Sunday, June 6, 2021

It will soon be time to pull the plug on the disastrous '21 Yankees

Close your eyes. Imagine a listless team, no spirit whatsoever. Picture a lineup that strikes out 10 to 15 times per game, and strands runners as if they just tested positive for COVID. Imagine fourth place...

Now, open them. Surprise!

Okay, it's still only June. Between now and October, a billion butterflies will flap their wings in China, launching a billion weather systems across Binghamton. Over the next four months - after Trump is reinstated and the UFOs land - here's my prediction: A lotta shit will come down.

But but BUT... we are nearing THE YANKEE RECKONING, a once-every-five-years doomsday point, where the only humane way to follow this diseased and cursed team is to root against them. 

Soon - I don't know when, but we will all know it, instinctively - we will experience one too many strikeouts with the bases loaded, one too many called third strikes on a fastball right down the pipe, one too many leadoff walks from our bullpen, one too many meaningless late inning home runs that do nothing but boost somebody's stat line, one too many rally-killing double play grounders, one too many in-game ads for DuckDuckGo (which, by the way, are wondrous when read by our Luddite radio voice...)

Soon, we will have to ask ourselves: What good will a Gary Sanchez HR do, when it simply justifies him getting another month to extend his flatlined career. He was being called out by Joe Girardi back in 2018. Why, why, why... are we still doing this?

It's not here yet. It's still too early. But you can feel The Abyss coming for us. It's not waiting anymore. It's moving our way.

Soon, we must ask ourselves: Why pet this animal, when all you do is extend its suffering?

Soon - maybe next month, maybe next week - we must face the reality that this team is dead, and this roster must be torn apart. (If only we could fire the owner...)

We're not there... yet. 

It's not time to jump... yet. 

But after last night, it's hard to imagine this team winning anything meaningful in 2021. This team is right where it should be: Fourth place. 

Soon, let the tanking begin. 


  1. Yesterday I fed my need to watch competitive sports by attending the Women's Professional Bowling Association Albany Open.

    Not only was it FAR more enjoyable than witnessing the debacle that is the NYY, it was great to be in a room where I was the thinnest person there.

    Next week I hope to see the Tri-Cities something or others play the NY Boulders.

    I highly recommend that all of you look for similar things to do until this whole shit storm passes some time in 2023.

    Off Topic:

    Gittens early AG-HAB 3.5 > Mike Ford AG-HAB 1.3. So there's that.

    Doug K. (Somewhere near Lake George)

  2. Thank God I watched the Islanders game last night. That was a terrific game. Anyone see that spear by Boston's Krejci on Matt Barzal? What a dirty play. Krejci stuck his stick right into Barzal's groin. Barzal & co. got the last laugh though. Isn't it amazing? Every team from Boston has horrible sportsmanship, cheats, spies, plays dirty, is downright villainous. Straight out of comic book.

    I still remember one of Dustin Pedroia's at bats against the Yankees. On a relatively low pitch at the knees, he actually jumps up, so the ball passes under his knees. It's called a ball by the stupid ump. On a high pitch, he kneels down so that the ball, which should be a high strike, is over his head and called a ball by the blind ump. His knee almost touched the dirt! If I was an umpire, I would call a strike on any pitch where the batter did crazy stuff like that. Terrible sportsmanship.

    The Hammer of God

  3. No, it is time to put this poor pain-wracked animal down.
    As I said once before; They shoot horses don't they?
    All my heroes shot their horses before they let them suffer any longer.
    The "Duke" Archangel

  4. The tipping point came against the Tigers, when we were swept by a bad team.

    The last possible hope of salvaging this season ended when Cole imploded against the Tampons. If we'd won that game, we'd have taken 3 of 4 against them. But we let them escape with a split. To add insult to injury, Ryan Yarbrough pitches a complete game! Something that the Tampons have never even heard of. That was the killer.

    This shit fest against the Red Sux is just beating a dead horse. Our bullpen is now showing its true colors. The Arson Squad is back in full force.

    The Hammer of God

  5. I was at the last Tampa loss and last nights Red Sox loss. Not making contact can be fixed. I coached High School Baseball. professionals can change their approach. They can cut down their swing and look for contact. Identifying pitches. Genius Cashman believes in the analytics and waiting for the home run. He is the clown that who constructed the 2021 team with many holes. He is a large part of the problem.

