Monday, July 12, 2021

Erie Canal

I've know a fool, his name is HAL

Throw yourselves in the Erie Canal. 

No matter what happens, he won't fire his pal.

Throw yourselves in the Erie Canal.

Low pitch! Everybody swing!

No pitch-ers.  We'll never get a ring!

Tho the team is a pineapple

Still follow them we shall.

Until we throw ourselves, in the Erie Canal.


  1. And you'll always know your neighbor
    And you'll always know your pal
    If you've ever navigated on the Erie Canal

    The canal went right through my home town, and connected the big locomotive factory and the nascent General Electric plant. After they filled it in, it became a wide boulevard that did the same. The first factory is long gone, now site of a (disappointing) casino and ugly retail/condo development. And GE is a small shadow of what it what was, pulling out over the decades and taking the city down with it. When it was in its heyday, the company strongarmed the city into refusing companies that wanted to locate there, not wanting the competition for workers. So when GE starting locating a lot of operations elsewhere, the city had no backup. It still hasn't recovered.

    I had an uncle who worked at the locomotive works. When they announced their closure in the 1960s, he belligerently said the union should go on strike. Which was greeted with hearty laughter by my father and other uncles. Well, that uncle was not the brightest bulb in the pack.

    The good old days.

  2. Fun fact: something like 75 percent of New York State's population still lives within ten miles of the Er-i-ie Canal.


  3. This was inspired, Doug K. Thank for the grade school memory...

  4. Um...Horace...

    The population of New York State is nearly 20 million. Whereas the population of New York City is a little more than 8 million.



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