Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday Sunday SUNDAY... threadheads



  1. And Gary Sanchez strikes out swinging. End of threat.

    This rerun brought to you by Stone and Hand. Visit

  2. Given the same players, I'd have a lot more confidence in this batting order:


  3. If the bottom 3 or 4 guys surprise, great. But now they only kill whatever the first 5 guys might get going.

    As an aside, DJ is really in a slump, for him.

  4. And yet another home plate ump deciding to guess at balls and strikes.

  5. Frank Drebin was better at balls and strikes.

  6. Yes men crowing about Peralta's pitching success. Thanks guys.

  7. Frank Drebin was better than Peralta. What a dumb move, no matter what the YES boys said.

  8. No team has ever won a World Series with someone named Wandy on their roster…you can look it up…

  9. I'm sure that boosted Peralta's confidence.

  10. Hey! His name is Wandy! And all we gave up for his was a serviceable outfielder who has an OPS+ of (checks bb ref) of 82 with his new team. Okay. I admit that maybe the memory of Tauchman2019 may be clouding my judgement. But I'm sure we could've found a lefty reliever that sucks somewhere down on the farm. And not given up a fourth outfielder with a career OPS+ (checks bb ref) of 98.

  11. His name is Wandy..the newest series on Netflix…lol

  12. ChiSox really aren't good fielders. 34 errors is an awful lot.

    And just like that Johnny Lasagna screws up.

  13. And our own Bartman appears. What a dick. My penalty would be immediate ejection and a lifetime ban from the Stadium.

  14. Have the feeling the bullpen is going to blow this one yet.

  15. Frazier didn't have a chance on that play to be honest, but Judge would have caught that...however...

  16. We will look back fondly on May from the future Dreseden of July...

  17. "Our own Bartman."

    Soon to be enrolled in the witless protection program.

  18. Douche.

    Gleyber another hit. The guy is on fire.

  19. He hasn't even sweat a quart yet.

  20. Taking way too much time between pitches. Universal sign of a pitcher in trouble and without confidence.

  21. He survived.

    Now we have Frazier and Gardy before DJ. So DJ bats with two outs.

  22. Ok, Clint is hitting today. Good.

  23. Dangerous spot to steal. But with Gardy striking out, that might work.

  24. Tyler! Man, he's fast.

    We can win this.

  25. A real walk off.

    Screw LaRussa.

    Great games. Good old-fashioned baseball.


    Thuuu-eyeeee-uh-uh-uhuhuhuhuh-UH-UH-UHUHUHUH YANKEES WIN!!!!!

    The fuckers!! They win!!

  27. GREAT discipline by Judge, great hustle by Wade, nice hitting by Red> ThuuUUUUUUuuuuuHHHH Yankees WIN!!!!!!!!!!

  28. I love me a walk off walk more than anything. Except maybe a walk off balk. They are both really good, The Best!

  29. Judges first career walk off walk. First Yankee walk off walk since 2010.

  30. A rarity. A watchable game. The Yankees are finally almost likeable. And the carmine hose lost.

    Why am I terrified? Boone will find a way to screw it up. With help from brainless.

  31. And Boston lost. Though Tampa won.

  32. Good. I don't have to add that oblivious couple in right field to my ever-growing shit list.

    "Hey, Mom, Dad, how'd it go today?"

    "Great, hon! I got a sunburn, and your Dad almost ruined the game for every other Yankees fan there! But hey, on the way back we rolled a couple drunks and set some trash cans on fire to make up for it."

  33. Hoss, you don't think that idiot actually got out of the bleachers unscathed. Do you?

    I guess with the covid distancing, it's possible he made a run for it and made it.

  34. This will tell you how misleading stats are.

    Wandy got the 'hold' for that atrocious outing.

    "What does Wandy mean?
    the tribe of the Vandals
    Meaning:the tribe of the Vandals. Wandy as a girl's name is of Slavic origin, and the meaning of Wandy is "the tribe of the Vandals". Wandy is related to the name Wanda."

    He vandalized all right.

  35. One of my favorite memories of the old stadium was sitting in the first base line upper deck at an afternoon game. Two people fighting in the bleachers beat up the ushers trying to break it up, then they continued fighting. Then about a dozen cops came and took the two fighting women away.

  36. Stats are meaningless? Boone yanked Taillon as he approached his third time through the order because opposing teams are hitting .400 against him the third time through. Information like that, acted on in a timely manner, helps to win games.

