great series. Yeah, he's come through. But last night - biggest game of his Yankee life - he jogs out a DP grounder, while the Rays are soft-tossing the ball. The announcers even mention it. Later, Stanton whacks a ball into leftfield corner, and does his home run jog out of the box. Fortunately, the ball bounces around, and Stanton gets a double. No harm, no foul, I suppose. Yeah, I realize he's a hamstring waiting to tweak, but mark these words: At some point, his inability - or unwillingness - to bust his ass will cost us a game. This is no way to lead a team. 

Tonight... One flies east, one flies west, and one flies over the cuckoos nest. 


  1. Can we all agree that this one knee down catching stance that Sanchez has been using has been detrimental to the team? The guy's name is Tanner Swanson. Oh, he's also Quality Control...there's no quality and there's no control...

  2. Sanchez - what they needed to do was bring in someone to help him with his swing, not his defense. He had already cut down on the passed balls last year. The new catching stance hasn't helped any.

    Chapman - yeah, that was taking a chance, but I think Boone did it with 2 outs to help him get through it without a meltdown. Perhaps the metrics people advised it also, who knows.

    Torres - was the hero last night. Without that 2 run shot, we probably don't win.

    Deivi - should be the middle reliever tonight. Cole only got through 6 his last time out. He might only last 4 or 5 tonight on short rest.

    We gotta hope that Glasnow has a meltdown.

    The Hammer of God

  3. Sanchez is 27. How old does he get to be before it's clear he's not a major league level catcher? A classic AAAA player.

    I've tried to be fair, tried to look at the 30 HRs per year that might continue, but it's a losing game. He's not good enough defensively, and offensively, we can't afford all the killed rallies or contact-free ABs we have to suffer through to get those HRs.

    Kyle is really putting an exclamation point on the sentence previously written by Romine. Sanchez is not worth all of the downside for the too-occasional upside. When a really good catcher plays day to day, the difference is too stark to ignore.

    (Last paragraph courtesy of "How to Be a Dramatic Sportswriter" by the staff of

  4. Agreed, JM. Gary has used up his last, last chance.

    We passed on Realmuto once—something that probably cost us a ring. Time to sign him. Sure, we'll get some of his declining years, but split with Higgy that will still be a vast improvement.

  5. Once again, Gardner is in the starting lineup instead of Frazier. I wish that Cashman would try to out-Ray the Rays on fundamentals: the Rays would never perpetrate the folly of not putting one of their best players on the field because a far worse player overall happened to have had a better final ten days of the season. This is STUPID--Cashman is STUPID. The Rays' brain trust is in another universe of smarts compared to Cashman. I would be shocked if the Yankees win tonight. They certainly have earned the defeat that seems likely.

  6. Different AnonymousOctober 9, 2020 at 6:34 PM

    Anybody else notice:

    1. That the ALCS, which starts Sunday, like the ALDS does not have any off days. So, unless Cole is going to pitch on three days rest for the remainder of the post season, he wouldn't be available in the ALCS until Game 4 next Wednesday. (First things first, I know, but never before in his career has Cole started on three days rest.)

    2. The look of hatred that Glasnow gave the Yankees celebrating the win last night, while he was walking in from the bullpen with Snell after the game.

  7. Yeah, we're really getting screwed on this no-days-off thing.

    Whereas I remember Arizona getting plenty of time to rest their Big Two before the 2001 Series.

  8. Cole ain't wasting any pitches tonight ...

  9. What's with the Arizarena staredown of Cole? Like Cole is trying to put a runner in scoring position in an elimination game. (And if he had any more armor on that elbow, he'd qualify for a military pension)

  10. If Sanchez was catching, a run would've scored there.

  11. That was a huge, huge, pitch.

    25 pitches in the first inning? While pitching on three days rest for the first time in his career?

    I know Cole has first-inning struggles sometimes. But even if settles down and gets in a groove, I think we're seeing Delvi tonight.

