Monday, December 7, 2020

There's a new Judge in town, and he's about to capture the passion of NYC sports fans

This week, the Winter Meetings happen. Question for the Peanut Gallery: 

Like, um, does anybody care? 

Traditionally, the second week in December gives the Yankees six free days of advertising, a burst of attention on Gotham's manic, tabloid back pages, because...

1. By now, the Giants are out of it.

2. By now, the Jets are out of it.

3. The Knicks haven't begun yet, but they're already out of it.

4. The broadsheets love rumors.

Say what you will about Yankee pitching, the Death Barge runs the best rumor mill in sports. They're after Kyle Schwarber! They're trading Red Thunder! They're signing D.J.! They're bringing back  Colter Bean! Yeesh. Rumors are like genital crabs: Tweezer one off, and you find eight more. Whatever you want, there's a rumor for it. And that's how the Yankees rule December.

I direct your attention to the Tabloid Back Page Charts on the left. They show the Yankees projected to win 2020, as they have every year since we launched the count. But their margin is shrinking. 

Three years ago, the Yanks scored 280 Post and Daily News cover pages - nearly equaling the Mets, Knicks and Giants combined.  

In 2018, their total dropped to 242, almost 90 ahead of the Mets.

Last year, they fell to 212, about 20 above the Mets. 

This year - wrecked by Covid - the Yankees will win with a relatively meager 155 covers, about 20 ahead of the Mets. This happened due to the short season and the Mets' utter collapse, conceding the month of October. 

Well, we can see what's coming.

Unless the Yankees win the 2021 World Series, they will lose NYC. 

Which brings me back to December, which the Yankees are also about to lose. For months now, we've dismissed the Giants as a toxic cohort to the worst franchises in professional sports: the Jets and the Knicks. Suddenly, under Coach Joe Judge, they are poised for a run at the playoffs. Suddenly, our screams about GM Dave Gettleman and DT Leonard Williams sound rather defeatist. 

In this dark month - the darkest in our lifetimes? - the Giants are about to become New York City's most hopeful beam of light.

So, this week, enjoy the rumors for what they are: Gammonite bullshit. Only one question sums up these meetings: How much will Hal Steinbrenner and Steve Cohen spend? (Long ago, Warren Zevon figured it out: Send lawyers, guns and money. )But no matter what happens, the Yankees won't win NYC. There's a new Judge in town. There's also a new Joe. 


  1. Amen to that! Also, big time props to Patrick Graham, my new buddy(Ryan).

    And for anyone who things this is being over blown, the last time Peter King had the Giants as his lead story was...

    I don't actually know. I mean I read the paper but it's not like I'm some kind of historian savant.

    Maybe Hoss will be able to compare it to the Battle of Wasteings in 1066 where the underdog Anglos beat the Saxons and in doing so established that tasty food would never again be served in England.

    Like I said, I'm just a regular guy. Here's a link to Peter King's Football Morning in America. Always a good read. This Morning in America is even better.

    Last thing, watched the final quarter of the Jet game. Oy! So sad. I hope it turns around for them. We complain about Hal, and Boone (Ten More Years! Ten More Years!) but the level of the Jets' ineptitude is truly staggering.

    Doug K.

  2. The Giants have found ways to win, a complete turnaround from earlier in the season, when they found new ways to lose. Like, I don't know, maybe the Jets.

    I'm happy. Something I don't expect to feel regarding the Yankees for possibly the rest of my lifetime. Or Hal's. Or Cashman's.


  3. The Giants a hopeful beam of light? I might be laughing to the point of tears until I remember I'm a Jets fan.

    So, let's not get ahead of ourselves. The Giants are fortunate to be living in a wasteland of a division and all their visions of sugarplums will evaporate come playoff time - if they get that far. As for the Jets, they had the good sense to fire their genius of a defensive coordinator, and it won't be long before they get rid of the man who claims to be a head coach. Plus ca change...

    Aside from any historical references, it should be noted that having a wealthy owner does not make for a winning record, or a prosperous future. Just ask Daniel Snyder. Or Napoleon just before he predicted winning the battle of Waterloo.

    And, lastly, I seriously doubt Foodstamps Hal gives a fig about headlines. He's more of a bottomlines kind of guy. Unlike his father.

    As for me? I'm going back to gorge myself on John Wick movies, hoping that a man who seeks revenge for the loss of a dog will comfort me. In New York sports, we have nothing but dogs, all of whom ought to be put down.

    Ease his pain!


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