Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Could Luis Gil be the Yankee rookie of 2021?

Last night, the so-deep-it's-practically-bottomless Yankee farm system - which Brian Cashman maintains is NOT run by number-crunchers - produced a fantastical rarity, akin to finding an obelisk on Mars. 

A rookie who might actually affect the 2021 season. 

His name, of course, is Luis Gil, and you know by now that he masterfully shut down the mighty Orioles for six innings on a night when we led by nine in the fourth... so, yeah, there's that. Down by nine, Baltimore's heart might not have been in it. But hey, no complaints. The Death Barge actually unveiled a rookie - a first-year player, who is not touching 30 - and he actually performed. 

This season, while the rest of baseball celebrated the concept of "rookies," the Yankees have maintained a lineup of craggy millionaires. The only thing that looks young about the Yankees is their shaven chins, mandated by a front office that apparently does not mandate vaccinations or the practicing of bunts. The sign on the clubhouse door should say, "NO ROOKIES ALLOWED."

Our Class of '21 delegation has been this:

Brooks "The Amazing" Kriske." His historical contribution - after throwing four wild pitches in a loss to Boston - is his inspiration for nicknames, which include "Officer Kriske" and "Kriske Kreme." 

Broedy Koerner. Pitched last night. Okay, nicknamers, have at it. "Kiddie Koerner?" "Koerner Drug Store?" He's 27.

Steve Ridings. Dazzled the YES booth last night with his radar readings, tipping 100 mph and raising the question: Why were they sitting on this guy in Scranton? Age 25.

Estevan Florial. The long-heralded prospect. He's played eight games, gone 6-for-20 and played CF rather scarily. Maybe next year, if he's not traded or crowded out by money.

Chris Gittens. "Hard-hittin' Gittens." (Are we sensing a pattern here?) Played in 16 games, hitting .111. Unlucky. His first MLB hit - a HR - was called back by a replay challenge. He's 27. 

Trey Amburgey. Two games. Strained a hammy. Had been tearing it up in Scranton. Sad. He's 26. (Are we sensing a pattern here?)

Hoy Park. Breakout year in Scranton. Came to bat in one key situation against Boston, a horrible situation for any rookie. He grounded out on the first pitch. Traded to Pittsburgh for the bullpen guy, Clay Holmes.

That's it? Yeesh. I don't think I've missed anybody. Did Dopey Dildox pitch an inning for us? That's the Yankee Class of '21, everybody. And coupled with the recent exodus of 10 prospects - which the Yankees say won't matter - it's why some of us view the future rather darkly. The 2021 Yankees have been a team without rookies. Mr. Gil, it's up to you.



  1. I just spoke to my former Herpetology professor, and he said, "Gil a Monster,."

    I hope that I a still alive for his HOF ceremony .

    The Shocked Archangel

  2. Gil a monster! Awesome! Do you work for the Post or the Daily News?


  3. Did Dopey Dildox pitch an inning for us?

    Actually, he threw precisely one pitch to a lefty, got him out, left the game, and was credited with the Win.

    Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else...

  4. So of course after the game they sent Gil back down for “fresh arms”. As if they hadn’t already brought up everything they had left at aaa.

  5. That may be the saddest post I've ever read.

  6. Beau,

    I am The Archangel, I work for you know who, but I was kinda hoping that someone from The NCY dailys would have used it. Maybe if he repeats the performance next turn they will.

    The Archangel


  7. I'm not understanding sending the guy back down. What if he can do what he did last night again?

    I guess that has been assessed as impossible -- by the same brain trust that thought Giancola Light would help.

  8. I'm furious they sent Gil back down. Somebody has to pitch in Cole's and Monty's slot for the next week and a half at least, and Nestor can't do it all.

    Fucking horrible management. Just shit.

  9. JM, I think that because it is to replace a COVID, Gil will be able to come right back up and make a start whenever his turn comes up again.
    Of course, it has been perpetually dangerous whenever I thing even through I am

    The Archangel

  10. Let’s be serious, Gil will have TJ surgery or he will be traded for a 35yr reliever and a 27yr AAA guy who has great bat to barrel ratio.

  11. I'll answer that...

    New York Yankees optioned RHP Luis Gil to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders.

  12. And in the meantime, let's have him go back and forth to a Pennsylvania town as often as possible!

  13. Do they save MLB salary when he's sent down? That's gotta be it. So they'll turn him into a yo-yo, going up and down, until they use up the max number of demotions they're entitled to.