  12. Bern, just don't let it be Happ.

  13. Base Cam is just the dumbest piece of shit I've seen in years.

  14. C'mon JM, we've seen so much much dumber pieces of shit this year. Alas and alack ...

  15. Lol!! Point.

    Cole is dealing. Hope he has the stamina to go deep.

  16. Last night our thread was visited by a Clarkson Coleman to bring us help with all our cyber security needs. (Possibly El Duque's alter ego? Nah!) But also ... I don't know how to say this without conjuring evil. There was a whiff of sad homophobic desperation and living in one's mother's basement. An evocation of a puckering, a hemorrhoidal Showalter nether region if you will. Like a visit from a sad ineffectual, incel and pimply ghost of postseasons past.

    Did you sense it too? It made the hairs on the back of my neck so happy!

    Fuck you Hal.



  18. Spanish pronunciation.

    Can't say enough about Higgy's defense. Just great.

  19. The continuing glitches on TBS are annoying as hell.

  20. As are Apple watch commercials.

  21. About Higgy's defense ... it'd be a tie game if Sanchez was catching. Higgy made a block with a runner on third in the first inning that I really doubt Sanchez would've made.

  22. Cole got one of those outside strikes that the Rays kept getting in Games 2 & 3.

  23. Uh-oh. That did NOT look good for Judge. Hope he's not hurt.

  24. Yahoos watching the game from the highrise, no masks, right on top of each other.

    Fucking Meadows.

  25. OK, silly question ... why the fuck is there an overhang on the outfield wall??

  26. Forget it, Bern. It's Padretown.

  27. Cole has given us all he can. He should NOT be back for the 6th.

  28. Ronnie Fucking Darling detailing all the home runs Cole has given up.

    Really, Ronnie? I remember you sucking mightily throughout the 1987 season, when you cost the Mets a chance to repeat. In fact, you then devolved into a general mediocrity for the rest of your career.

  29. Looks like Thames got these bats prepared to work tonight SMDH

  30. To me, the game turning moment so far was the Yankees' third, when Gardner led off and got on, and Higgy was up.

    There HAS to be a play there. Gardy is one of the few guys on the Yankees who can run, Higgy one of the few who can bunt.

    And if not an SFB, a hit-and-run, a steal, SOMETHING. We have to be aggressive there. We were not.

  31. I can hear Phil Rizzuto now.

    "Holy cow, White, doesn't it always seem to happen. A guy bangs his head on an overhang of an outfield wall trying to rob a guy of a home run, and sure enough, he comes up to bat in the next inning. How do ya like that?"

  32. That said, Higgy's defense has been amazing. Not only the blocking, but the pitch framing that has won us maybe 3-4 outs.

  33. Exactly, Bern and JM: why the FUCK do you have an OVERHANG on an outfield wall??? How is that even permitted?

  34. We have to admit, Hicks has been having himself a postseason. Now a steal?

  35. Horace ... I hear ya. But Cash is looking at his analytic charts and sending Boonie texts.

    MUST ... NOT ... BUNT ... MUST ... NOT ... BUNT ...

  36. Fuck Cashman.

    Sorry, Win. Stole your line.

  37. Cole is going to throw at least 100. Maybe more. He's that way.

  38. Dammit, we can't let opportunities slip by.

  39. You shouldn't mix Oxy and Xanax, I've read. When I was young, I wouldn't have cared, but these days...

    In college, I remember speeding for three days to get term papers done, chased with a Thorazine. Just blew it off. Crazy.

  40. Gardy was like, yeah, whatever.

  41. JM - I had no idea if Gardy caught that ball. No reaction whatsoever. I mean, it's not like he saved a home run in a tied playoff game or anything.

  42. Nobody reliable to call on. Britton, Sweatball... Green? Garcia? Who?

  43. Fuck. Zach is worn out after yesterday.

  44. these fuckin announcers are homo

  45. My fucking heart is gonna give out. Jesus.

  46. Judge probably went to Gardner after last inning and said, "Wait, so there NO overhang in left field??? What the hell!"

