Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Blaspheme? MLB's plan to shorten extra inning games - gulp - wasn't so bad, after all

Some things just take forever. They never seem to end. Such as - oh, you know - the final season of Lost.  Or Infinite Gest, the most aptly named novel of all time.

Add to this list: The marathon extra-inning ball game. 

Okay, I know this sounds knock-kneed, as if I'm cow-towing to The Man. I should automatically tow the line against all change; that's what old farts do. But here's the deal: 

I didn't hate MLB's extra-innings tiebreaker rule as much as I planned to. 

Back in June, the idea of starting extra innings with a runner on second - well - it boiled my blood. It was cued up to become my default rant, my go-to indignation loop and personal stone tablet of grievances: "The owners have sucked  another pint of life-blood from the Pastime - the notion of 'free baseball,'  reminding us once again that you don't become a billionaire by giving anything away..." 

Trust me, I was going to get mileage out of this. This would go up there between Jesus' condemnation of the money changers and Taylor Swift's stunning takedown of Katy Perry (which has been resolved, thank God.) I mean, I was gonna belch some bile.

But but BUT... it wasn't so bad. 

For starters, it didn't foster - as we feared - a game of bunts. (The fact is, nobody in baseball can bunt.) It raised drama levels and kept extra-inning games from deteriorating into a nonstop series of HR swings, as batters seek the walk-off moment. Also, it kept games from going past my bedtime. 

Listen: There comes a point where the extra inning game evolves from This-is-fucking-great! to Let's-get-this-fucking-thing-over-already. 

So, here's a thought: 

The rule should not start in the 10th. Both teams should get three innings - a full spin around the batting order - to win the old-fashioned way. Come the 12th, stick a runner on second. End the bastard, shoot the mutt, so we can turn to Johnny Carson. Wait, is that right?

Finally, thoughts and prayers to Gio Urshela and Clint Frazier, who were denied Golden Gloves at 3B and LF, respectively. Frazier's nomination will forever remain his greatest heist, but damn - Gio wuz robbed. (Hey, that deserves to become a bile rant!) 


  1. Benedícat vos omnípotens Ruthus, et Scooter, et Mantleus, et Spíritus Jeterus.

    So endeth the JuJu.

  2. Crapola. Dung. Guano. Poop. Shite, and more shite. Thank goodness for my thesaurus.

    I imagined the same inane nonsense about starting the runner in second. Absolute rubbish.

    And, unlike you, I did not change my mind.

    What brought about this lunacy in the first place? Was it the tender compassion MLB owners felt for the players? It was not. They hoped create some legitimacy for the “regular season” by shortening games as much as humanly possible so they could squeeze every game into the lead-up to the playoffs where teams with losing records might actually have a chance to win the World Series. How’s that for cheapening the value of your product?

    What was the bottom line? The bottom line of course. That and the rush to get to the real payoff: playoff money. I noticed that new wrinkle disappeared (as did I) once the watered-down playoff season began. There’s a lot more extra innings advertising moola to be had in the playoffs when fans tend to stay with it until the bitter end.

    That “placed runner” should be immediately abolished now and forever along with the three batter minimum for relief pitchers. Owners are looking for ways to speed up the game by cutting into the game itself when the real culprit of three-hour game is advertising. And that is not going to change. Ever.

    What will happen is that baseball will become a predictable time slot like football. Three hours and on to the next game or prime time entertainment. “Dancing with the stars after the game. Stay tuned!”

    Respect for the game of baseball has been murdered by suits whose only motivation is profit, and they are being foolish in thinking some sanitized version of the game will attract more paying customers.

    I miss the rough and tumble game baseball used to be. I miss Pete Rose and I’m not sure we will ever see a game that is not played by gentlemen millionaires who can’t go nine innings or players who tweak a muscle and miss sixty games.

    Ah, me. I must be getting old.

  3. I like the extra innings runner. I like scheduled seven inning doubleheaders too. Hell, I'd like to see a mercy rule. 5 run lead for either side after 7, game over. At least in regular season. If closer, play through to 9 no matter what happens in 8th. While on the topic, if I was the emporer of baseball, I'd ruthlessly enforce a 15 second clock between pitches. No pitch in 15 seconds, ball. All heresy hereabouts but what the hell. The product needs to improve, and these changes will help do it.

  4. Duque, Duque, Duque. Shakes head, looks sad like the kid who cried out, "Say it ain't so, Joe!"

    Richie "Call Me Dick" Allen is exactly right. MLB is not trying to speed up games, or they would do half-a-dozen other things. And it's GREAT to have the (very occasional) run-on game. Maybe the best game I was ever at in person was July 1, 2004.

    Thirteen innings, against the Boston Red Sox. The game where Jeter went into the stands. The game where A-Rod pulled off that incredible double-play. The game won in the bottom of the 13th on two-out, back-to-back-to-back hits by Ruben Sierra, Miguel "Joel" Cairo, and John Flaherty.

    None of that happens under this silly new rule.

  5. Can't disagree more, Publius.

    Yes, I want the "product"—i.e., the sport I love—to improve.

    But it needs to be done naturally, not with silly rule changes. No official regulations on shifts, or numbers of batters that have to be faced, or runners starting innings. No seven-inning doubleheaders.

    I WOULD favor the other changes you suggest: a clock on pitching. I would also have the umps keep guys from stepping out.

    But other than that, I just want the sport to TEACH guys to play the game right—as it was at the heart of its complexity.

    Teach hitters how to bunt and hit to the opposite field—and have them do it to beat shifts

    Teach pitchers how to pitch to contact, and throw more complete games, and longer relief stints.

    Teach hitters how to guard the plate with two strikes, and swing at close pitches—and close pitches only.

    Teach pitcher how to change speeds, and fool hitters.

    If this all leaves things too slanted for hitters or pitchers, THEN make another change or two. Adjust the strike zone or the mound height.

    But give the game a chance.

  6. I'm OK with the runner on 2nd after the 12th inning. I'm actually OK with the NL DH even since there are so many interleague games now.


    What we REALLY need next year (beside Hal suddenly selling the team - I can dream, can't I?), is the return of the IBS lady. THAT would be great.

  7. Ah....... the IBS Lady! Here I am prepping for my colonoscopy.....I’m DEEP into the Superbowl Prep.......and you have to mention. HER.

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