Monday, March 15, 2021

Ten takeaway moments from The Master in today's big reunion with Michael Kay

For the first time in a long time, John Sterling and Michael Kay reunited today in the YES booth. Some moments:

1. John noted that spring training games are unimportant. He cannot stress this enough. You can go 30-0 in spring training, but if you lose the first game of the regular season, you're 0-1. And the reverse is true. You can go 0-30, but if you win the first game, you're undefeated.

2. Described as "still in the flip-phone phase" of technology, John was hard-pressed to endorse the new YES Network ap. He described himself as "out to lunch" on such matters. That said, he's sure it's a wonderful ap. 

3. John said a scout who shall rename nameless told him Domingo German is one of the best young pitchers he's seen.

4. When John called the fateful 2001 World Series game 5 walk-off homer by Scott Brosius - the night after a walk-off homer by Tino Martinez - halfway through his call, John almost stopped talking, because he thought, "This can't be happening." 

5. When an in-game mic didn't work for Aaron Hicks, so he couldn't do a live interview while playing centerfield, Michael Kay said, "He missing something." John replied, "He's missing a great broadcast."

6. Discussing the origin of his Win-Warble, John said he decided "to put some rock 'n roll into the thuuugh." He never expected it to catch on. John believes the warbles took off after the Yankees started winning. 

7. John repeated that you cannot get excited about spring training games. You simply cannot. But if you are going to be excited, you'd have to be excited about Gary Sanchez.

8. John noted that you have to be impressed with the quality of the Yankee organization over the years. The players change, but the organization always does a great job. 

9. As early broadcast partners, Michael remembers John saying something he's never forgotten: "When you bring people good news, they like you." 

10. John doesn't remember saying it. 


  1. Thanks for the update, Duque. And beg pardon, Peerless Leader, but neither of those 2001 home runs were walk-offs. They just tied the games, and sent us into thrilling extra innings.

    Oh, how that Game 7 loss still aches, like an old wound.

  2. Unsustainable BABIPMarch 15, 2021 at 10:12 PM

    Haunts me to this day. I think losing that night felt worse than blowing the ALCS in 2004.

    Some years ago I was in Cooperstown and while wandering about in the Hall of Fame, who should walk in but Scott Brosius. And while I should’ve smiled at the memories of his MVP series in ‘98, or his game-tying HR in Game 5, the same thought that awoke me multiple times after I finally drifted off to sleep after Game 7 in ‘01, and countless times since, welled up inside my head: “Why didn’t you throw to first? WHY DIDN’T YOU THROW TO FIRST?”

  3. Ricky Ricardo on the radio call yesterday. A reunion with his Art Garfunkel today. Something's brewing with John's schedule, I think.

  4. Great report, Duque. Laughed out loud at #10.


  5. Game 7/2001 DOES still hurt, as Hoss says.

    But what's indelible in what's left of my mind is the 2004 series loss to the Boston Beanfarters -- after leading them 3-0 (the 3rd game win was Yankees 19, Sox 8).

    Alzheimer's may be creeping up on me, but I am not going to be able to forget that. For those who were not around then: The misery extended over 4 games. All the time, the broadcasters kept noting: No team has ever come from behind a 3-0 deficit to win.

    Somehow, it seemed as if this was the ultimate Karmic Punishment for signing freaking A-Roid. In other words: It felt as if we deserved it.

  6. And Joe, don't forget that we never would've signed A-Rod if Aaron Fucking Boone hadn't injured himself in the off-season. Think of what might have been without the steroidal albatross.

    Hi, Stanton. Different circumstances, same result.

  7. John's win warble was hilarious....

  8. 11. At the end of the game, John did the weakest win warble on record. It seemed like he was caught between doing it, and not doing it. Then, more or less acknowledging its weakness, he shrugged and almost whispered, "Exhibition!" I LOVED it!!

  9. Is it worth wasting my 7 day free MLB trial to watch this game? I’m thinking Yes.

  10. Or, if we just had not let Mike Lowell go in the first place. Another asinine Cashman trade.

  11. For me, 2004 felt worse.

    2001 hurt like a motherfucker, don't get me wrong. But it felt as though we had a ton of good luck, followed by a ton of bad luck. For most of the Series, we couldn't hit ANYONE on Arizona, not just the Evil Twins, Randy and Curt.

    Then, all the luck turned against us in Game 7. Everyone thought Spencer's ball was gone; the encroaching storm took it down. And rain in the desert! Which made the ball slippery, and led to The Great One's initial error.

    The breaks of the game. The only big strategy mistake was Torre not putting in Mendoza, who had been lights out, for the 8th inning, and thereby sparing Mariano's arm...

  12. ...Whereas, 2004 was our worst loss. Ever. Not only because it was Boston and because it was all so unnecessary, but because of all the stupid strategy.

    Everyone in the park knew Roberts was going to run. Call a fucking pitchout.

    Mariano was, once again, used too much, and used wrong, at the end of a season where he was exhausted emotionally (the deaths of his cousins) as well as physically.

    Torre for some reason insisted on pitching to Big Juicing Papi, even with first base open in key situations.

    The worst thing, though, which I have never quite forgiven good old Joe for, was refusing to order anyone to steal even when the Red Sox had a catcher in who literally could not catch Wakefield's knuckleball.

    Ridiculous. And awful.

  13. Mo timid with Millar after Millar scorched a middle in heater foul down the left field line, resulting in the walk that Roberts turned into a steal of second, can still keep me up at night. Mo's lowest professional moment. Only time I think it's fair to wonder if he was scared. Also, Jeter's sac bunt moving Cairo to 3d after his lead off double with score tied in extras still bothers me too. It's Fenway, Jeet. Apparently sound baseball bedamned...crooked numbers required! ARod K'd, Sheff popped up, if memory serves. Papi ended it soon after. Agonizing few days.

  14. And never forget that the Red Sox HAD A DEAL IN PLACE for A Rod, but it got scuttled by the union because there was going to be some reworking of the money. Then the Yankees swooped in and, well...


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