Friday, July 23, 2021

Text of the day

 From Mustang...

"I am never shopping at Kresge's again."


  1. Kresge auditorium at MIT will never see another visit from me.

    The porn movies for registration day went away in the 90's.

    Those two facts are unrelated.


  3. This is Lawrence Kansas.

    Is there anyone out there. Anyone at all?

  4. Bases loaded, one out. No runs.

    Does anyone remember the Baltimore chop?

    Oh well , night all

  5. I'm here. Don't understand why but I am.

    Doug K.

  6. me too doug - weekend night and I still haven’t recovered from the hangover that started last night -just call me a masochist - can’t wait to see how the bullpen fucks this one

  7. I have started my traditional Friday night martini hangover prep.

    These yankees suck. It is even worse to have to watch with Jerry dipshit Remy commenting.

    Thanks for playing and don't forget to tip your servers.

  8. I'm here, a fellow masochist, and we were just regaled with an IIHIIFIIC from The Master,,,,,

  9. I was watching a PBS show on the Plastic Ono Band album. Interesting. And only missed less than two innings.

    Cole's getting tagged some here.

  10. Phen Weigh is such a shit hole park.

    Remy's lung cancer is showing in his announcing. I don't wish that on anyone, but at least it is lingering for him.

  11. Well, this sucks all of a sudden.

  12. I think last night took a toll on the team. How many of those can you bounce back from?

  13. Yankee batters are 7-50 (.140) with 0 HR to this point in the series.

    Bronx Bombers, eh?

  14. Allen hit by 0-2 pitch. There is hope

  15. Oh. Stanton is up. Never mind.

  16. That's it. I'm done for the rest of the night.

    I will leave you with the sage words of the great 13bit: Fuck Everyone. I love you all.

  17. Switched over to watch the Olympics. Very very strange watching the athletes enter an empty stadium.

    Doug K.

  18. Hold on, Stanton is up . . .

  19. It's a . . . HIT!

  20. So much for waiting for Nestor to show up.

  21. Well that's the latest nail in the coffin for this rotten season,,,, just horrific

  22. YES posted this graphic: the Yankees are 10-10 in Cole's starts. And he did not look very durable tonight--he became wild in the strike zone, missing his spots, after about 90 pitches, and then got hammered. That 129-pitch debacle will tell gradually for the rest of the season, perhaps for the rest of his career. The horror is just beginning.

  23. I am sorry I did not log in and comment last night. It was a caricature of a Yankee team which took the field and I needed to vent to someone besides my wife who is a more diligent and serious fan than I am. Her only flaw is she defends Cashman. I simply do not understand this.
    I realize that this blog is becoming something of an in-game therapy session and even though the format is a little awkward, it is worth the trouble.
    Sadly, we really cannot help each other than to listen. Except for Dr Beloved, of course, who may be able to bring your unfaithful husband back but cannot arrange to get the runner in from third base.
    This is a place for true fans (probably older ones) who remember the great teams. As Gus McCrea says, “Here’s to the sunny slopes of yesteryear”

  24. I was out watching a band last night...saw the game on a tv screen here and's over...put a fork in it...He's dead Jim.

  25. In Cole's last start he pitched 6 strong innings against Boston, allowing 1 run and striking out 11—AFTER the 129-pitch "epic."

    His worst stretch of the year came BEFORE the 129-pitch game, and after the banning of Spider Pig, when he went from 5-1, 1.37 on May 13th, to 8-4, 2.91 after his July Fourth debacle against the Metsies.

    His abbreviated season last year was similar, as he started out 4-0, 2.75, then went into a short tailspin that left him at 4-3, 3.63, before straightening out to finish at 7-3, 2.84, and then pitching pretty well in the playoffs.

    I think the jury is still out on whether his arm was wrecked against Houston.

  26. The one game did not provide definitive evidence one way or the other. But your evidence is rather skewed to suit your purposes, HC66. The main point here is that he lost it in the vicinity of 90 pitches. Let's see what happens in future starts. Overall, it's just fucking STUPID to allow a guy in which you've invested $324 million and who has nearly 1,400 innings logged on his arm to go 129 pitches--I can't imagine any other organization allowing this to happen.


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