Sunday, November 15, 2020

No news is, um, no news? Except for the continuing Miami talent steal

As a truth-teller, it is impossible for me to lie. Thus, here is today's sad news: Nothing is happening. The Yankiverse is asleep. Not a creature is stirring - the lone sound being the existential wails of Hal Steinbrenner, after a penny he was playing with has tumbled into a heater grate.

Today's links... why bother? They are wormholes into The Abyss... weary, recycled doom-scrolling posts about... 

a) the possibility of trading Gary Sanchez (good) 

b) the need for pitching (desperate) 

c) questions over who the Yankees will sign in free agency (flip a coin... NOT HAL'S PENNY, THOUGH, too loud.)

My guess: Little will happen until the national Covid numbers stop skyrocketing. If cases keep doubling every two weeks, or if the numbers reach a high summit and plateau, our hospital systems will blow their gaskets, and the 2021 season might again be delayed. I'm not sure where ball players will rank on future vaccine-priority lists, but a lot of shit will fly before pitchers and catchers report in February. It's only three months away, but from here, yeesh, it's hard to see that far.

One other thing: Owners might be hesitant to bestow long term contracts on players who might get sick, develop a heart condition and never be the same. Of course, LeMahieu remains a solid bet: he had Covid last summer, remember? But the sad case of Eduardo Rodriguez, the Redsock pitcher who missed last year, remains in our minds. 

One day soon, some courageous GM will fire the starter's pistol on the 2020-21 hot stove league. Right now, though... crickets.

Oh, but one story not getting the traction it deserves: How savvied an owner that Derek Jeter has turned out to be. 

I refer to Miami's hiring of Kim Ng - baseball's first female GM - a former front office assistant with the Death Barge. She won three rings with us, from 1998-2001. Jeter hired her.  

He took us to the cleaners with the Giancarlo Stanton contract dump, and then hired Don Mattingly, the 2020 Manager of the Year.  He also has our former farm system director, Gary Denbo, running baseball ops. 

Remember how Marlin fans screamed, accusing Jeter of favoring his old franchise? These days, he's picking us clean. 

It's remindful of the huge successes of the San Francisco Giants in the 2010s, with a front office full of ex-Yanks. Meanwhile, the Death Barge sits there.


  1. Miami is coming up fast on my favorite team radar. I like the cut of their jib.

    The Yankees seem moribund and stupid in comparison.

  2. Who were the former Yankees in that front office, Duque? Just curious.

    Of course, in the 1980s & '90s guys Mad Old George chased off built the Blue Jays, Astros, Giants, and Reds into contenders and even champions, while we floundered.

    Despite numerous lessons, the Steinbrenners have never absorbed that the front office is the key to the team.

  3. Oh, and this was recently found in the Stadium trash:

    Brian Cashman Memo to Self:

    "Maybe not best idea to pick fight with self-made millionaire who lives in oceanside mansion with swimsuit model and football hero friend. And his model/wife. Must talk to Klapisch about this before next book."

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