Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Yankees must weigh the German case with the Cuban Missile Crisis

Last night, Domingo German - currently No. 1 on the Yankee Pariah List - threw four shutout innings in a Dominican winter league, which seems a rather dangerous move during a pandemic, unless you're already sorta dead.

Maybe that sums up German's situation: It's unclear if the Yankee Death Barge will ever let him return, just as it remains unclear exactly what he did. German is accused of domestic violence against the mother of his child. Two years ago, he was suspended for 81 games - the 2019 playoffs, all of 2020, and a few more in 2021. His punishment took on extra weight by being linked to games, not time, like sentences meted out to coaches in the Astros cheating scandal. AJ Hinch and Alex Cora, who violated the sanctity of the game, missed one short season, and they're back in the dugout, wrists red from the slaps. German is still paying, and he must prove himself morally  rehabilitated.  

Listen: Abusing a girlfriend is a serious matter, and the Yankees have made it clear that German must change his ways. Said Hal Steinbrenner last summer:

“I have to absolutely feel comfortable that he deeply, deeply regrets and is sorry for what he did, and I absolutely have to be comfortable with the fact that he’s turned his life around. Those two things are for sure.”

Regrets? I suspect German has a few. Last June, he seemed almost suicidal, posting on Instagram that he was quitting baseball. He later walked back the remark.

Still, it's hard to assess right and wrong. No police charges were filed against German. His case hinges on what MLB thinks, not the courts. And in last summer's  interview, Steinbrenner called the case "horrific." Yeesh. That's a hell of a word. To me, it conjures dungeons and handcuffs. Fans should not take it lightly, and neither should Hal. In fact, if the owner really feels "horrific" applies, well, maybe we shouldn't have any conversation about German.  

Two years ago, before everything exploded, German went 18-4 with a 4.03 ERA. His lopsided won-loss record skews far better than he actually pitched; the Yankees scored runs for him. Still, his ERA tops three of the Yankees' 2020 starters: Jordan Montgomery - 5.11; Deivi Garcia - 4.98; James Paxton - 6.64. This year, German will be 28. There's no way around it: He could probably help this team.  

One other thingy: The Yankees ought not to act too self-righteous here. Their closer is Aroldis Chapman, whom they long ago snatched up at a bargain, due to charges of domestic violence. Among other things, Chapman was accused of firing bullets into his wife's garage. Is that horrific? Well, the Yanks happily took Chapman from the Reds, and last winter they signed him to a new, three-year deal. Other than shooting up his driveway, he's been a model teammate... well, despite those walk-off gopher balls that ended the last two seasons. 

So, the news here: German is pitching again. Good for him. Let's hope he's learned something, and that maybe that the Yankees have, as well. From the bleachers, nobody can look into German's heart and proclaim him saved. But the Yankees need to be a team that believes in redemption, and not just for all-stars.


  1. German may have done something horrific. But if he can't be forgiven and rehabilitated by the team that gave Steve Howe yet another chance, and another, and another--he had seven suspensions for cocaine and died with meth in his bloodstream when he crashed his pickup--then, really, I don't get it. And, you know, Chapman.

    Here's what Gene Michael said in 1991 about Howe: “he’s getting a chance because he’s good . . . there’s always a need for more left-handed pitching . . . He’s been clean for two years. I asked a lot of people a lot of questions about him, his makeup, the type of person he is. I feel there’s been a lot worse things done in baseball than bringing Steve Howe back. If it was my son or your son, you’d want to give him another chance.”

    Wise man, that Stick.

  2. Funny how quickly the story of Bobby Cox beating the hell out of his wife just.......went................away. But hell, back in the nineties EVERYBODY beat their wives when they felt stressed so.................


  3. I love it. When I think about all the drug-crazed morons (think Josh Hamilton for example) who were signed by teams looking for an edge and all the child abusers, wife beaters, and rapists ), formerly and currently playing professional sports, I am reminded that looking to athletes as role models is one of the more misguided ideas we’ve come up with in this high-octane, ego-fragile, con-artist country we call home.

    Forgiveness is supposed to be divine, but there doesn’t seem too much in the way of godliness nowadays.

    I guarantee you Hal is a paragon of virtue, even if his values are limited to the merely monetary. Let him be the judge, jury and executioner.

    And give the kid an invitation to spring training.

  4. @Kevin...one comes to mind immediately...Denis Potvin.

  5. @ranger_ip, not a hockey fan, but I went to Wikipedia, but nothing popped. Please explain.

  6. @Kevin...Ranger fans for years have chanted "Beat your wife Potvin, beat your wife!" That came about because in Potvin's divorce trial, which was a little ugly, it came out that he indeed beat his wife...that was the wife's version of that...Potvin denied the allegation...but the chant remained still to this day. Potvin retired in 1988.



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