Sunday, August 8, 2021

Rizzo examines vaccine data



  1. John and Suzyn just noted the current IL Yankee starting lineup, which would be a formidable one in a postseason: Cole, Kluber, Monty, Germain, Severino.

  2. Does Heloise concur with that assessment?

  3. Very disappointed in Rizzo—particularly as he has a pre-existing condition.

    More of the general stupidity that seems to be engulfing our country.

  4. Not only can Judge not hit in the clutch, he can't field in it, either.

  5. Odor gives them two runs.

    Nice throw by Gallo and tag by Higgy.

  6. What a fucking shit show: 0-10 RISP and Boooone actually let that loogy pitch to a righty. I don’t blame Odor - the loogy couldn’t find the plate at all except to serve up meatballs. It’s amazing the Mariners only got two runs out of that.

  7. On the other hand, no one has hit into a DP


  8. If that was any closer to Wade it would have hit him on the head.

  9. This hurts because Tampa won and Boston is about to. 6.5 back again.

  10. Way to look at a fat pitch. Holy shit.

  11. You can debate whether clutch hitters exist, but one thing is certain. Judge isn't one

  12. WOW Hoss, late to the party, so Rizzo refused the vaccine, very VERY disappointing! URRGGGGG

  13. With all the Yankees' COVID woes, you'd think they would have made it a precondition of any trade that the player be vaccinated. But that would require a GM WITH A FUCKING BRAIN.

  14. I'm willing to bet Rizzo was vaccinated. Re COVID, we're in the twilight zone. Our experts, our betters, have no fucking idea what they're doing. If it's on TV, it's bullshit. That's why I listen to John and Suzyn.

  15. I’m seriously disappointed by this team.

    There have been several series where the Yankees were on the verge of a sweep and let it get away - it almost seems like they’re lacking a killer instinct by sleep-walking through that last game. Today was a perfect example of that. They just didn’t show up. It’s almost as if they’re satisfied with just taking a series and happy to phone in that last game.

  16. No vax for Rizzo

  17. We'd still be dealing with Polio and Smallpox if our current population were around 70 years ago.

  18. If it's a comment by anti-rationalist anti-vaxxer morons like Pubius, it's bullshit. All the world's leading virologists and epidemiologists, who have spent an entire lifetime studying these matters, don't hold a candle to this Internet troll who takes his cues from fellow morons on youtube.

  19. Actually, many more people died of smallpox than COVID. Entire populations were wiped out. Only a small percentage that contracted it survived. Those that did allowed antibodies to start to grow within the population. Resistance grew and fatalities went down. Native Americans dies by the millions because they had no natural immunities only being exposed to it by Europeans..
    What has made COVID so harmful is that it was created in a lab through engineering.

    Polio and Smallpox vaccines were developed over time with somewhat more safeguards, this was rushed. [Read the life story of Jonas Salk to find out.]That is why such a high number of people in the medical professions are not getting it. Where I live more than 25% of such people are not getting the vaccine.
    Like Kamala and Joe said, they didn't want to take a vaccine produced by Trump.
    Now only "Trumpsters" and "Counsin Humpers" won't take it.
    You'll need some consistency in your preaching


  20. Liar/Moron "Godot" writes, "That is why such a high number of people in the medical professions are not getting it."

    The truth: "CHICAGO — The American Medical Association (AMA) today released a new survey (PDF) among practicing physicians that shows more than 96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated."

    Shut up, asshole. Irresponsible cranks like you are causing people to suffer and die.

  21. More stunning news about the Clown Car front office in the Bronx:

    "Most Yankees received the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which has proved less effective than the two-shot Pfizer and Moderna vaccines." That is ONE THIRD less effective. Idiots.

  22. So much for Rizzo becoming my new favorite Yankee. Just lost all respect for him.

    Doug K.

  23. Many of my favorite baseball players are complete morons, so I’m not going to let it bother me.

  24. And if the unvacinated Rizzo has contracted the more virulent Delta mutation, don't think he's going to waltz through this in ten days. He could be out for the rest of the season, depending on the course of his symptoms.

  25. All right, since you're continuing to bray:

    I don't have anything against Florida. I have friends and relatives who live there. I hate to see anything happen to them—hate to see anything happen to anyone in America.

    Florida news outlets are now reporting unprecedented numbers of children dying and hospitalized with Covid. Glad you're enjoying yourself taunting us, Godot.

  26. And Rizzo: yeah, this is the exact opposite of what I was told about him. His behavior is irresponsible regarding his teammates, uncaring regarding the fans, and insane regarding his own pre-existing conditions.

    I agree with Doug K. I hope they don't re-sign Rizzo. I hope we never see him in a Yankees uniform again.

