Thursday, April 8, 2021

40 years ago: Bobby Murcer hits a pinch-hit grand slam on Yankees' Opening Day

(Correction: I really am old ... I got the dates mixed up. It was April 9, 1981, not April 8.)


I was at the game - left field, lower deck - and when Murcer was sent up with the bases loaded,  I was praying he'd hit one out. 

As soon as ball met bat, I yelled "He did it!!" My older brother next to me said, "Maybe not ..." thinking it might die out and fall short, but I knew. 

I was 15 and Bobby Murcer was my baseball hero. I was certain that the baseball gods wouldn't be so cruel to tease me like that.

I've learned, in the four decades since, exactly how cruel those juju gods can be, but that day, at least, they weren't.

40 years. Damn, I'm old.


  1. The "old" stadium. The "actual" stadium. The "house-that-Ruth built". That sound. That feel. The ghosts. Gone forever. The memories are great but the reality hurts.

  2. I remember that game.

    Tommy John pitched for us. Willie Randolph at 2B. Winfield. Watson. Piniella... Terrible team. Those were the days.

  3. Well, milk, actually The Real Original Famous Ray's Stadium was pretty much gutted in the 1974-75 "rebuild." Only the steel undercarriage remained, beneath a dumpy, plastic replica. But I agree: it was still better than the current oddity.

  4. And I was at that game, too. And plenty pissed off, because we were "only" up 5-3 going into the 7th. Then came the heroics from Sweet Lou and Bobby, too.

    It was indeed Winfield's debut. He had two hits. So did Randolph, Watson, and Piniella. Bucky had 3, including a homer.

    Those were the days, my friends. "We'd fight and never lose..."

  5. Remember when homers AND putting the ball into play mattered? I bet Bobby Murcer and Roy White never had fitness gurus to keep their finely tuned bodies humming like the current Yanks. I literally can't remember any Yankee hurting an oblique swinging the bat prior to 2010.
    But, then again, I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday
    The Archangel


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