Friday, December 25, 2020

Happy Holidays from Seasons Greetings

All is quiet in the Yankiverse. Move on, there's nothing to see: Nobody's going to sign. Nobody's going to be released. Have an electric Kool-Aid acid nog.  And as you tear open each package, to find another pair of socks and boxer shorts, remember: 

Every moment is a gift. That's why it's called "the present."


  1. Thanks for everything, everybody - all the time.

  2. Maybe it’s time to take a break from these bullshit comments. I’ll see you all around.

  3. Not to sound like I believe in conspiracy theorem.....but is the Pauline Hickey thing code for something else? It sure is tired.....unless it is a double dog whistle for some sleeper cell this or that.....
    If it isn’t, it really doesn’t enhance this blog

  4. This Pauline Hickey person reminds me of the writing of Doug Kenny or Gerald Sussman from the old National Lampoon magazine circa 1971. Not as clever, of course, but there is a resemblance. Perhaps one of them reads IIH?

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone on this blog!

  5. Carl,

    Doug Kenny died in 1980. There's a nice, if strangely cast, bio pic on Netflix called, "A Futile and Stupid Gesture" that was better than I thought it would be.

    Both of the writers you mention would not subject this blog to this level of repetitive masturbation. They were great comedy writers.

    Oh and Merry Christmas to anyone reading that is celebrating today.

    Doug K.

  6. HAPPY HOLIDAY COMMENTARIAT!! BOTTOMS UP!! (Take that as you will!)

  7. Thanks, Doug. I didn't realize he had died. In fact, I thought he might be you!!
    True, they and several other NL writers wouldn't be so obsessive on the subject but I find a certain amount of humor in Pauline's writer's schtick. Of course, I can find humor even in a deadly car crash, so that's just me.

    Maybe that NL cab driver Bernie X will show up here too :).

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