Saturday, July 10, 2021

Things Are Trending Badly....

We went into Seattle and took 2 of 3.

We descended to Houston and shut them out with a Spanish Conquistador on the hill.

Now we get to start our Ace, who does not need " sticky stuff " to be effective ( he said so ).

We might take 2 of 3 in this hell hole.

So what does that do to the deck of cards?

Cashman starts listening to deals which will get " value " for our blossoming, Korean shortstop in Scranton ( Park ); maybe packaging a guy who we have given up on ( Florial - 23 still ), and throw in  our best pitching prospect ( who is no longer named Deivi Garcia ).

Jessica Dominguez, of course, remains "intouchable ." The new Mickey Mantle.

We will get a power hitter.  A banger.  Slow afoot and large of pasta history.  

It will be like the Jay Buhner deal where we got KEN PHELPS.  Speed, youth and potential for aging home run power.  Gary Sanchez is fleeter afoot than KEN PHELPS ever was. Buhner was a star for 14 years.  KEN PHELPS did nothing and was early disappeared. 

A trade from which, in reality, the Yankees have never recovered.  Not in my book, anyway.

This is the short-term abyss we fans now peer into.  With no control and no say. 

More success in Houston feeds the lies.  It balloons-up the fantasy that this team is "one player away."  

Nothing is going right.  

We are trending towards the sink-hole we always wallow in. Cashman is drooling.  He can't wait to " sell it" to Hal. 

Our last hope is in the cross hairs. 


  1. It is truly demonic of the Astros to lose to us just when we need to collapse.

  2. MLB Power Rankings: Yankees are an absolute mess; Brewers catch fire; Dodgers regain No. 1 spot

    Above is an actual headline from CBSMLB website. I hate power rankings but the sentiment is correct, we are a mess.

    Any objective observer can see it.

    False hope at this point will only exacerbate the problems.

    Truly - "Things Are Trending Badly...."

  3. Damned right, we never got over it! We won have won all 162 in 1998 with Buhner!

    On the other hand, that would have deprived us of a great Seinfeld quote, and Buhner never would have had the chance to develop his "creepy Amish farmer" facial hair.

  4. Does anyone really care enough about this sinkhole of a team even to mourn or despise it?

  5. Once again, Gardner in center and Locastro in left: two of the worst players in baseball, with one of the other all-worst, Odor, waiting his turn. Is Cashman a masochist, or is he taking money on the side from other AL East teams?

  6. Judge. Cole. Defense.

    1-0 after 4.

    Not bad.

  7. Zach is gone already. Wtf?

  8. Stanton fucking killed that rally....

  9. I completely expected Stanton to walk and Gleyber to GIDP.

  10. Chapman warming up in a one run game. Jesus, are you kidding me?

    Let Cole pitch a complete game. What the fuck is wrong with Boone?

  11. Oh, but "Chapman is our closer"!

  12. What the fuck is wrong with Booooooone.

    Let me count the ways.

  13. don't let it go to your head, folks...

  14. That will be a Yankee Classic...

  15. I don’t care bitty. That was an awesome performace.

  16. All through the ninth inning I kept thinking about David Cone.

  17. We just shut out the best offense in the league twice in a row.

  18. Tremendous. And good for Ma to let him do it.

  19. That was nothing short of greatness right there. To Get in Boones face like that and refuse, REFUSE to let Chapman come in and flush the game. To say, I've pitched my heart out and this is my game to win...


    Doug K.

  20. Fuck. If Boone had taken him out, I would have put a contract out on his head.

    I seem to dimly remember a Yankees pitcher telling Joe Torre to get back in the dugout in a similar situation.

  21. I was at that game in 96. This was almost as good.

  22. Imagine trying to put Chapman into a 1 run game with a man already on base. How has this idiot not been fired yet? I'm talking about Cashman, Boone just makes the trip out to the mound for him.

  23. Even if Cole goes 3-8 the rest of the season, I'd say he's a made man from his performance on the mound with bonehead tonight.

  24. Well played game for a change. Yes the offense was throttled by some nasty pitching, but crisp alert play in ways we have rarely seen this year. Cole went totally medieval on their asses. And I noticed that Judge has had a "don't fuck with me" look on his face in Houston that I don't ever recall seeing before.


  25. This could be a classic case of winning a battle but losing the war. Cole's arm has a lot of mileage on it (nearly 1,400 innings)--and now 129 pitches in one stint? Risk losing his effectiveness for X number of games this year and Y games over the long contract because you gassed his arm for one W in desperate mid-July? Anyone else catching the whiff of panic?