  6. @EDB Yeah, they can just simplify. Look for a good pitch to hit, then hit it. They always have to sit fastball, but if they get the breaking ball, they have to recognize it, keep the hands back, and go the other way.

    The amount of times they are taking pitches right over the middle of the plate for called strikes and then swinging at pitches off the plate shows that these guys are completely fouled up. Their heads are fouled up.

    The Hammer of God

  7. I watched Moneyball last night on cable. At the end there's the scene where John Henry offers the Red Sox GM position to Billy Beane. Henry wants to win the WS. It's obvious that matters to the Red Sox organisation. And to Tampa. And Toronto. It's been obvious to me for a few years now that Hal doesn't care about winning. His bottom line is profit. It's his only concern. He will never go over the luxury tax threshold. I'm sure Brain's stat-men are busily grinding how to extract the most profit. Whatever secret metrics they've developed are not about winning. That's why they so slavishly keep young players on the farm, to limit their service time. The Yankee organisation no longer even gives lip service to winning a championship. Hal doesn't care. Hal's only care is extracting maximum profit. I would suggest a boycott, but it would take years to effect the revenue stream. At least enough for Hal to notice. The Yankees will have to crash and burn as badly as the CBS years before change will come. The Boss was a bastard, but he knew what mattered: winning. Who could have guessed he was the greatest principal owner we'd see in our lifetimes.

  8. Or, they could all visit an optometrist.

    They are missing fastballs down the middle. Not fouling them off.. Just 2 inches over or under.

    As if their eyes are bad.

    Picture Ryne Duren at bat.

  9. The root of all evil is what Win said. And that's not changing. So it's doubtful anything else will.

    Still, I'll wait until we get Britton and Sevvy back before completely giving up. Not that they can hit.

  10. It's trying to hit home runs, swinging too hard, and taking uppercut swings. This is why they used to teach guys to take a level swing and to try to go the other way frequently. You can hit a 100mph fastball hard somewhere if you take a level swing, unless the fastball has great late movement that produces pop ups, or ground balls like with Mariano Rivera's cutter. When guys are missing meatballs right over the plate, there's something wrong.

    The Hammer of God

  11. I agree with Winnie...The Yanks peaked in 2017. We should have been in the WS that year...but all of you know that story. The game has devolved and the constituted Yankees are not aligned with the winning formula.

    Truth is...the Yanks have always been behind the curve...when steroids were tested, the Yanks had older players that started to break down because the juice wasn't allowed. The team started not winning except for 2009. We're behind the curve now...the baseball is slightly deader, we have aged players that are not athletic and younger players that are...well, not athletic. As I have said before, the Yanks will eventually be like the Rays and BoSox, but they will be last to do so...and that is a few years down the line. We'll need some losing seasons to rebuild the farm system and cunning trades to trade what little value we have on our roster and convert that to contributing prospects.

  12. TheWinWarblist mentioned a boycott but fears the benefits would take years to materialize. I'm not so sure. While this blog has been more honest and willing to criticize the actions and motivations of the Yankees, other spaces (on blogs, twitter, mainstream media) have always had a large share of defenders and apologists. Lately, however, theses voices of "reason" have been few and far between. Starting with the Arab Spring it became apparent that technology allows new movements to quickly gain steam. What most everyone now complaining seems to agree on is that things will never improve as long as the GM stays the same. That should be our demand, and if repeated often enough the owners might begin to worry. Stay on message!


  13. In other words we are doomed
    I hope I have enough years left to see them rise again.But we can all do our part and NOT ADDD TO THE REVENUE STREAM.
    Actually, it is all relative, so the money stream will look like Minny or SD if we stop buying, so Hal will feel the pinch and maybe sell while he can make a dime.
    Is he now the most hated owner in NY?
    The Archangel

    1. No one is more hated than Dolan. And rightfully do.

  14. Hal would jettison Cashman in a second if he thought it was the popular and profitable decision.


  15. Melquides,

    Not sure he cares about popular but definitely cares about profitable.

    I'm liking the Theo / Butch option.

    It would breathe life into this moribund franchise.

    Doug K.

  16. A small correction, Duque: Girardi called out Sanchez in 2017.

    Which only underscores your point.

    The waits grow epic.

