Sunday, May 30, 2021

Yanks-Tigers Lost Afternoon Thread



  1. The Master was on a bathroom break for the first pitch.

  2. I wish I could spell this guy's name on a scrabble board.

  3. 2 on nobody out. zero runs.

    Home shopping network is looking inviting.

  4. two outs, 0-2 count.

    two run double.

    Fuck the Yankees.

  5. Watching the Knick game...King pitching equals automatic loss...

  6. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad....bad team

  7. Somehow I'm still keeping my breakfast down.

  8. The abysmal hitting continues...

  9. Jeez...we have Cortes pitching...we've waived the white flag already...

  10. And now the fielding falls apart. I think we've reached a current new low.

  11. Wow! After they lose today our only hope is they are swept by Tampa and Boston so that they fire Boone and dismantle this pathetic team.

    Doug K.

  12. One day at a time, Doug, one day at a time. Let's start with today's sweep. I just made an old-fashioned (ahead of schedule, because, well...). Raising it to a battering by the mighty 2021 Tigers

  13. Offense, defense, baserunning, pitching. It's better to have it all break down. That way, rage that might otherwise be directed at one or two of them is more widely distributed into a sad, static malaise that's better for your health in the long run.

  14. This organization is a laughingstock. That leadership says in place is the biggest part of the joke. These men should be ashamed of themselves. If they had any pride at all, Cashman and Boone would resign.


  15. John Sterling's breakdown of the bottom of the 3rd inning:

    "Oh my goodness, what's happening to the Yankees?"

    "For Detroit, 4 runs scored on 1 hit, two men left on."

    Suzyn's reaction to Torres' SECOND error: "He's gotta make that play."

    After returning from the break, Sterling continued: "Last inning might be the worst half-inning for the Yankees this year."

    If it wasn't raining and I didn't have some work to do, I'd be outta here in a heartbeat.


  16. *IF* there is a meet up for a game this year, it MUST be ENTIRELY at the bar. No giving a nickel to those cheap motherfv<|<ers.

  17. A fucking little league effort, more errors than hits.

    Fuck you HAL.


  18. If George Steinbrenner was still alive, Aaron "we just need to get better" Boone would have been fired mid-game.

    Thanks, Hal, you whopping fucking hunk of milquetoast.

  19. If the Boss was still alive, Boner would not have survived half of April.

  20. @ Rufus, I also agree about the meet up,,,,,

  21. If it's just meeting in a bar. I will be back in NY around June 20th-July 5th if anyone want's to do it then.

    Doug K.


  22. It is on days like this that I miss George the most. If he were alive today, Boooooone would be back in the broadcast booth.

  23. This has been a totally mail-in performance...


  24. And I just now noticed your comment Rufus and LBJ. It's wonderful we can all agree on that.

    I'm sure he's a nice guy, but, as Leo once said: "nice guys finish last." Hope The Brain goes with him.

    Thank god for Baltimore.

  25. Great news, you guys. Today's only highlight on the MLB app is "Gleyber Torres Shows Frustration". That means a turnaround is near. They'll start playing better soon

  26. As Suzyn points out 0-19 RISP this series. Sterl: "No wonder they're on the verge of being swept.

    Contact doesn't count in contract negotiations.

  27. We meet at the bar. After a suitable amount of time, we march up to the stadium in loose formation, all of our lordly manliness bulging from over waistlines, t-shirts and anywhere else. We will be accused of slovenliness, but you could have said that about the the look of the men who raised the flag on Iwo Jima. NO MATTER!

    We will march up to the stadium holding signs that say things like: "BIGGEST YANKEE FANS EVER" and "NO MONEY TO BAD BASEBALL" and "SPEND YOUR MONEY, HAL" and "BRIAN KNOWS NOTHING" along with anything else anyone can think of.

    We MAKE SURE that media will be present. This can be easily arranged with the right wording on a press release and a few follow-up calls. We document it ourselves, just in case no media show up.

    If we do it early enough, we can even then go around the block, pretend nothing happened, and go see the game. Or not.

    I'm ready to roll.

  28. PS: i’m not joking. Let’s make a stand. I have put too much of my life into this to walk away.

  29. ICS is a complete asshole...that is the worst piece of baserunning I've ever seen...

  30. 13bit,

    Only if we can hold our spots at the bar!