  47. I hate fucking Randy Rice-a-Roni, a mediocrity who made himself into something through obvious juicing.

    Boone dodged a bullet there; good to get Cole out.

  48. If Zach can get through this, we have two innings of Bucket Man.


  49. Suddenly, this is smelling like a loss.

  50. Oh fuck. Chappie for 7 outs?

    Fucking fuck fuck.

  51. Rolaids...7 outs...I don’t know...

  52. Ditto.

    If we manage to pull this out, our staff will be fucked for Sunday.

  53. Don't see anyway we win this. But still. It's been pretty valiant, especially by the pitchers.

    Their bullpen is just made for a series like this, in a season like this.

  54. Who do we go to after Chapman? Ottavino? Green? Delvi?

  55. Oh, no. Mike Ford? For Higgy?

    DISASTROUS move. This is where Boone loses the series, right here. Awful, awful, awful fucking move.

  56. Instead of Higgy?

    And Sanchez for two innings of defense?

    This is up there with Tuesday's stupidity. Incredible.

  57. This is sheer desperation. A .135 hitter on the season!!!! For a .250 hitter. Who is also a key defensive player.


  58. Oh God. You take out Higgy to pinch hit a guy that can't hit and will replace him with a catcher who can't catch. I'd be shocked if they don't lose in part to a Sanchez miscue.

  59. Ford has never got going this year. Higgy is hot. AND YOU NEED HIM ON D!

  60. Awful fucking at-bat. And what would you expect from a guy who has barely been up there for weeks?

    Boone's worst managing of the season. And now we have to watch Sanchez try to catch.

  61. This is impossible to explain. Fire this asshole.

  62. uJuJ, uJuJ, uJuJ....


    Doug K.

  63. 2020:

    Ford: 2 HR in 84 plate appearances.

    Higgy: 4 HR in 48 plate appearances.

    But wait! I hear you protest—what about righty v. lefty?

    Higgy: .313 against righties, with 4 homers, 10 ribbies.

    Ford: .152 against righties.


  64. That was well beyond Tuesday's stupidity. This is one of the worst moves I've ever seen by a Yankees manager in the postseason.

  65. Boone bet on the Rays. There is no other explanation.

  66. All right, a walk to Judge!

    And now Stanton is up! Right? Right?

  67. Hicks is good for killing a rally...

  68. Yeah, I'm thinking an awful passed ball. What a loathsome decision.

  69. This is just insane. My mother could manage better.

  70. Clutch AB from Hank Aaron there.

  71. What Ford struck out on was an 87-mph change-up. Could've struck out anybody. But you can't fucking take it in that situation. You HAVE to be swinging.

    Still, so glad we didn't Frazier or Andujar up there.

  72. And you have to think: does Judge walk with Stanton up next? Or does he get a pitch to hit?

    I would've liked to see it.

  73. The wonderful announcers acting as if Chapman just threw at Brosseau out of pure, blind meanness. Whereas Brosseau's mouthing off would've got him killed by, say, Don Drydale or Juan Marichal.

  74. Yeah, Twitter wasn't all that high on Ford pinch-hitting for Higgy. A lot of folks wondering why Ford is even on the playoff roster, much less pinch-hitting in a key spot.

    Ford was 0-for-September, BTW.

    Boonie has some explaining to do.

  75. Sanchez and Sweat King speak a common language. Which somehow didn't matter yesterday.

  76. He would've been better off hitting him again.

    Sigh. How come every season now ends with a giant, Chapman fuck-up?

  77. Chapo sucks my balls. Reverts to form.

  78. God, after watching those bastards whooping it up on the bench I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to come back in the ninth.

    God, a first-pitch HR from Stanton would be the GREATEST. THING. EVER.