    The Hammer of God

  14. Yeah, that sounds like them.

  15. I just had the Yankees 2022 Schedule emailed to me .
    Only in a modern MLB would the New York Yankees NOT play a game on the 4th of July.
    Im sure that one of the artists herein could make a great blog entry on that.

    This is a sign of the End Of Times.
    You can look it up.

    The Archangel.

  16. Could the Gil option to SWB just be a paper transaction? Is he physically in Scranton or is he still in NY, awaiting another paper transaction before his next start?

  17. Perhaps sending Gil down delays his service time? Their rules on the matter would confuse a buyer for the Pentagon.

  18. Broedy Koerner.

    The Cor-en-er. Coroner.

    He finishes off the other team. Leaves them dead on a slab.

    Doug K.


  19. Just stumbled across this Clint Frazier tweet, dated 8/1

    I apologize if this has been dealt with here b4 --


    Clint Frazier

    i hope they understand that I really understand, that they don’t understand !


    supposedly, it's a lyric from a song from one of Clint's favorite groups.

    Or something.

    AND YES, I know that Clint had his shot, and shot his credibility to the deepest Hell.

  20. Can anyone explain why the completely DONE Brett Gardner is in the lineup AGAIN tonight instead of Allen? WTF?

  21. Boone is an idiot? Wild guess.

    Nobody beats the Riz.

  22. Tampa already won, so we have to.


  23. folks, that was nothing to get even remotely hopeful about

    that team last night was the spaghetti-o's -n a real punching bag

    remember, it's the hope that kills you

  24. How about we just bat Rizzo and 8 rail riders

  25. Hear, hear! I remember Sidney Zion—of all people—writing a piece for the Times sports page in 1982 or so (back when the Times still covered sports) bewailing the fact that the Yanks had recently signed so many Cubs.

    "Enough with the guys in the little bear hats!" Zion wrote, more or less. I got what he meant. Cubbies then came from an epic, losing tradition.

    Such is the world now that they come from a recent champion. Hell, I just wish we had picked up 2-3 more little bears—Bryant, Baez, etc.

  26. Out with it, Archangel--whom or what do you work for?

  27. Nobody beats the Riz--leave it to Sterling to come up with another antique cultural reference--those ads have been off the air for more than twenty years. Also, Sterling went most of an inning a while ago without telling how many outs there were. Time to retire the geriatric embarrassments in the Yankee radio booth. They're both incompetents. Suzyn--it's like listening to a mean-spirited gossip manicurist hold forth about baseball. Just stunningly awful. But it seems that everyone George ever hired gets lifetime tenure with this team, regardless of actual professional skill.

  28. Out with it, Anon -- whom or what are you?

  29. I'm your worst nightmare.

  30. naw, just an annoying twerp.

  31. Stanton was lucky. Gleyber was good.

  32. If Ricky Ricardo succeeds John, all will be OK. But if Yankee Inc chooses a bland corporate baritone our listening experience will be worse. Suzyn is a real pioneeer regarding women in the booth, so they can't go backward. Maybe Meredith M. Keep it in the family.

  33. Tehehee! Nobody beats the Riz!!! And Crazy Eddie is INSANE!!!!

    Don't get excited. It the Orioles. Just the Orioles. They are barely quadruple A.

  34. Remember the JGE electronics commercials, with the obese guy in the construction hat? "Hey Jerry! What's the story?"

  35. Did I ever tell you the one about me, Meredith and Suzyn in the hot tub? No? Well, there we were and ... yada yada yada ... Suzyn says Meredith would make a great play-by-play. And then they stuck me with the bar bill!!


  36. Ricky is good. And he knew Rick James.

  37. Thank God for the O's.

  38. We could still lose. They brought in Abreu.

  39. Anon, shut-up, go play your harmonica so you can't bullshit.

  40. Suzyn was never a competent commentator. She was hired because she did not threaten Sterling's pre-eminence on the play by play side, as Charley Steiner did (he was only good enough to succeed Vin Scully as the Dodgers' chief radio guy), and she was a suckup to George--those were her main qualifications. Listen to Jessica Mendoza on the Olympic baseball coverage to appreciate the vast gulf of difference between real knowledge and analytical acuity on the one hand and sour, vacuous shmoozing on the other.