    PS, ICS reverts to form. Couldn't hit into a rally killing DP, so decided to get thrown out on the bases.

  31. Billy Martin would have let him put his gear on, then come out and remove him from the game.

  32. This team is bad at everything

  33. Come on boys, win one for the gypper!!!!

  34. Hard to block a ball when you're laying down.

  35. You just have to LOVE what all the young Yankee talent has brought to the series. Where's little stat boy?

  36. Would have been more fitting if DJLM had GIDP to end this fucking game


  37. Sterling is telling Stanton that he just needs to get on base. A walk or a single will do it. A home run in this spot wouldn't matter.

    Why does that need to be said?

    Oh, that's right.

  38. But remember, the OPS stat proves that Sanchez is an above-average offensive catcher. And I'm sure the parade of sad bullpen arms are a real bargain when judged by some advanced statistic we don't understand. And the YES pregame guys all agreed that the great thing about Garcia is that--even though he can't throw strikes--the confidence he brings to the mound is very impressive and a big positive. And naturally, you don't pay Stanton to not swing, even if he misses. And strikeouts don't matter, anyway.

    I've seen teams fall apart before, but none so adept at it as these guys. They're almost as good at falling apart as the YES crew is at apologia.

  39. Judge is trying to hit a five run homew.


  40. JUDGE. UGH.



  41. John Sterling: "I would HOPE that that is the low point of the Yankees' season."

    Ahhh, yes, the Good Lord loves an optimist.

  42. Metaphor for the Yankee's organization. Just good enough to keep you interested, but not enough to win.



  43. We be the Tomato Can. Expensive tomatoes, maybe, but still.

  44. If we had hired Mattingly instead of Girardi, I somehow think the years since would have all been better. And then there's Swindal...if only he and Jen could've stayed together for the team.

    We shall never know.

  45. It all boils down to HAL is not a baseball guy or even a fan. Does anyone remember seeing him in George's box as a kid? He was too busy playing monopoly as Richie Rich.

    He hates baseball and it shows. He just hangs on because he thinks family infighting might cost him a few hundred million if he tries to sell.

    The fans need an owner who is also a fan. Hopefully before I die.

  46. A couple of days ago people were lamenting the woeful long-term contracts for two players: Stanton and Hicks. But what about LeMahieu? Here's what I posted about him to this blog a month ago, on May 2:

    "[Some people here] are delusional about LeMahieu and obviously have not looked at his career statistics. He had exactly ONE above-average season with the Rockies, 2016, when he won a batting title and slashed .348/.416/.495 (OPS 911). In every other season but one (2015, when he just made it at .301), he batted BELOW .300 and slugged below .800, which is mediocre--and this in the most batting-friendly ballpark in the majors; for two of those seasons in Colorado he slugged below .700, which SUCKS. In a stadium where balls fly out as though they had mini-jet engines attached, he was in SINGLE DIGITS in homeruns in five out of seven seaons, peaking at 15 in 2015. So . . . for most of his career, hitting in the most offense-friendly park in the majors, he was mostly a mediocrity or worse. He has mostly been a 1 to 3 WAR player--his 5.5 for the Yankees was an aberration, not his typical year. And as he ages--he is now 32 years old--he is likely to regress to this norm of middling-to-crappy--a slow, decent-fielding singles hitter who MIGHT flirt with a .300 batting average but will show little or no power. This signing was sheer IDIOCY. Cut consider the source of the signing, and consider how much money for how long, along with Stanton, and you take the full measure of Cashman's ineptitude and stupidity."

    Now of course for merely citing the facts and noting the obvious--and for departing from the blog propensity for wishful thinking about this guy--I was subjected to the obligatory vollegy of personal abuse. But not only does my post look exactly right a month later, but I suspect that others on this blog might be ready to embrace reality about this signing as well.

    To quote Casey, this signing was a "wrong mistake," a typical one for Cashman, and another indication of his chronic and by now catastrophic ineptitude.

  47. volley, not vollegy

  48. At least it will be a quick game. The Yanks are out of the third inning before I could even get logged in.

    Such efficiency; 3 swings for Stanton, 3 from Judge, and we’re done. If I’d gone to get a beer, I would have missed our half of the inning.

