Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"Yankees suck!" chants the man who built them.

Short post today... 

Frankly, I'm debating how much energy anyone should rightfully devote to the 2021 Yankees - quite possibly the worst Yankee team in this millennium.

Last night, the Death Barge managed to wallop Los Angeles of Anaheim, suggesting a turnaround moment to the season. 

We beat the Awful Angels - a certified tomato can, three games below .500, 10 games out in the AL West, without their best player, Mike Trout. We produced a stats-padding 11 runs. Hooray. 

It's Hope Week in the Yankiverse. So, we're supposed to forget the last three months? (Remember: Hideki Irabu killed himself during Hope Week.)

Well, I'm sorry, but until the Yankees string together a winning streak against actual contenders,  I am without hope. 

Somehow, the Yankees have reached a hopeless situation: 

They are unable to trade for players they need, and unable to get fair value in trades, if they decide to tank their season. 

It's so bad that the GM, Brian Cashman, says his team sucks. 

And I cannot escape a sense that the worst is yet to come.

Hopeless in Hope Week. 


  1. Michael Kay said one thing that we all can agree with...the attendance yesterday was 23,152. If those numbers don't go up soon, Hal will do something then...firing Boone and Cashman won't help this season...Yanks aren't going to the World Series this year.

    Let the sackings happen after the season and start over...

  2. I'm not sure if a team with a below league average offense has ever won a World Series. And I am too uncaring to look.

    Unrelated to that, I missed the news of Irabu's suicide when it happened. I found out about it from this post. It is incredibly sad when any individual takes their own life, but especially so for a young adult with young children. So now I will grieve Hideki Irabu's death during this season, ten years too late. The grief and hopelessness of that seems fitting for these current Yankees.


  3. And don't forget, they were offering some half-priced tickets for this series.
    I know because I got an email advertising the deal.

    Also, observe how many of the attendance is situated in the RF Bleachers compared to the rest of the Stadium.
    I am sure that they are bleeding cash.

    But, by all means, don't bring up Armburgey and his .350 AAA average when you can keep running out Gardner and Frazier.
    nothing like telling your minor leaguers THAT THEIR SUCCESS MEANS SQUAT.
    Hey Hal, if you send down Frazier and bring up Amburgey on the MLB minimum, you can save some green.

    The Miserly Archangel

  4. @TheWinWarblist I think those San Fran teams that won the WS 3 times out of five years had terrible lineups. This was fairly recent. With Tim Lincecum, Madison Bumgarner & Co. They did it with great pitching. I remember one of those teams was actually fun to watch. A team full of bums, rejects and castoffs in their lineup managed to pilfer a WS with stifling pitching.

    As to the lack of attendance at the stadium: Prince Hal should lower ticket prices, probably cut them in half. Who will pay those inflated prices to watch this crap-fest?

    The Hammer of God

  5. I would trade away Brett Gardner, if he'll allow it. If he won't, then just d/f/a him. Also trade Clint Frazier and Stanton.

    Bring up Hoy Jun Park to play SS and Estevan Florial to play CF. Move Gleyber Torres to 2B. DJ Lemahieu becomes the roving DH.

    We should also trade away Aaron Judge, Gerrit Cole, and Aroldis Chapman before the trade deadline. We should get a bucket load of top prospects for each.

    This winter: get a lefty hitting catcher, lefty hitting right fielder. No more expensive free agent signings. (Prince Hal should like that last one.)

    Next year, or the year after, if things work out well, we'll be contenders again.

    The Hammer of God

  6. No worries...we will start another losing streak tonight. cASSman should be proud of this team that he put together with HELL's sharp baseball acumen. Haha! What a f**king joke!! They'll start winning after they've fallen out of the race so that they will get a lousy draft position. I'm hoping HELL takes it in his wallet. He's paying now for all the lying he's done to the Yankee fans saying that their goal is to win the WS! What a bunch of BS!! Again, where's Tanaka?

  7. @Hammer...I know how you want to get rid of players...I get that but...

    Who would you trade Gardner to? What do expect back? Who would want an aged CF who can't hit a 95 MPH fastball?

    Frazier is not going to get you back front line prospects. Not the way he's playing right now.

    Stanton is not tradable. No team can afford his contract and the length of his contract.

