Sunday, June 27, 2021

Don't You Worry...It Is A Long Season

We still have 13 games, head to head, with Boston.

If they are 13 games ahead of us, all we have to do is win those games and we are tied. 

We have players coming back that, according to Boone, are " better than any trade we could make."

He means that underhand/sidearm pitcher Day By Day, and Justin Wilson,  and very, very soon, Severino.

In the meantime we have Krispe or Kripspe who pitched the 9th today, and Abreu who can also play outfield.

And don't Forget, Clint Frazier is on the cusp of .200 hitting and .200 throwing to the correct spot on the field.

Andujar is proving to be a highly tradeable entity.  We lose nothing if he goes. 

And Torres will soon be back at the .240 level, even though his throwing accuracy and range are suspect. 

At the corners we are slow.  I admit. 

But Urshela is a great glove and Voit swings hard, every time up. His pace to first base is record setting.  He would lose a race to first base against guys on stilts.  

Here's a nightmare: Voit is given the steal sign. 

Judge will hit 8 more solo home runs, and strike out 14 more times with the bases loaded, when he is the tying run.

And we have Stanton for 7 more years. 

Hicks will be back next year, and maybe Gardy, too.  

Judging by the numerics, Mike King might just be our most reliable starter for the second half. 

Boone will help these guys " push through. We just have to keep pushing." If only the Yankees were a pregnant cow, although they do run like one. 

So no worries, mates.  This thing hasn't even really started yet. 

Let's just say the season starts when the Mets come to town.


  1. Can we get a petition going asking Jeff Bezos to buy the Yankees and the YES network? That way the team can write off all those contracts as a rounding error and hire the best front office available. But you would need someone with huge resources who is willing and able to raze this rotten edifice and rebuild from the ground up--management, coaching, media, the works.

  2. I suppose it could always get worse—HAL could sell to Dolan, as almost happened back in the 1990s.

    But I suspect that we are stuck with HAL—and with Coopsie—for years to come still.

    As I said: We'll be told at the end of this year, hey, the team had so many injuries, what could you expect?

    When it's even worse next year, that's when Boone will get the heave-ho, as Cashman's human sacrifice. Then will come Coops grimly, stoically accepting that "It is time to rebuild."

    (We fans will get a backhand during this process from Brain's tame press when they once again write that the "demanding" NY fan base hadn't "let" the Yankees rebuild previously.)

    Then will come notice "that it will take at least five years to rebuild this team." In the meantime, though, the big contracts will stay, as Coops tinkers around the edges. It's all he'll be able to do with those millstones around our necks.

    Finally, at the end of 2027, with attendance down around 1 mill, YES' ratings in free fall, and HAL deciding that he just can't lose anymore money, Coops will "gracefully retire" or get some other title.

    OR...we'll be told that the last of those big contracts are finally coming off the books, so if we can just give Cashman one more year...!

  3. However, if you want to smile, take a look at Scranton's boxscore from yesterday's 19-1 victory.
    Start watching the minors.

    The Archangel of Hope

  4. I hope they lose 50 games in row, then maybe Hal will consider firing Cashman

  5. Hal's not selling Hoss...but Cashman built their roster around "use cases" that included home runs and walks. The HR use case meant baseballs leaving the playing field not landing on the warning track. They can't change the mindset mid-season. The analytics say so...

    Cashman should be let go, not because he's a bad GM as he had two 100 win seasons in 18 and 19...but because he didn't see this baseball deadening coming. They can't consistently score runs with traditional methods...they don't have that kind of roster.

    Hal should jettison Cashman at the end of the season, thank him for his service, and pay whatever it takes to get Theo here. It's time. No reason to bash Cashman except for shortsightedness.

  6. Oh, I think Cashman is about as bad a GM as there is in baseball. He's got two top notch talents: protecting his own ass and finding reclamation projects by dumpster diving. It was obvious that the club needed certain moves to be made after every season. Because, despite 100 win seasons, the team was almost hopelessly out-gunned come playoff time every year. None of those necessary moves were made, except for the band-aid on an elephant's ass strategy and occasionally throwing bags of money at free agents. This has been going on since 2010. And even before the successful 2009 championship season, there were unaddressed problems 2001-2007. Sorry, but this guy's expiration date passed two decades ago.

    The Hammer of God


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