Friday, April 16, 2021

Game 12 Thread: Climb on Nick Nelson's Back


  1. So in other words -- start the guy who can't get guys out so that by the time our better pitcher gets in we are in a hole, Morons.

    Doug K.

  2. Another great Nick Nelson outing...FML

  3. We're just allergic to the 1-2-3 inning.

  4. Three errors...and this is the best Cash can put out there?

    So how’s this for a plan...our bullpen is overused so what do we do? Stand up a bullpen game...are u fucking kidding me?

  5. We may be witnessing one of the oldest of baseball adages:

    You can’t win a pennant in April, but you sure as hell can lose one.

  6. Nelson the opener . . . of Pandora's Box.

  7. And somebody got their wish: double digit strikeouts and only one double play.

    Now that’s progress!

  8. I'm glad Odor's hitting is fixed. He's batting .118 now...

  9. What channel is the curling match on?

  10. At least in our bracket tournament, the Yankees actually win some games.

  11. Hey, now wait a minute, ranger! Sure, Ragnar didn't hit—but he only committed a single, two-run error in the field!

    What a team!

    (Someday, Gleyber will even get a second RBI!)

  12. Unsustainable BABIPApril 16, 2021 at 10:44 PM

    This team is a mess. It’s not even an entertaining mess: some teams are bad but at least fun to watch. This team is just ... dull. Overhyped, overpaid incompetence. Top to bottom.

  13. The amazing thing is how Michael Wacha, a thoroughly mediocre pitcher who couldn't cut it with the Mets, absolutely dazzles this team, routinely throwing 94-mph fastballs past them.

    Hey, anyone see the fans throwing balls out on the field? On YES, they're talking about it like it was a war crime.

    You charge fans this sort of money, you play this kind of ball on a cold, wet night—and you're surprised people throw things? In the '70s, they would've burned the park down.

  14. I'm still at a loss as to why a team ever would play a bullpen game unless they had nobody to start. Ooooh yeah, sorry, sorry. Well I suppose we can't have a "bullpen gap" now can we? Is it just me, or does Boone make your stomach start spasming?

  15. I'm glad the fans behaved the way they did. This team has skated for too long and a scene needed to be made. Everyone here knows that Cashman has constructed an atrocious roster. No pitchers, no defense, no one that can hit consistently. "Stars" that spend half the year injured. He needs to go, but it'll never happen. And Hal needs to stop being such a cheap fuck and spend on some starting pitching.

    You know what the biggest problem of this team has been the last 5 years? This belief that they were good in the 90's because they had a better bullpen than the rest of the league and that was what carried them. Guess what, it was coupled with a great rotation too. Yet they don't get that and have half-assed building the roster as a result.

  16. This is like watching the bacon grease coagulate. Or the third day that you drive past that deer that got hit by a semi. Or Lake Ontario after it has turned over. Or my latest colonoscopy film.
    Sell the team Hal. Fire Boone Fire Cashmere.
    I'm staying home and not buying anything Yankee. Starve the Beast. Am I disloyal ? Fair weather fan? No not after 60 years of watching and wearing 7 in Little League and hoping that someday they would actually win another Pennant and Chambliss put one just over the fence against KC.
    No, I'm done cuz watching the unwatchable is called insanity. They don't care about you or I as anything other than a commodity. They built a moat in the Stadium to separate us from the Corporate "fans."
    In the immortal words of Kevin Bacon, "Thank You Sir, may I have another?"
    They can all fornicate themselves.
    He who was formally known as The Archangel

  17. It's a poorly run organization from top to bottom. Cashman's a punching bag internally, and a punch line in the wider industry.

  18. Why does a team with a $200 million payroll have to start an “Opener”? Drumroll please; because the GM SUCKS!

  19. Usually I am against mayhem, but seriously, is anyone ACTUALLY disturbed that fans threw stuff on the field? I honestly am not. If I had my dog's refuse, I'd be tempted to throw it.
    Is it true that the Yankees tried to catch the balls thrown on the field but they missed them? I heard a rumor that Jay Bruce dropped one that bounced into the dugout.

  20. Beautiful post, Archie. And Publius, you're right—except that the Yankees are a PERFECTLY run organization by the standards of contemporary corporate America.

    Its customers are bilked for every penny they can pay, the company's biggest concern is always with its most elite consumers, the crazily overpaid principals of the company cover shamelessly for each other's incompetence, and the fact that the product is now rapidly decaying is masked by endless PR campaigns.

    In the end, though, nothing can hide the final score.

  21. I'm reverting to the mid-70s, when I was too high to care, and the first half of the 90s, when I was too bored to care. In both cases, I watched very, very few games and went to even fewer.

    This is pathetic. I can't watch this level of incompetence in a Yankees team.

    Maybe someone can air the full season of the 1962 Mets' games. They were horrible, but weirdly entertaining.

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