    A cautionary tale from the SI archives, leading with Bob Turley, who was never the same after Stengel wrung him out in the 1958 World Series:

  26. Anon,

    Yes it's bad mileage on Cole's arm but...

    If Boone took him out after his plea and Chapman flushed the game Cole would have been damaged goods (mentally). He showed heart. That helps every member of his team.

    I'm thinking it's worth it.

    Doug K.

  27. Doug K.--If Cole were that emotionally fragile, he would never have made it to AA ball, much less the majors. A guy can recover from one night of being pissed off--he can't recover from a shredded arm.

  28. It's not about being emotionally fragile. It's about giving your all and then some and being undercut.

    It's a bad look all around.

    Speaking of which... We witnessed something special. It's too bad you can't enjoy it.

    Doug K.

  29. We're screwed, say goodbye to everything in our farm system that's even remotely valuable and welcome in a bunch of over the hill saviors that won't even get us into the Wildcard game

  30. Guy Hebert, Hai-Karate Survivor (Offensive Division)July 10, 2021 at 11:58 PM

    The wind shifts for half a second and suddenly everybody takes comfort in Squeaky Fromme proving his manager is the higher-pitched candy ass? What in the serious fuck did that accomplish except to save Auntie Gin an all-star trip, prove that The Showering Inferno is complete toast unworthy of the slightest interest in a trade, and make Ma seem even less assertive? Do you really take that performance by Cole (I admit it: he did great) as something the dipshitterazzi running this team would have the slightest ability to build upon...even if they were inclined to do so? Do you really think anything is improved by taking anyone in charge here off the hot seat? Do you think decades (more) of mediocrity aren't ever caused by games like this due to missed draft chances? Do you?

    Don't answer...I'm happy for Cole and Judge, too.

  31. Cole had an extra day of rest, and he threw 129 pitches. My gawd you would think that he pulled himself up Everest with a one-handed pulley. Did he lose velocity, control, or did his delivery look compromised? NO, NO,AND NO! His pitch count has been surpassed so many times in the past that it doesn't merit any serious controversy. Baseball is a sport, not a pastime for actuaries. Enjoy the game, and a terrific performance.

  32. Wow--a WHOLE EXTRA DAY OF REST and then throws way more pitches than his arm is accustomed to dealing with. You don't judge the wear on an arm by the performance within the given game, but in the aftermath--which is why Severino looked great repeatedly tossing 110-plus pitches before HIS arm finally blew out. So you're right, Kev--baseball isn't a game for actuaries or Internet imbeciles like you--pitching analysis becomes a matter for orthopedic surgeons when veteran starters are abused the way Cole was tonight. Of course, you wouldn't have any idea about this because the most strain the arm of a pathological loner like you ever experiences is tennis elbow from jerking off to your kiddie porn collection. G'night, dumbass!

  33. Doug K., psychoanalyst and baseball-analyst buffoon wrote, "Speaking of which... We witnessed something special. It's too bad you can't enjoy it." Yes, we witnessed something special--the abuse of an already well-worn arm by a panicked manager who fears that if he's at or below .500 at the All-Star break he'll be home honing his golf swing for the rest of the season. I am sure that Cashman and Hal, who have $324 million on the line with this guy, will be ripping him a new one behind the scenes for risking the entire investment on one game. Too bad you're too fucking stupid to see that just because you got a hard-on for five minutes over one of those old-fashioned complete-game shutouts that served for your stimulation instead of girls during your nerd-boy adolescence.


  34. Lots of news coming out of the game.

    COLE - was on an IV drip before game because of illness, pitched anyway. 129 pitches is most thrown by a pitcher this season. I'm not sure if the illness story is a bucket of broccoli or the truth. It tends to make him seem legendary.

    MIGGY -- put on DL b/c of wrist. Sayonara.

    LASAGNA -- put on DL b/c of Covid. Yeesh.

    KRISKE + ABREU -- took the shuttle from Scranton to beef up the bullpen. Yeah.

    JUDGE -- story on MLB about his "buttoning up" his shirt during HR trot to remind us about Altuve, his shirt, and the buzzer. There can't be enough of this, can there?

    STANTON -- still, unfortunately, NOT on the DL. BUT WAIT: Last 30 games = 101 ABs, 6 HR, 30 Ks, 20 BBs. OBP = .398. If only the guy could run faster than one of the blocks at Stonehenge.

    I regard an average of only 1 strike-out per game for this guy as encouraging...

  35. Glad to see Yankee fans never take my name in vain.

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