Monday, February 15, 2021

A thing that makes you go, "Huh."

 DJ LeMahieu is 6 for 9 with three home runs against Chris Sale.


  1. And I had no idea that Henry Aaron took Sand Koufax apart. Or that Teddy Ballgame was death to Bob Feller.

    The things you learn.


  2. And, at the bottom of that interesting article, is this sobering paragraph:

    "The latest news in the restructuring of the minors includes the replacing of longstanding league names with generic placeholder names, with MLB reportedly planning to sell branding rights to all of them. At the highest levels, there will no longer be an International League (founded in 1884) or Pacific Coast League (founded in 1903). With the caveat that logistical factors are involved, it’s safe to say that future financial gains are driving these decisions. MLB — a multi-billion-dollar industry that has recently been laying off low-and-moderate-salaried employees — clearly has priorities that deserve scrutiny, if not disdain. By all accounts, dollars trump history in the eyes of the deep-pocketed decision-makers.'

    I have run out of expletives.

  3. I hear ya, Dick. It's a travesty. And it will probably get worse.

    Look for MLB to try out things such as corporate naming rights for teams, ads on the field and in the new leagues' names, etc. All to be justified in the name of needing to make up money from the plague years.

  4. These people have no shame.

    All the while crying poverty and blowing smoke up our asses.

    One of my favorite annual vacations was to visit a different minor league ballpark for five or six nights in small towns in the mid-atlantic region. Those days are now long gone, along with the well-being of too many of those small towns like Batavia, NY and Salisbury MD. It's disgusting what they're doing. Goodbye America. It was nice knowing you.

    And I'm supposed to get a hard on because the Yankees acquired Jay Bruce?

    Scumbags all of them.


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