Saturday, April 17, 2021

No Title Needed (and they ain't winning one either)



  1. I see the "recaptcha" -prove you're not a robot- thing is back when we're posting. No pre-approval by the baseball gods necessary, cool.

    It's the only good news so far this year.

    The Hammer of God

  2. I've never ever expected a loss for every game from the Yankees,,, until this year. URGGGGG!

  3. This from today New York Murdoch:

    “ Aaron Boone ‘pissed off’ by Yankees’ brutal start.”

    No more Mr. Nice Guy!

    Alice Cooper, here we come:

  4. We may be witnessing a miracle: in his strike zone map on MLB Gameday, Gary Sanchez has an OPS of 2.286

    Are you ready for this?

    On pitches low and away!!!!

  5. Jiminy Cricket!

    Glasgow can’t hit a bull in the ass with a bag of rice, throwing nearly 60 pitches in the first two and...

    Jiminy Cricket!

  6. The upside down Pollyanna looks like a pile of shit coming down. Just like the Yankees

  7. Now he's simply throwing pitches past the Yanks.

  8. If Odor was a stock. I’d be shorting right about now...

  9. Horace, the Tapons have discovered the Yankees weak spot: fastballs right down the middle.

  10. The fact that the Yanks are the worst team in the AL comes as no big surprise - just the usual numbness. But how the fuck did the Crimson Hose worm their way into 1st?

  11. Did Aaron Boone's tirade work?

  12. Sanchez is out of the game after that foul ball off his hand. Hmm: could this portend a couple months of Higgy? (Oh, please, oh please).

    Glad we don't have any other potential catcher in sight, though.

    What a miserable exhibition in general. Rays could not even catch an infield pop-up—though it didn't cost them. I just can't understand why fans get disgusted with slothful, mailed-in performances like this.

  13. Where is our fixer of swings Marcus Thames? Why hasn't he fixed Odor yet? Odor is in Chris Davis territory now! What if Odor never gets a hit again?

    Nobody is hitting right now. I though we had a great batting coach?

    The only positive is Monty. He's made one mistake but has pitched a good game.

  14. Boone has NO FIRE....and the yanks reflect that as well

  15. He pitched pretty well, ranger. But he can't go more than 6 innings and 86 pitches?

    We don't have a pitching staff.

  16. Great peg by Higgy...but our shortstop of the future couldn't catch the ball.

    The Gleyber's all-around deterioration is one of the most mysterious things I've ever seen in baseball. Could he have some sort of undiagnosed illness?

  17. There you go, getting all riled up again, Hoss: the X-ray report came through that Sanchez has a mild bruise and we can probably make due with Higgy till he's back, but they named two strangers as emergency back-ups. Hope, Hoss - that hope stuff will keep you up at night. Forget it, Jake: it's Chinatown.

  18. 5 - 1? Think I'll find something else to watch. They got this big funeral thing going on in England. That'll be more fun.

  19. What the hell is "Odorific".... retire John

  20. With the tying run on second in the 7th, Hicks swings and misses at hanger after hanger.

    Stanton takes a 75-mph pitch right over the middle. Stanton takes a 78-mph pitch right over the middle. Stanton swings and misses at a 75-mph pitch a foot outside the strike zone.

    End of rally.

  21. Stanton sucks, but at least he has been an MVP and thus can point to a time when he didn't suck.

    Hicks and his desire to swing out of his shoes every single pitch makes me angry. Just a terrible baseball player to his core and has never been anything but that. Why is it that the only two people on Earth who think he's any good at this game are the GM and manager of this team?

  22. I predicted that strikeout, knew he'd strikeout. About as predictable as power outages after a category 5 hurricane.

    The Hammer of God

  23. @Leinstery For the life of me, I cannot see what the hell made Cashman offer a 7 year contract with that kind of money to a guy who is at best a fourth outfielder.

    The Hammer of God

  24. Regarding the predicting a strikeout, I was talking about Stanton. Just to clarify.

    The Hammer of God

  25. 4 true outcomes for Gio today. 3Ks and a walk. Good day in Cash-land.

  26. Leinstery...Cash's Ivy League nerd analysts keep telling Boone to bat Hicks third. I think they're Red Sox fans.

  27. The whole team is odorific. Ya know, like dog shit.

  28. Any thoughtful Yankee fan ought to be rooting for this sick joke of a franchise to lose every day to hasten the arrival of a new front office and--even more miraculously--a new ownership. Once the Yankees fall ten games behind in the division--which will likely occur over the next month--the season will be over and time ripe to clean house.

  29. Absurd, Publius. Cashman's problem is that ne not only ignores analytics, he also ignores the rudiments of cognitive sufficiency. No serious analytics guy would be encouraging him to play proven busts like Hicks or Odor. The analytics guys are the ones at the helm of franchises like Tampa Bay, which kick the Yankees' ass with one tenth the payroll.

  30. @Beauregard JPB, I think you've got the quote of the week!

    The Hammer of God

  31. "Odorific"--the state of Sterling's hotel room after a dinner of Mexican food.

  32. Sadly, the family Steinbrenner is never going away—not until they become international soccer magnates anyway. I think our best hope there is a catastrophic players' strike next year that wrecks MLB.

    Cashman, on the other hand...if it gets to a point where HAL feels the Mets are taking money out of his pocket, he may be done. But it will probably take years still.

  33. The home run did deserve a better home run call. Especially considering with Odor, we usually get a whiff...

  34. Anon...well, I think I agree. Cash's hired data analysts from MIT and Harvard must be Red Sox fans, using their credentials to wow Cash, all the while sniggering about his adoption of their "models" that say hitting Hicks third is optimal. It's the theory most complimentary to Cashman, frankly.

  35. Sorry, Publius. Serious analytics guys wouldn't be batting Hicks anywhere, much less third. I don't think you really have much first-hand knowledge of what you take to be "analytics"--just prejudicial second-hand calumny from daily sportswriters and duque and the like. As I said, consider that the most successful teams of recent times are headed by serious and rigorously trained analytics guys, not nepotism time-servier dunderheads like Cashman.

  36. I think they could win the "The Alternative Site" title

  37. Anon...I think you (fill in the blank). There now we're even.

    Just for future reference, when one comes to a humor site, having a sense of humor enhances the experience.

  38. Oh, please, Publius. There was no humor intended in your obligatory and entirely ignorant swipes at analytics. Just proving that you're one of the boys, right? That is laughable, but not in the way you intended.

  39. MOREOVER--most of the posts on this site are dead serious griping and venting about the Yankees. So whenever some malicious dick gets back a taste of his own malice toward anyone who wafts even the faintest aroma of analytics in his posts, his lame defense is, "Oh, but this is a humor site!" We never hear such admonitions toward the sociopathic attacks on "stat boy" and such. Double standard much, Publius? That's not funny either.

  40. I'm with Publius.

    Not always, but yes with his response to this fucktard.

  41. Hey MODERATORS--no moderation policy for Rufus T. Firefly calling people "fucktards"? Or is that just too stupid to warrant attention?

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