Sunday, March 21, 2021

Would the Yankees actually try bunting? Not with Jay Bruce.

Yesterday, the Yankiverse exploded with hope after Aaron Hicks used the word "bunt" in a sentence. (No, he didn't say, "Heat it up on the Buntson Burner."

The notion of a Yankee actually outwitting a defensive overshift - instead of homer-happy swings that have brought to baseball a cornhole-like excitement - well , minds blown.

But today brings reports that Jay Bruce looks like a lock to make the team.

Okay, fine. He's had a good spring. He's a LH bat. He plays 1B. No problem.

But his reaction to the overshift likely will remind us of Scranton-bound Mike Ford: He will seek to hit balls out of the park.

Again, not to quibble. Is Bruce a cagey vet? Could he outsmart the opposition? Will he be a grinder? Can he be one of those old-guys who knows a trick or  two? We'll soon find out.

But in 13 years of MLB, Bruce has 46 sacrifices and three (3) sacrifice hits.

Three sacrifice hits. By my count, he has bunted maybe four times per year.

Looks like we're adding another HR/W/K. Didn't think we could become more  a homer-happy lineup, but it looks like that's the case.

Not necessarily to complain. Just sayin.' 


  1. Rumor is Gary getting in on this and trading his ice cream sandwiches for Buntcake.

    1. That's quite an interesting name lol. Montero should have made that same trade! :)

      Longstreet Early Benning Dawes

    2. Oh shit it was Montero. I got the fat lazy pussy toads mixed up an ruined my own joke.

  2. Oooh, nicely done, Beauregard.

    To answer Duque's last line, yeah, I'm complaining.

  3. duque likes to party like it's 1919.

  4. Watched the whole game today. Hicks didn’t bunt. So much for that strategy.

  5. What are you guys complaining about? There's plenty of bunting at Yankee Stadium. Especially on the upper deck.

  6. I'm complaining, too. Enough with guys who can barely run anymore. Is there ANYTHING left on the farm?

  7. With respect to Bat Bruce Bunting....

    1. He won't do it.
    2. If he tries, he will fail.
    3. If he succeeds, he will fail.

    Point three deserves an explanation. Jay Bruce is so slow afoot, that a perfect bunt to a vacant side of the infield would still find him thrown out at first.

    So why bother?


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