  37. If you stop jerking off and actually read, he said "misleading," but that matters naught to you, as you are a fixed-perception, beady-eyed humorless stat baby and we just like to kick you around at this point. Too bad you're irrelevant.

  38. Proofreader can't read? How humorous.

    Her panties must *really* be in a twist. Must be rubbing on his vibrator.

  39. Clint Frazier, one man rally.

  40. Firefly -- you keep harping on how valueless stats are. If they are misleading, they are meaningless--that is, they have no useful value. But of course you are completely illiterate in this area, as in every other area. And I do not proofread anyone's posts, least of all yourse, which come reader-proof already--they never say anything coherent or useful--it's just a lonely, crabby old guy strutting his nonexistent sense of humor.

  41. Quoth Firefly: " rarity. A watchable game. The Yankees are finally almost likeable. And the carmine hose lost. Why am I terrified? Boone will find a way to screw it up. With help from brainless."

    A guy sitting alone in his stained underwear thought that someone out there needed to read this witless drivel. Oh--by the way, Witless Wonder, the American spelling is "likable," not "likeable." Spelled either way, you don't qualify.

    I hope your Medicare premium is paid up. You're going to need an emergency intravenous push of Namenda very soon.

  42. "Both spellings are acceptable in both British and American English, but British English strongly prefers likeable, while American English slightly prefers likable."

    Aw, the wittle wad missed his snack and nap time. Proofreading while denying it is quite a chuckle. As for your 'typo', I can see how it would be so difficult to type correctly with so many 'sticky' keys on your keyboard.

    Were you actually watching the game, or is your bossman at the pizza pit such a slave driver that he actually expects you to *work* during working hours?

    Poor millennial. No one understands you.

    Your safe space in mommy's basement will always be there for you.

  43. Hey Firefly--I already stated that "likable" is the preferred American usage. So who can't read now, genius? You are named "Firefly" because you have the brain of a firefly--a very OLD firefly. How apt your self-image!

    Now yap again, Firefly. Proof that you're my trained little yapping doggy. I order to yap again. NOW.

  44. You're the best. And remember, I'm not copying and pasting MY drivel. I'm saving all of YOURS! One day, you'll see yourself in print.

  45. Rufus- The old stadium... your story put me in the way back the 90’s... what a zoo. It was wonderful. I don’t remember when or who played, but there was this one game that just had beer fight after beer fight in the upper deck. You’d see the suds flying from across on the other side of the upper deck, It just went on and on the entire game. There were five distinct beer fights that day at least. Bums hauled out left and right. It was glorious. I was drunk, my friends were drunk, and the place was just bedlam. I lived in NH, but had weekend dibs on an apartment on E77th and would bring down some NH friends. There was nothing like this in Fenway. They thought I was the coolest guy ont he planet to bring them to this almost0dangerous area. When I was real young, we always sat three rows back from visitors dugout (thank you RR Donnelly) but when I was old enough to go on my own and sit up top I learned how amazing baseball games could be. They weren’t carding for beer well into the 1990s. I haven/t been drunk in like two years, I need some beer, sunshine, and a rowdy crowd. Shame the new place is so fancy.

  46. Wandy Rodríguez, a "Wandy" who actually made the World Series. Lost though, so there's that....

  47. Anyone ever notice that the further from being actually having their ass kicked the bigger the mouth? That semen curd really needs to get help, and possibly salvage his life.

  48. No mention of McBroom and they sweep. Coincidence? Certainly not.

  49. I must note that the new IIF chyron is not my own words. I am quoting 13bit!

  50. What is this McBroom of which you must never spaketh Leinstery?? Certainly a verily fever dream, doth no??

  51. Beauregard, we should totally drink up the new place on August 18th!

  52. Kevin, name the street corner where you'd like to have your teeth relocated to your throat. No charge for rhe dental surgery.

  53. Previously on IIH...May 24, 2021 at 8:08 AM

    " Kevin said...

    Anyone ever notice that the further from being actually having their ass kicked the bigger the mouth? That semen curd really needs to get help, and possibly salvage his life. "

    He/Her/They is example #1.

  54. "but that matters naught to you." Once again, Psycho Boy leaves the field behind in the Worst Writer in the World competition. Congratulations! I hope that this honor does not matter naught to you!


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