Monday, May 17, 2021

Ranger Danger Game Thread



  1. Fiddle dee dee. I guess he has to have a bad game every now and then, doesn't he?

  2. Just in time for a real like "It is high, it is far, it is caught!" from The Master.

  3. Last team in baseball to notch a triple.

  4. You just knew Gardner would be stranded.

  5. Abreu warming up…early garbage time…

  6. Abreu warming up: that's the white flag.

  7. If you still have any hope left in you, this ought to crush any last shred of optimism about the future of this pestilential franchise:

    Roansey Contreras (age 21) in two starts with Pittsburgh’s AA club has this line:
    2G 1-0 0.00ERA 11.0IP 22Ks 2BB 0.64 WHIP

    This is the guy Cash-man traded to obtain Jameson Taillon. He traded our future for a broken down pitcher who is not only missing two hubcaps, but needs a new transmission. Maybe Contreras won’t have much off a future, but...

    This is what the 2021 Yankees have come to: even the Pittsburgh Pirates are fleecing us.

  8. Interesting, DickAllen1964. Surely Cashman would have been long gone in an organization governed by the demand for competence rather than a mafiosi-like penchant for nepotism and rewarding personal loyalty. But another question comes to mind: what about the young talent that Cashman has managed not to surrender? Why are they mostly underperformers? Could it be that the coaching subculture of the team, from the low minors on up, is as incompetent as the upper management that hired them? Then what?

  9. PS: Contreras (at age 19) pitched nearly 3 years younger than the average in Charleston in 2019, and went 12-5 in 132IP with 113 Ks and a 3.33ERA

    But he obviously didn’t have much of a future in New York.

  10. I think the evidence bears out both views. Cashman rashly trades away highly ranked young talent for what proves to be very little...but then, the young talent ain't much, either.

    So what gives?

    Well, either the Yankees are not drafting well, or they're not developing well. Either way, remember how a fish rots...

  11. I've rooted for this franchise almost half a century through lots of ups and plenty of downs. There have been times I was locked in like paying attention was life itself. It gave me shit to discuss with people when I was 10 and clueless. Same with any age since. I always cared. I always sort of loved them or could at least buy into the idea that they mattered enough to make caring worthwhile, either in the moment or eventually.

    I'm not being pummeled by the big give-a-shit these days.

    Still trying to keep going; way past TV, I do enjoy The Master and Suzyn...but even that is different. It's not about the game as much as my love for catching what I think must be their efforts at snide sarcasm. They seem to bust chops a bunch these days. Maybe it's just me grasping for something. I agree with a few commenters that the porch/beer/radio combo is the way to go.

    But this is starting to feel like what hits me in a certain park in the Adirondacks, like if you glue up a set of those Stephen Caney cardboard sunglasses and aim your eyes just right, through proper use of hands and cap brims and perfect memory you can look upon a scene and still infer 1973, or 1996, or whenever.

    Maybe you can. I hope so. If it's out there I hope it darts past these parts soon. A glimpse might help. Who knows?

    Sorry for the rambling.

  12. Let's not get into a war over Roansey Contreras. There are many dozens of young pitching prospects who for whatever reason fail to progress. I've got forty years of books giving breakdowns on farm systems. They all have one thing in common, optimistic outlooks. Even touching the grass as a pro is kinda' difficult. Ya know?

    Horace is right. Something is amiss with Yankee identifying then developing young players. You would think that a chimpanzee throwing darts at a board would be more successful. As for development, inexplicable. I've never even seen any kind of analysis in books, blogs, etc. The process is either taboo or too complex to report on. I've long suspected that ownership is willing to spend the money on free agents so they don't get (usually) knocked as being cheap, and skimp with scouts, coaches, etc.

  13. Look, I’m not making Contreras out to be the second coming. He may never make a big league roster.

    It’s just that four short years ago the Yankees looked to be an exciting young team with a future and it’s turned into, in my bloated opinion, a major disappointment. They seem to have gotten very old very fast with guys who can’t stay in the field for more than a few weeks at a time, and the ones who can stay on the field have lost their way, and something feels really wrong.

    I just don’t enjoy watching this team attempt to play. It’s like Cole and the Cucumbers, a ragtag band playing oldies at a Holiday Inn on a Saturday night that only old people (like me) remember. It feels like they’re banking on history and nostalgia, and the freshness that was reminiscent of 1996 has evaporated.

    So when I see some young kid we traded away having even a modest amount of success somewhere else, even if it’s only in AA, I feel sad and I wish it were happening to our guy in Tampa or SWB, instead of seeing Giancarlo or Hicks headed to the trainers room with another pulled muscle.

  14. But Giancarlo and Hicks were never Yankee prospects. They were huge bad bets of the kind Cashman specializes in. What you don't mention is the long line of promising young Yankee players who fizzle after an initial burst of brilliance. It's so consistent that it can't be mere chance--it has to be coaching and motivational incompetence. Moreover, something smells bad about the most "storied" franchise in baseball hiring a manager who never coached at any level of baseball, including Little League.

  15. @DickAllen, I agree totally. After watching a few games in a row, something has finally come clear (to me at least). These players have been run through a process that tries to go the "one size fits all" route. No matter the situation, they are in a stance in which it's practically impossible to go the other way. They all seem to believe that they can drive anything that's not inside. The idea of suddenly choking up on the bat with a drawn in infield has become more complex than quantum physics.
    Lest I get too carried away on their hitting, I came across a couple of interesting stats that don't make it into the Yankees' broadcast booth: the team has the worst defense in the Majors according to the best metrics (for now, anyway) available. And, along with the shitty defense, it should come as no surprise to anyone who reads this blog, the team is dead last in base running in the Majors.

    When a team of veterans are THIS bad at base running and defense a question has to be asked. Are these guys mailing it in? With the exception of a few players, they could still be in spring training. I'll admit that I miss watching some games, but does anyone ever throw a real tantrum? Has Boone lost respect with his players? For a guy to manage according to what his many bosses dictate (I'm looking at you Brain and your Nazgul math boys), how do you get respect when you have NO SELF-RESPECT?

    This is a team of mismatched talent, a very thin "plan B", an appalling lack of talent in the upper minors, money squandered on kids on islands who aren't playing against known talent. I could go on and on the seemingly inability to think outside the box... And HOW EXACTLY ARE ANALYTICS supposed to help athletes who have to see and react to split second events? Yeah, analytics can tease out and explain what earlier stats missed. Of COURSE now that analytics has inserted itself into its hosts, perhaps this is why players can't hit the fucking ball.

  16. On the bright side, they have Tallion The Stallion going tonight.

  17. Thank you duque, you made my morning.

  18. This team sucks. We all knew that coming in. Only those who got carried away with positive thinking predicted otherwise. The question is why it sucks so bad. And you can start from the top. Cashman, a pencil pusher who never played professional baseball (did he even play Little League?), making mostly stupid, imbecilic decisions, is allowed to continue in his post by cluelessly loyal owner Prince Hal. As someone pointed out above, quite possibly, ownership may be skimping on hiring real scouts and coaches. We have a manager who is nothing but a puppet and a pitching coach who is a novice (and who never pitched in professional baseball, sound familiar?). Everyone who comes here turns into a pumpkin. So the answer to the question why the team sucks so bad is pretty obvious. The entire organization is being run like an animal house drunken fraternity.

    The Hammer of God

  19. Cashman actually played collegiate baseball, FWIW.


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