    The Yanks are stuck. Also, not many teams would be trade partners with the Yanks. MLB teams for the most part would not want to help the Yanks at all.

    You have a catcher who is playing well right now. You don't need a lefty catcher. You do need lefty other players and I agree with that. As for the expensive free agent signings, they can't afford a third expensive player. That's why Judge might end up being moved, not this season, but maybe after that.

    Not a good situation presently.

  8. If no one wants Gardner, then we have to release him. Frazier is not working out, and we might as well get rid of him. Stanton, like we've been saying, a bag of balls, anything we can get. There is actually a chance that some team out there is dumb enough to take these guys. We were dumb enough to hang onto them or acquire them.

    We should hang on to Sanchez for now, and go out and get a lefty hitting catcher for the backup role. We'd have to move Higashioka then.

    There's not going to be any team that wants Judge, Cole or Chapman at the trade deadline? In the right situation, any of these guys will bolster someone's chance to win the WS. Trade them for the right prospects before the deadline, rather than wait for winter. That's definitely do-able.

    The most important move of all: get rid of Cashman, bring in a top baseball mind and revamp the entire scouting and coaching staff.

    The Hammer of God

  9. These are things that I hope will happen, but as we know, the people who run this franchise are bat shit crazy. What probably will happen is this: absolutely nothing. Nothing of consequence, that is.

    If I were a betting man, I would say they'll bring back Brett Gardner again for next year. Florial will still be in the minors. Park might be traded, but Judge will end up walking away as a free agent at the end of next year and we'll get nothing for him but the compensation draft picks. We'll stupidly hang on to Chapman, Cole and Stanton. As well as Frazier, and probably Odor as well.

    The Hammer of God

  10. Possibly—POSSIBLY—we could trade Chappy to someone IF he pulls himself together. Big if.

    Time to tell Gardy he's done, put him on the managerial track they no doubt have planned for him, and give him a day. Replace him with one of those hard-charging prospects in Dunder-Mifflin land. Time for the Red Menace to go down there, too, until we can get whatever scraps for him.

    But as to the rest...

    Boone won't go under the bus until next summer. And when he does, Coops will announce the rebuild. We have years to go still, gentlemen, and miles to go until Cash sleeps, and miles to go until Cash sleeps.

  11. Interesting question on teams with subpar hitting winning, Warbler. Those SF teams, 1910-12-14, were right around the middle, 6-8 in the NL.

    But there are plenty of other examples of it being done. The 1969 Mets were 11th of 12 teams in OPS. The 1963 and 1965 Dodgers were near the bottom of the NL. And of course there were the original Hitless Wonders, the 1906 ChiSox, who were last in the AL with a .588 OPS.

    What did all those teams and more have going for them? Unsurprisingly, lights out pitching. Another thing...we haven't got!

  12. @Hoss One of those San Fran teams, I forget what their mantra was. Was it "torture" or something like that? Yeah, someone forgot to tell those guys that this wasn't ice hockey. They seemed to win most games 1-0, 2-1 or 3-2. Despite the lack of offense, I kind of enjoyed watching those guys, Lincecum, Bumgarner. We had all kinds of fun with Madison Bumgarner's name. They really were a team full of bums and rejects. Mostly in the lineup of course. The pitching was lights out.

    I felt good for old Rags, that he was their pitching coach. He never got a WS championship here as a player, but at least he got it as the SF pitching coach.

    The Hammer of God

  13. Of course firing Cashman and Boone now could make a huge difference. It's especially important to fire Cashman ASAP so he can't do any further damage with inept trades.

  14. The Stooges, Cheapskate Hal, Genius Cashman, and Chubsy Ubsey Levine, have done a bang up job in keeping the same team that got slapped around by the low budget Rays in the playoffs last season. But, to listen to The Genius, "this is the same group that beat the Indians." Genius you served up some good BS. The individuals running this team remind me of The Met's Coupons. Yes, they spent on Cole. But left gaping holes on the roster. All right handed and strikeout specialists. Slow unathletic players with a few exceptions. Total analytics sold by analytics geeks and followed without any flexibility. The Albatross Stanton, clogging up the DH spot. Bringing in pitchers that have not pitched in years. In a few hours Cheapskate Hal will back his boy Cashman, who has helped him keep the payroll under 210. Pathetic and embarrassing. If the weather holds up, the Yankees will get swept.


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