Saturday, June 5, 2021

Be very afraid: The Redsocks are following Tampa's organizational game plan

I had dinner with a Redsock fan last night... 

(I know, I know... why do I put myself into such uncomfortable situations? It's not that I am courting danger, or that I think their meager souls are redeemable. I recognize the gap in cognition and their limited ability to form words. Still, we all must be kind. Also, to be frank, I find the way they masturbate with their toes  to be rather stimulating.)  

His words shocked and terrified me, as they should us all...

He said Boston has been rebuilding via the same formula as Tampa and Toronto. They have assembled a roster of young, ascending, multi-positional - and, most importantly, cheap - clones. Almost all will play their best years in Boston and then sign bloated mega-deals with some slow-footed, dinosaur franchise, such as - well - You-Know-Who. 

They'll never spend $20 million on a showy closer, because they understand that bullpen fireballers come and go. Instead, they'll stock their staff with young arms and under-the-radar signings, and save their dimes for an occasionally underpriced star.

And if their team doesn't prove itself by June, the front office will tank the season and draft high next summer. (FYI: Next month, the Redsocks will draft 4th.)

Another management revolution has happened with the Yankees on the outside, looking in. 

Other teams use roster flexibility to overcome injuries, while we employ china dolls and lock in an everyday DH for the next eight years.

The Yankees have become hard to root for and nearly impossible to watch. 

Last night, when they were down 3-0 in the first, the game was effectively over, and everybody knew it. 

With a runner in scoring position, you can literally feel hope drain from the batter to the dugout and to everyone across the stadium. And then the batter strikes out.

Last night in Scranton, Mike Ford went 0-4 with a strikeout. Look, if can't hit at Triple A, why did we think he would in the majors? I'm starting to wonder: Could Clint Frazier hit at Scranton? Could Gary Sanchez? Could Gardy? Could Stanton? Did you see them last night, lunging after pitches in the dirt and taking fastballs down the middle? Fifteen strikeouts: That used to be the stuff of Koufax. Now, it's a regular night in the Bronx. 

Long season ahead. Long decade. 


  1. Well, I’m looking at the bright side: I just turned 67 and won’t be subjected to this kind of misery very much longer as I will soon be sliding into senility and imbecility.

    Death, come get me. I can’t take much more of this torture.

  2. I read this and agree, but many of us here have advocated much the same for some time now

    However, there are some who still hold out hope for the current season and the re-emergence of say Britton and Sevy and to them I say,
    'Hope is a corpse.
    A dead thing, watching you suffer with black empty eyes. Any comfort it may have offered ,long since gone to the grave."

    So Sayth,
    The Archangel( with help from Andrew Cull)

  3. Eddie Cicotte’s GhostJune 5, 2021 at 10:17 AM

    Don’t know if you guys have seen this yet. Sports Illustrated calls it the biggest scandal in sports. It explains a lot

  4. @Eddie...and does this coincide with Cole's two bad performances?

  5. This team has become the Master's biggest nightmare, predictable. When the Sux went up by 3 top of the first, and Judge killed the rally in the bottom of the inning, I just knew it was over and turned off the broadcast,,,,, chalk up another mind numbing beyond pathetic performance, AGAIN!

  6. If it's not "vitamin shots," it's greenies. If it's not greenies, it's PEDs. If it's not PEDs, it's sticky stuff.

    As Roseann Rosanadana used to say, it's always something.

  7. I, too, turned off the game after Judge hit into a double play in the first. Everyone knew the game was over and had no chance to win. Yes, this team is unwatchable. I've never seen a team constructed so poorly. Worst hitting ever. It's worse than the 1965-69 Yankee teams. But at least they still had some aging stars for most of that time. The 2021 team just has aging players...or non-productive younger players. I will not watch the Yankees remaining games against the Sox this weekend. Something I would never contemplate in any years past. But I've got better things to do. Like clean the bathroom toilets.

    Oh, and speaking of toilets, when the Yankees find themselves with no chance for the playoffs this year by July 31, I hope they find some sucker to trade for Gary Sanchez thinking they can rehabilitate his game. Perhaps they can find a bigger sucker to acquire Stanton for their world series drive if we take a portion of salary back .Maybe we can throw in a few pitching "studs" like Mike King and Deivi Garcia.

  8. @duque: "I find the way they masturbate with their toes to be rather stimulating."

    Ahem, sad to say, but that may be more interesting than watching these Yankees.

    The Hammer of God

  9. @Carl Yeah, I also did other things. I turned off the crap fest right after the 3 run homer in the 1st.

    I still think Gary Sanchez will be an All Star catcher again, somewhere else. He's gotta hope for his own sanity that they trade him this winter. Why do I think this? Well, look at Eovaldi. He sucked when he was here. The fix was pretty obvious, but our coaches could not get him right. Then he goes to Boston and he's really good.

    The Hammer of God

  10. I sense a disturbance in the firmament. Something Gittens this way comes.

  11. Nick Nelson was optioned to Scranton. Shouldn't he gone to AA?

  12. Wouldn't be nice if Gittens is the third coming of Kevin Maas?

  13. Cashman's stupidity--lack of learning curve. Signs Ellsbury to a long-term deal that crashes. Then does the same thing with Stanton and LeMahieu. VERY DUMB GUY competing with VERY SMART GUYS.

  14. Jimmy, for what it's worth, I have no plans to go to the stadium anytime soon. I will not be buying any crap, either. I follow the game through the T-mobile provided MLB app or through updates by you all. If I have to watch, it's through certain streaming sites


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