  79. I can only hope that they get an actual manager in there now and Cashman gets told to keep his fucking nose out of the dugout, but that's a fools hope.

  80. It's over. See ya next year.

    We might have survived Tuesday or today, but not both.

    More fundamentally, we don't y the pitching.

  81. Yeah, that was a strike. For Freddie Fucking Patek.

  82. A terrible strike call to top it off.

  83. Stanton takes a called strike three. It's midnite in pumpkin land
    And Frazier doesn't get an AB.

    Doug K.

  84. They have to switch g at anything close with these calls

  85. FUCK.

    Wasted a gutty outing by Cole. Should have won that game.

  86. I’m so glad we had this time together
    just to have a laugh or sing a song.
    Seems we just got started
    and before you know it
    comes the time we have to say
    Fuck you Hal!
    Fuck you Brain!
    Fuck you Ma Boone!
    Fuck anyone named Aaron!
    Fuck you Ice Cream Sandwich!
    Fuck you Water Canon!
    Fuck all the dudes who wear those headbands that make them look like Faye Dunaway in the opening sequence of “Mommy Dearest!”
    Fuck the entire bullpen!
    Fuck all the bats that want only long ball and don’t know how to play the game!

    Wake me when we have new management, more than one starter, a reliable closer, and some guys who now the game consists of more than long ball. What’s that? A year from never?

    I gotta go do some laundry now…

    The Hamper of God

  87. Kind of fitting to see the Rays celebrate in an empty stadium. It must feel like a real pre-2000 home game for them.

  88. pre-2008* year

    I was listening to the Master, but people on twitter said that Sanchez limp wristed strike three into a ball. Is that true? He obviously called a great AB but did he really fuck up a strikeout too?

  89. Well, how can you hit that Castillo guy? He was almost throwing 90!

  90. Thank you all. I will be here in the morning. Well done Hammer. Well done.

    "Fuck you Hal!
    Fuck you Brain!
    Fuck you Ma Boone!
    Fuck anyone named Aaron!
    Fuck you Ice Cream Sandwich!
    Fuck you Water Canon!
    Fuck all the dudes who wear those headbands that make them look like Faye Dunaway in the opening sequence of “Mommy Dearest!”
    Fuck the entire bullpen!
    Fuck all the bats that want only long ball and don’t know how to play the game!"

    Could not have said it better. I'm gonna go rub one out to Liza Minnelli ...

  91. Yeah, I meant pre-2020, back when the other 29 teams had fans show up to watch games.

  92. It's okay BBB. We know what you meant.

  93. Good night Bitty, good night Hoss,
    Good night JM, Good night Bern,
    Good night Boss, Good night Scooter,
    Good night Hank, Good night Whitey ...

  94. This was a well-earned loss. In the most important game of the year, they benched one of their best all-around players--and their third or fourth best hitter (Frazier)--in favor of one of their worst all-around players, and one of their worst hitters (Gardner, you could look it up), based on the tiny sample of what each of them did in the last week of the season rather what they did in the giant sample of what they did all year. Then, in a critical spot in the eighth inning, they pinch-hit the execrable washout Mike Ford instead of Frazier, and guess what happens? Called strike three. This is staggering, inexcusable stupidity and incompetence. The better team--the far-better-run and smarter organization--won this series. To echo the oft-repeated sentiment, Fuck Hal, fuck Cashman, fuck Boone--and, sad to say, fuck the Yankees. They're not worth the time or loyalty of anyone but terminal masochists.

  95. And why was Ford even on the roster ahead of Andujar? Andujar can hit righties better than Ford, who can't hit anybody. Again--staggering stupidity and incompetence.