    As far as Sterling goes--everyone on this blog knows he's incompetent. The very title of the blog is a comment on his incompetence. He's a self-aggrandizing, know-nothing blowhard who offers very little of the descriptive detail one expects from a radio baseball announcer. Listen to ten minutes of Howie Rose or Wayne Randazzo on the Mets radiocasts to grasp the same gulf between professionalism and Steinbrenner-approved time-serving (or a few minutes on youtube of the readio work of Mel Allen, Vin Scully, Red Barber, Ernie Harwell, Russ Hodges, etc.). Kay on the TV side is one of the worst broadcasters in any sport, surpassed only by Bryan Ruocco for sheer annoyance and unlistenability. Kay initially got the radio job because he too presented no threat to Sterling, having had zero previous announcing experience. Of course, lack of any previous on-job experience is no obstacle to hiring for major positions in Steinbrenner Inc.--Aaron Boone being only the latest example.

    The herd that worships Sterling her doesn't get the joke--"The Master" is a title conferred in sarcasm, not in earnest. The Sterling idolators on this blog DO NOT GET THE JOKE. He is "lovable" only as an incompetent, blustering ass. THAT IS THE JOKE. But the Yankees deserve better than having a joke owner, a joke GM, a joke manager, and a joke broadcast team. The joke has long since ceased to be amusing.

  41. Ricky Ricardo;s nickname is Juan Sterling. His English language broadcast last year was pretty dry, but in Spanish he really just does John Sterling’s schtik. My favorite Ricky Ricardo home run call was for Didi Gregorious. He did this arpeggio of di di di di di di di. It was pure Juan Sterling. In the announcer booth, our farm team is VERY STRONG!

    That said…. John’s got ten more years in him easy.

  42. Holy cow, I mean "SHIT"!!! "Anon" has something to say! And I totally agree! What do I do now? Go to a mental health clinic? Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeee! Oh, in cyberspace no-one can hear you scream...

  43. Hey jerk off statbitch, We do get the joke. The difference is that we enjoy it because we have senses of humor, unlike you. Sterling’s supreme incompetence makes no difference to the team. That’s the difference. You’re the only one who seems to give a shit about that. You have no humanity or sentimentality or sense of humor. We all know what that makes you, jackass.

  44. Hey Doofus Firefly--you don't all get the joke, and you don't speak for the entire blog, your warped fantasies to the contrary notwithstanding. There are plenty of people on this blog who thinkn that Sterling is just WONDERFUL and do NOT get the joke--not even a little. And YOU are so fucking stupid that you completelyl miss the point that hiring incompetent time-servers like Sterling is not confined to the broadcast booth--it is a disease that afflicts every part of the organization, including baseball operations, but that point, which was clear in my post, flew right over your flat head, YOU FUCKING MORON. Now sit down and shut up. You've embarrassed yourself YET AGAIN--and quite enough for one evening, you frothing psychopath.

    Oh--as for your lecture on humor and humanity and "sentimentality" (you're too fucking stupid to know that "sentimentality" is NOT a virtue)--it's really pretty hilarious that you think your vicious dribblings on this blog exemplify any of the foregoing. You're a sick fuck and should be in jail or a mental institution.

  45. Kevin--no one underestimates your baseball genius on this blog. Now PLEASE tell us that heart-warming anecdote you made up about how any team could have claimed Hoy Park off the waiver wire. That's one of my favorite of your chronic stupidities! Please tell that one again!

  46. He had to pass through waivers, nobody claimed him. I believe that I read this on Mike Axisa's blog, can't swear to it.


  47. For those who asked. I am retired. Now I am self-employed-I love to work at nothing all day, and working overtime.
    I am the Archangel in reference to my nickname at work when I was an ADA back in the 80's and 90's.

    Since I am progressively closer to the final roundup each day, all references to the heavens are designed not not piss off the Heavenly Being who will pass Judgment on me on the other side.

    Sucking up at this stage never hurts, just ask Cashy Bear.

    The Avenging Archangel

  48. Just saw an article from one of our Faves here; Aaron Hicks

    Said that he finally decided to have surgery after about 3 years of " pain" because his left wrist hurt so much that he could barely hold anything .
    However, that apparently did not stop him from a full off-season of GOLFING!
    What a tool

    The Archangel

  49. Archangel, I thought my head would explode when I saw that. You'd think that the Yankees could terminate that contract since he obviously didn't tell management. Playing golf only cements the case. Of course, nothing is simple when it comes to big-time contracts, 'but what is, and what should never be.....'

  50. No he didn't have to pass through waivers because he was brought up and sent down under COVID rules, ya' fucking moron.


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