Saturday, July 17, 2021

Leader By default....

 With the Yankee team defined by power and exit velocity these days, the clear, undisputed team leader ( due to cover and IL ) is now Giancarlo Stanton.

Big G ( seen above ) was hired by Hal for $230 million ( give or take ).

He is in the line-up, everyday , at the 2,3,4 or 5 hole.  To do the most damage possible.

Last night, after a week's rest , his batting the biggest game of the year ( to date )...went like this:

1.  Ground into Double play

2.  Whiff

3.  Whiff

4.  Whiff

What other player, in either league,  would be automatically written into the line-up with this record?

On many days, he gets the golden sombrero.  Sometimes, even, the platinum one.

Until the Yankees realize the magnitude of this error, they will never compete.

And it ain't showing any signs of life. 


  1. Oh, even the genius Cashman recognizes the huge error of signing the failure that is Giancarlo Stanton. The bigger questions are what are they going to do to rectify that mistake and how creative will they get to rid themselves of this albatross?
    With current leadership as it is, I'm afraid the answers are "nothing" and "not very", respectively.


  2. If only the Dodgers would bail us out and take our highly paid players the way they always seem to do for the Red Sox

  3. I just got the lineup for tonight's game.
    I will not watch any game where Odor is batting 3rd.
    The Archangel

  4. The time to trade Stanton would've been after his first year here. He'd had a disappointing season, but it wasn't absolutely atrocious. I think he could've been traded then. Those types of non-moves, along with big moves that didn't work out, have defined the recent Cashman era. Just sitting and waiting and hoping for the best, instead of cutting losses and moving on. Which is what the Red Sux have done extremely well during this same period.

    The Hammer of God

  5. Now wait . . . for tonight's game, with two of the Yankees' hottest prospects now up with the team (Amburgey and Park), Boone chooses an outfield of two proven MLB failures--Gardner and LoCastro--plus another of his patented going-nowhere has-been retreads (Gregg Allen). This is a supremely incompetent and dumbass franchise from top to bottom.

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