  96. Anyone who thinks that the Yankees lost the series because they played Gardner doesn't really understand baseball. They lost the SEASON for the same reason that they ultimately lose every season. Ownership has extreme risk aversion when it comes to spending money on upper tiered pitching. Almost as bad, they have convinced fans that fourth/fifth type pitchers and backup catchers are easily found, unimportant, and should cost nothing. Let's see, fourth-fifth pitchers start sixty games, backup catchers start twenty-five percent of games. It's obvious what happens in the playoffs when you don't have three starters who can save the bullpen. But in a full season, well the FCKNG Dodgers have the Real Death Star, always with a fully loaded pipeline ready to step in. By contrast, the Faux Death Star always seems "to be LOADED AT THE LOWER LEVELS". Draw your own conclusions.


    I did not state or imply that the sole reason that the Yankees lost this series was that they played Gardner instead of Frazier. I cited it as ONE of the examples--one of the most GLARING examples--of the staggering ineptitude and stupidity of the front office and coaching staff. No other organization in baseball would have replaced its third- or fourth-best player with one of its worst player (based on 2020 performance) because of the last weeks' worth of plate appearances. THIS IS IDIOCY. You don't see this because you are obviously a slavering, ranting idiot as well. You just spew incoherent logorrheia and imagine yourself a genius.

    And lavishing more money on free agents is clearly not the answer. In 2019, the last full season, the Rays had the LOWEST payroll in baseball, one-fourth that of the Yankees, with the second-highest. So pissing money away on high-salaried players is not the answer. Savvy player development is the answer. And this is an area where Cashman has never had a clue--and the few good players he does develop, like Frazier and Andujar, he manages to demoralize and crush with his imbecilic mishandling.

    Clear enough? Now go stuff your head back up your ass where it was obviously resting comfortably before you extracted it to type your embarrassing comment above.

  98. Anonymous: please give yourself a shot and calm down. Your crazy rant speaks volumes about your persona.

  99. Fuck you, dumbass Kevin. You come out here arrogantly state that others know nothing about baseball and want a valentine in return? Fuck you, you malevolent moron. You state that the team that spends the most of any team in baseball on payroll doesn't spend enough money on payroll, and that's the reason it's not succeeding. YOU ARE FUCKING DUMB. DUMB AS A BRICK. Move on to another site where people enjoy the spectacle of imbeciles embarrassing themselves in public.

  100. Anon and Others, let me apologize for my poor choice of words regarding Gardner. I really SHOULD have written that "blaming the usage of Gardner over Frazier for the Yankees' demise is deeply misplaced". I SHOULD HAVE NEVER MADE A REMARK THAT CALLED INTO QUESTION SOMEONE'S BASEBALL INTELLIGENCE. I TRY TO NEVER MAKE IT PERSONAL. BUT I DID. It was late at night, I had a migraine (no excuse, just a reason), and I was pissed about the game, and I'd been reading similar bitching on blogs regarding Gardner for the past couple of hours. I still stand by my idea that Gardner's all around game was more fitted to the playoffs than Frazier. He's left-handed, gets on base (.500 ops, I believe), better baserunner, and probably makes less mental mistakes than anyone on the team. Hindsight is 20/20 of course, but it's unlikely that Frazier would have had a better series. Everything else I wrote about the team I stand by.

    I also would like to thank the moderators of this blog for having the most savvy and hilarious comments on the team, games, the season, players, and management. I only regret not stumbling across this blog years ago. I'll also add that the people who follow this blog are the best.

  101. Kevin--


    Frazier's 2020 OBP/SLG/OPS/OPS+ slash line:


    Gardner's 2020 OBP/SLG/OPS/OPS+ slash line:


    Gardner gets on base? He's far inferior to Frazier on that and in every other offensive area. Gardner is one of the worst hitters on the team and Frazier is one of the best. You seem to suffer from some sort of cognitive deficit that requires professional attention. Now please shut the fuck up and stop plaguing this blog with your idiocies.

  102. Anonymous, never mind.

  103. Kevin--Never mind? You have no mind. You're an imbecile. You don't cite facts. You pull idiotic incoherent babble out of your ass. Shut up and go away.


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