  49. Cashman is a guy with a 115 IQ in an industry full of guys with 135 IQs.

  50. Stop all the pouting and complaining.
    Don't \you know that we are about to be saved by a 6'4" 250lb 27-yr. old First Baseman who will save the season.
    Oh yea of little faith in the Yankee Org,.
    The Archangel

  51. Publius offers a succinct summary of the reasons for the Yankees' decline and fall--although 115 might be a bit generous.

  52. And if Cashman tops out at 115, where do you think Hal and Randy Levine will register? Certainly no higher, probably lower. How can anyone imagine that this is a first-rate organization when it hires a manager who has never coached at any level of organized baseball, including Little League?



  54. The DJ signing wasn't great, all things considered. Cashman probably chalks it up as a win because DJ came down from his original nine digit number. But the Yanks were almost certainly negotiating against themselves. They should have let him go, signed Didi for a year or two, moved Gleyber to second, and looked to sign one of the FA shortstops hitting the market in the offseason (Story, Seager, Lindor...he wouldn't have signed with Mets long term if Yanks were in the mix). Water under the bridge, though, and DJ will provide value for most of the contract. Far from their biggest problem, but indicative of mediocre talent management and lousy decision-making.

  55. Publius--what value will he provide? He's an aging singles hitter who will be lucky to slug over .700, nudging into positive WAR terrority. It makes sense to pay $15 million a year for six years for performance that you could get from Tyler Wade for almost nothing? Sorry--this contract is as loopy a folly as any Cashman has perpetrated with his dumb-guy fatal attraction to aging "name" players who had one good season five years ago for some other team while burying his own minor-league talent.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. The problem with the Yankees is they cannot tell who is good and who isn't. They think all of the guys in their clubhouse are better than they are.

    We should keep about 8 guys ( including pitchers ) and dump the rest.

    There is no hope.

    TIme to promote Jessica Dominguez!

  58. Alphonso,

    Yes. Keeping eight sounds about right.

    Doug K.

  59. Showing up in the comments just to insult people you don't know doesn't make you a rebel, it makes you a bore. This isn't 1996. It's not new. We have heard this shit again and again and it was played out a long time ago.

  60. We're not here to heap abuse on each other. We're here to heap abuse on Brian Cashman.

  61. God bless you, Mustang.

    We'll be fine as long as we stick together.


  62. We'll be fine as long as we stick together and heap abuse on Brian Cashman.

  63. Beautifully said, Mustang. Beautifully said.

  64. Jameson Taillon, he of the 5.06 ERA, will kick things off against the Rays. Anyone for some French Open tennis?

  65. I for one will be happy if DJ slugs .700 as the sperm curd would suggest. But something for those who have but a cursory understanding of statistics, consider this: economics are models with statistical underpinnings. Many of the smartest mathematicians in the world are paid huge sums to forecast the economy. They have supercomputers tied together from around the world, trying to forecast the economy. And yet economics is deemed part science, part art. Sperm curd and his ilk can't understand that the people who work for the analytics department for the Yankees are hacks compared to people who really delve into numbers. SO WHY DO TROLLS LIKE THE S. CURD BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN PLAN TEAM BUILDING AROUND SUCH PUNY TOOLS? WHY WOULD THE BRAIN BELIEVE IN SUCH BULLSHIT? the game was well understood a hundred years ago, with few exceptions. In the case of The Brain and many other GM's it's mostly about CYA. Bill James explained forty years ago that Ruth changed his fucking swing to hit home runs which is why he blew the league away. Soon the big guys did the same thing. Without any analytics. Why hasn't ESPN, Keith Law, Verducci, and the rest of these parrots talked about the idea of, "same as it ever was"?

  66. "Economics" is the "science" of explaining why what you predicted, actually occurred opposite to what you predicted.

  67. @Rufus, hilarious!

    As for our crazy little troll: Game, set, match.

  68. Sperm Curd, this is all brought on you for making fun of my friend, "Biggus Dickus". Oh, and he's married to another friend, "Incontinentia Buttocks". Now go away boy, you're botherin' me.


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