Monday, June 7, 2021

Comment of the weekend

 Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside commented on "It will soon be time to pull the plug on the disastrous '21 Yankees"

We need to stop asking what is wrong with the Yankees,
and start asking what is wrong with us.


  1. As I responded then, I respond now: It would take a whole other blog to plump what is wrong with us.

  2. Homo Sapiens are remarkably successful animals and the only capable of complex thought processes or symbolic reasoning. At the same time, we are unique in our irrationality. Your dog would never think he's not getting an extra scrap because it's the 13th day on the month, and a bird doesn't worry the eggs will be in jeopardy if she forgets to say her prayers. Rooting for the same teams (purely money making operations) year-after-year despite having no ability to affect the outcome is irrational, but it's in our nature.


  3. Mel, I agree with you whole heartedly.
    I will add you to my nightly prayers.

    The Archangel [of piety]

  4. "It's only a model".

  5. The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result

  6. So what you're saying is that Chicken's really need to pray more :)

    As far as what's wrong with us...

    I don't know if we believe that rooting effects the outcome as much as it is a form of entertainment that we all genuinely enjoy and our heartfelt desire is that the team we root for plays better and that the front office makes better decisions so we can have a more pleasurable experience.

    Baseball provides an intimacy with the players, partially because of the length of the season and partially because of the individualistic nature of the game. (As opposed to the machine that is football)

    When a batter is up we are hyper aware of what his capabilities are and are not and given how much time elapses in an AB we are given the space to contemplate the possibilities and then, in the case of the Yankees, be annoyed at the results.

    We want better players (management owners)so that our time watching our favorite sport isn't spent yelling at the screen.

    As to why we continue to watch this collection of incompetents...

    For me, sports is non-contrived drama. What happens, happens, there is no guiding hand, no author who decides if the hero hits a home run or strikes out. So I watch to see.

    And, aside from the inevitability of Stanton flailing at a pitch low and outside I really don't know what will happen... so I root for the best result.

    As to rooting for a team. The more we follow a team the more we know. The more we know the better the stories that play out in front of us. Some guy hits a HR vs. Chris Gittens who finally made the majors after seven years in the minors hits a game winning HR. It's a better story.

    It didn't happen but I was rooting for it.

    Doug K.

  7. Very well put, Doug & Mel—and Winnie!

  8. This year? Very annoyed at the results. And sometimes the umps too.

  9. The only thing I have to add is “See ya…” next year.

  10. We just have to lower our expectations for now, enjoy the blog, and remember that life is really meaningless. One day, all of this will change and the Yankees will win again. Until then, we must carry the torch and suffer, but at least we have a good company as we writhe in pain.


  11. This blog presents me with no small amount of comfort. To be suffering alone is the worst feeling in the world. To be suffering together amidst so many esteemed colleagues and with so much mirth and wit makes life all the more tolerable. As I rise out of my somnolent lethargy each morning, still reeling from the previous evening’s misery, I turn here, to all of you, for comfort along with very strong coffee. And I soldier on in anticipation of the next debacle.

  12. The only thing wrong with us is that we have nothing better to do.

    The Hammer of God

  13. Hammer,

    Yeah. That too.

    Doug K.


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