    We are still waiting for Severino to come back from that arm he blew out in 2018.
    We are still waiting for Andujar to show the form again that he did in 2018.
    We are still waiting for Torres to be the budding star he looked to be in 2019.
    We are still waiting for Judge to be the force he was in 2017.
    We are still waiting for Stanton to be the force he was in 2017.

    Not gonna happen.

  17. But I really don't know what you guys are talking about.

    Why, earlier today, I watched this brilliant young pitcher named Righetti pitch a no-hitter against the Red Sox!
    And now, in the second game of the doubleheader, they are engaged in a terrific battle with one Pedro Martinez. He is an amazing pitcher, but I think the Yanks can take him!

    Why, with a rejuvenated team like this, I don't see how we can complain.

  18. Best team in org, SWB RailRiders, win again. Led by Ichiro Jr, Hoy Jun Park. 20-9 on the year, comfortably in first place. No surprise of course. Cashman's truest talent is assembling a top notch AAA roster. SWB has been a juggernaut since affiliating with Yanks. Cashman is a first ballot International League HOFer.


  19. re: Distractions -

    FWIW, my local minor-league team -- the freshly minted Fredericksburg Nats -- are 8-22.

    It's low-A ball. Just above high school.

    But a reminder of where the NYYs seem to be headed...

  20. We need to stop asking what is wrong with the Yankees, and start asking what is wrong with us.

  21. Carl,

    HAL seems to treat that as a challenge.

  22. Hoss,

    Yeah, that makes it even worse (@ your first post)

    We used to have an owner that cared (@ second post)

    Damn, this is depressing. MLB has even screwed up the minor leagues.

  23. they'll still lose.

    ICS DP coming up.

  24. Shit, now we have ICS for another 5 years.

  25. no one here? i don't blame you.

    Good Night, Gracie.

  26. Beauregard, we'd need a whole other blog to go into what's wrong with us.

  27. Annnd just like that I wish I wasn't.

  28. Lutege, or whatever his name is. Yuck.

  29. They just couldn't stick it to Ovaltino, could they?

  30. Strike 3 was in the opposite batters box. I'm ready for electronic balls and strikes.

  31. And Phil Nevin got himself tossed. Good on Phil. He's a sucky third base coach, but good on him.

  32. Bring on the robo-umps, but isn't it Boone's job to go out there and get thrown out and not Nevin's?

  33. The 2nd base ump, Bill Miller, is running a carnival.

  34. You would think Boone would act is if his job were on the line.

  35. Isn't it Cessa's job to throw strikes.

  36. What happened to savages in the box? Where did that spirit go?

  37. The third strike call on Odor probably moved the timetable on robo-umps up a year. Twitter is going ballistic over that call.

  38. Cesspool almost got out of it, but only almost.

  39. They're going to lose because of a terrible call. That sucks.

    Maybe they'll get angry. But will Boone?

  40. LeMachine? More like LeMetalMachineMusic

  41. DJ will be sucking badly for another seven years of bad luck, thanks to one of Cashman's dumbass forever contracts that everyone on this blog applauded without having taken a careful look at his overall career numbers in Colorado.

  42. Look at it this way, boys: with each deflating loss, we come one day closer to the Cashman/Boone firing needed to begin the long-term work of reconstructing this franchise.

  43. I hated those 2013-2016 teams and 2018. This one however takes the cake. Not a single guy on this team that's likeable coupled with the fact they all suck. How has the hitting coach not been fired yet? Obviously Boone and Cashman (and whatever stooges are in the front office pulling the strings) are to blame, but can they at least can the asshole who has delivered a worse offense that that pile of crap they put out in 2013? What's the picture duque always posts for a garbage lineup, I had more faith in those guys winning a game than these fucks.

    About 70% (more?) of their games they've scored 3 or fewer runs, and they strikeout about 50% of the time. Absolutely unwatchable. I'd rather watch the Jets or the WNBA than this. That's not hyperbole, gun to my head I'm choosing to watch the WNBA over these losers.

  44. Why do the Yankees carry so many lousy relief pitchers?

    Just axing.

  45. The Yankees have a season run differential of minus 4 compares to plus 75 for Tampa and plus 52 for Boston. Forget it, guys--this team is swirling down the toilet bowl. When does spring training 2022 begin?

  46. It's all Tanner Swanson's quality and no control. And he's named after a TV dinner...

  47. This May be The Curse of Joey Binders .... Thes guys actually played they asses off for him....they all took HUGE steps backwards the minute he walked out them doors


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