Monday, October 19, 2020

Luke Voit blows the whistle on the cheating Tampa Rays: “They kind of play small-ball, find a way to get guys over, bunt and going first to third."

At last, baseball's darkest scandal is coming out... 

In  Tampa's victory over the Yankees, the Rays were moving baserunners. 

This is horrible. The more I hear, the more I am appalled! furious! livid! rage-filled! The Commissioner must intervene. Heads need to roll. The World Series should be shut down, NOW!  

This cannot go unpunished. Last year, the Yankees lost to the conniving Astros, who were stealing signals and beating trash cans. Now, we learn the Rays were doing worse: 

They were bunting and moving runners... in some cases from first to third! 

Let that sink in. Feel the burning rage on your soul? Now, imagine this: On several occasions, Rays hitters allegedly tapered their swings against the defensive over-shift. Can you believe it? This is sick, wrong, disgusting... and NOT FAIR!

How does Tampa get away with it? Modern rules require batters to swing for the fences, even if it means leaving their jockstraps fluttering in the breeze above home plate. According to the bylaws, when faced with a defensive over-shift, a batter is required to swing harder and drive the ball directly at fielders. Bunting is strictly forbidden. The Yankees played by the rules... and what happens?

The Rays cheated. That's what happened. Apparently, the rules don't apply to Tampa, whose team is a bunch of liars. Yes, liars: They pretend that they'll swing away... and then they bunt. That's lying... with eyes and facial expressions... and now, they're going to get away with it? 

I'm sick of cheating, scheming teams who screw the Yankees out of our rightful World Series rings. These criminal organizations should be banned from the game, so we can return to moving runners slowly and respectfully around the bases, the way David Kingman showed us. 

I hope the Yankees sue. If we lost to Tampa, it's only because they weren't playing by the rules of Home Run Derby. But this scandal is exploding. The truth cannot be contained. Luke Voit is blowing the whistle of justice. More is going to come out. 

Buntgate is just starting.


  1. Not only that, they played defense and their relievers got outs. They should lose draft picks and the GM & Manager should be suspended. Cashmanites must be disgusted!

  2. Brian Cashman is so proud of a decade of his decision-making process that has won nothing, payed out a ton of money, has no power lefty in the lineup and a bunch of guys who swing for the fences and get hurt every other day.

    Yup, he is still a dick.

  3. Shame on those Rays for playing baseball instead of ANALYTICS !!!

  4. MLB needs to institute a new “Hitter’s Balk” rule that would prohibit hitters from “deceiving the defense”. That would stop those cheaters from bunting or hitting against the shifts in such a cowardly and unmanly fashion.

  5. MLB needs to institute a new “Hitter’s Balk” rule that would prohibit hitters from “deceiving the defense”. That would stop those cheaters from bunting or hitting against the shifts in such a cowardly and unmanly fashion.

  6. From a Sweeny Murti tweet:

    The Rays had a combined .202 BA w/ 130 strikeouts in 12 games against the Yankees and Astros. But they also hit 22 HR. They didn’t “put the ball in play.”

    They obviously pitched well, played good defense. But their offensive approach was different than what many believe.

    That's a metrics gathering orgasm right there...

  7. Yeah, they're not big bunters. The Astros, for their part, bunted once in the series and the commentators swooned.

    It was actually pretty dull baseball, all-in-all.

  8. Did you notice that one of the Yankees' best winning stretches this season occurred when all of the team's young talent was on the field for a couple of weeks because of injuries? Frazier, Wade, Andujar, Torres, etc., were playing every day during that stretch. The chemistry and youthful dynamism of THAT team reminded me of the Rays. Until and unless the Yankees have the guts to go in that direction all-out--which will never happen under the stagnant, clueless Steinbrenner-Cashman regime--the Yankees are doomed to perennial disappointment.


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