Saturday, December 12, 2020

Let's start a rumor: Ten reasons why the Yankees are covertly trying to trade Giancarlo Millstone

Been quiet lately. Too quiet... 

Something's up. Can you feel it? When asked about DJ LeMahieu, the Yankees slouch and stare at their shoes. They use qualifier words like "hopefully..." and "maybe..." We should hire those guys who broke the Zodiac killer's cypher code. They'd interpret the Yankee response as, "He's gone, muthafukkas...

But strangely, nobody mentions the alligator in the pool: Giancarlo Stanton. If and when the Yanks lose LeMahieu, they will - (in whispers, of course) - blame Giancarlo. For the next eight years, every Yankee move will be affected - if not dictated - by Stanton's contract: $198 million through 2028 (including buyout.) It is the lizard crushing Tokyo, the mother ship attacking DC. It is Cloverfield, and it's so ubiquitous that, like Voldemort, the Yankees try to never even mention it. 

But here's a thought: If we know anything about Brain Cashman, it's that he almost never flags a deal in advance. Two years ago, LeMahieu arrived out of nowhere. Three years ago, nobody foresaw the Stanton trade. So, the absence of rumors? It means nothing. 

Here are 10 reasons why, in the coming weeks, the Yankees could shock the world and trade Giancarlo. You read it here first.

1. For a trade, it's now or never. At 31, he probably has a couple good seasons left. Next year... um...

2. In the recent post-season, he frickin' killed: Six HRs in seven games, with 13 RBIs. There can be no doubt: When healthy, he can still bring it. 

3. He still might accept a trade to the West Coast. The more entrenched he becomes in NYC, the less likely he'll be to okay a deal. Three years from now... um...

4. The NL seems to be moving toward the DH. (Right now, it's up in the air for 2021.) For now, Stanton might be able to play LF. The Yankees could even argue that, the more he's out there, running around, the less likely he is to tweak things. 

5. The Angels look particularly desperate. They are on the verge of squandering the careers of Mike Trout and the Japanese Babe Ruth. Also, the Dodgers rule LA. If the Yankees were to, say, pay Stanton's fare for two seasons - $58 million - the Angels could make a run. Same with the Mariners, Padres and even - gulp - Dodgers, who might seek a dynasty. 

6. Stanton is coming off a season that's impossible to assess. In 94 at-bats, he hit 4 HR and batted .250. Meh. But once again: When healthy, he hits. There is no sign of a Bobby Bonilla/Mo Vaughn/George Scott instant self-immolation.

7. Last year he actually looked svelte and in great shape. He'd lost a few pounds, seemed to be feeling good. A hamstring took him down - no broken bone or surgery. Say what you will: Hammies are a part of life.

8. For the Yankees, trading Stanton - for anything - makes sense. They can keep Clint Frazier and Miguel Andujar, either of whom could mitigate whatever Stanton does for another team. If Stanton stays, however, the Yankees have to trade one, or both... 

9. The Yankees don't need much, talent-wise, in return. A couple low-level prospects, who don't need to be protected in next year's Rule 5.

10. With the money they eventually save, they can re-sign LeMahiue, or Kyle Schwarber, or Sir Didi, or - imagine this: a pitcher! They can actually build a team from the ground up. 

The key is timing. If Stanton suffers another injury-plagued season, well, say goodbye to trade opportunities. He's coming off a surge - rather than surgery. 

Now is the time. 

So, fire the rumor cannons. You heard it here first.


  1. Giancarlo Millstone....another classic.
    The Angels scenario seems to be the most feasible to me, let’s keep our fingers crossed.

  2. A few things...

    1) $58 Million

    When I first read this I was all like, "No way are the Yankees going to pay that much to trade a guy."

    But then I considered that it's close to the money that they would pay for the last two years of the contract when Stanton will be even more injury prone than he is now.

    So it is pretty much a certainty that it's a sunk cost.

    Plus the Yankees do have a history of paying massive schmuck tax for bad deals.

    I'd be good with it. We could use the flexibility and I'd rather see AnDUjar as the DH anyway. Miggy Two Bags is a lot more fun to watch.

    2) Don't sell him short though

    If we're paying $58 million to some team and giving Stanton who is still in his prime (Wink) we should be able to get a decent to good return.

    3) Here's one that won't happen.

    Our guy who can't stay on the field for their guy who can't stay on the field. Ottani. I seem to recall that he's not pitching anymore. If the Yankees don't resign Tanaka how are they going to sell Yankee T-shirts in Japan?

    4) If DJ goes somewhere else...

    They should sign Ha-Seong Kim he plays 2B/SS/ 3B hits for avg with decent power. Doesn't K a lot. Sounds like anyone else we know? Plus Sells T Shirts in the Far East.

    By the way I know that if they do this and he sucks, always a possibility, I will rightfully deserve the scorn and ridicule that comes with advocating a player who none of us have ever seen and who will be playing multiple positions in a new league and new country while facing pitchers for the first time who are better than what he faces now.

    I just think that Kim's Possible.

    Yes, I have a teen-aged daughter. Sometimes the references are more up to date.

    For the over 60 crowd I offer this... When he makes an error at short by failing to get to a ball the headline can read "Kim No Vac"

    Doug K.

  3. The chances that anyone would take Stanton for free is Zero.

    You are dreaming.

    Too much time spent out of bars and football stadiums.

    See a doctor. ( "Stanton could still play left field" ....? That is borderline insanity right there ).

    Get real.

    The albatross is ours for ever.


  4. Does money owed to a player no longer on the roster count against payroll for luxury tax purposes?

  5. Doug K., I like the cut of your jib! Sure we're dreaming, Alphonso. But we can dream, can't we? Can't we???

    Anyway, I hear that Giancarlo is upping his model/actress bench pressing for this off-season: Jessica Alba, Scarlett Johanssen, and a blast from the past, Cindy Crawford...

  6. The money angle could work but the Yankees might have to kick in another 5 million in years three through seven. AS is stands now, if a team accepted $ 58 million from the Yankees and counting $ 10 million in years 6 and 7 from the Marlins, that would still be $ 130 over 5 years on the new team's dime (26 million per).The option year is a 10 million buy out which Miami would pick up.

    So Duque's logic of how to pay the acquiring team makes sense. Especially if the NL goes to DH. 2 free prime years and then the average compensation for a top DH home run machine for the last 5 years. Not too bad.

  7. Here is some slightly modified dialogue from the now almost completely forgotton 1972 heist movie: "How to Steal a Diamond" AKA "The Hot Rock".

    Mayor Giuliani: "Now, what is it that the girl is going to say to you ?".

    President Trump: "Afghanistan Bananistan".

    Mayor Giuliani: "And what will you do when you hear that phrase ?".

    President Trump: "I will tit-fuck the truly astonishing 17 year-old Pauline Hickey from 1985".

    Mayor Giuliani: "Excellent ! ! !".

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