  27. I am hurt and confused

  28. Rizzo, you piece of shizzo. I was totally enjoying watching him play, and he seemed like a good guy/teammate, but obviously he's a deranged, narcissistic, dipshit Trumper who doesn't obey Fauci (the only light in this dim world).

    I'm a lab tech and Contact Tracer liaison - here's some good news: We're going after the unvaxxed HARD. Basically we're being told to CT only the unvaxxed, old (+50), and, recently, the obese/those with co-morbs. Vax status of the last two groups doesn't matter as they're not tolerating the shot well anyway and seen as vectors. The Delta and ensuing variants are going to kill a lot of people, and in order to protect the core and re-build a more just society those three cohorts are going to have to be locked down/controlled because they are straight up murderers/impediments at this point. The plan is to first get people into a frenzy to shun the unvaxxed, and then point them at the other groups. We're going to need everyone to do their part. Hang tight, we'll be ok. Peace.

  29. "Obey Fauci"? "Get people into a frenzy"? Brilliant parody, moron. Shrivel up and die, you anti-vaxxer piece of shit.

  30. 50 plus are tolerating the shot just fine, you demented, frothing right-wing psycho. Get the fuck off this blog. Can't wait until you're whimpering your lady with a tube down your throat.

  31. Old people are murderers? Far-right psychos like you are the murderers with your scabrous disinformation campaigns. Getting vaccinated and following the science is a commie 1984 dystopia, you mentally diseased POS? Just wait until you're intubated, asshole. Your dystopia is coming sooner than you think.

  32. Just to set the record straight, I am not right wing. I have been a Libertarian since the post 9/11 Gulf War.
    I was in NYC for business on 9/11. Witnessed everything. Was there til that Friday. Witnessed some of the understandable hysteria afterward and the build up to the endless wars thereafter. Based upon a lot of bullcrap.
    Watched the government implement the "Patriot Act" and other such restrictions, while at the same time, could not find terrorists learning to fly but not land. Lost a nephew in one of them
    I love this country, but do not trust layers upon layers of government employees to govern my life. Seems as if most truly competent people do not go into government service.
    If you feel like you must have the basically untested Vac, by all means get. However do not denigrate those who choose not to, like those currently in the medical field or 20-something women who would like to have children some day and do not know what this Vac will do to them a few years out.
    P.S., it is generally not persuasive to convince a person to do something by starting out by telling them that they are stupid and proceed to insult them even more thereafter. But that is the current modus of operation of the modern left of center ideologue.


  33. Oh--you're a libertarian but not right-wing. That's hilarious.

    And exactly which medical experts are refusing the vaccine? I already posted the documentation that 96 percent of practicing physicians have been fully vaccinated, and of the remaining 4 percent 45 percent intend to do so. So what the FUCK are you talking about, asshole?

    As for COVID vaccines and 20-something women: this must be another of your favorite crank conspiracy theories you glean from your fellow morons on youtube, because no serious virologist or pharmacologist or epidemiologist lends any credibility to this bullshit. To wit:

    Common question
    Can the COVID-19 vaccine affect future pregnancy?

    There is no recommendation for routine pregnancy testing before receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine. Those who are trying to become pregnant do not need to avoid pregnancy after COVID-19 vaccination. There is no evidence that any of the COVID-19 vaccines affect future fertility.3 days ago

    Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines

    Shrivel up and die, asshole. preferably with a tube down your throat, begging for the mercy and compassion you did not show to others with your irresponsible, philistine, imbecilic babble.

  34. And YOU are deploring the polemical strategies of people who cite facts and sources from the world's leading peer-reviewed medical experts while you recycle discredited crank conspiracy theories and lies from youtube, and then repeat them after they've been disproved? FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF. Assholes like you are causing people to suffer and die with your anti-vaxxer superstitions.

  35. Truly "competent" people get their medical science and advice from cranks on Facebook and youtube! Thanks for checking in, dumbass!

  36. Here's what's "persuasive": ignoring the peer-reviewed science on a subject and instead recycling lies and conspiracy theories from the Internet while ignorant people end up suffering and dying as a result. Brilliant, ya' warped piece of shit! It's persuasive, all right--everyone here is persuaded that you have the IQ of a rutabaga and the empathy of a pet rock. No need for any further persuasion! Thanks!

  37. Here's some MEDICAL SCIENCE on the subject of COVID and women's fertility. It's COVID itself, NOT THE VACCINE, that can endanger women's fertility, you piece of SHIT.

  38. Nobody buys the "libertarian" cover anymore. When was the last time you voted for a Democrat?

  39. Miami Herald:

    There have been seven deaths reported among children 16 and under since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020

  40. August 9, 2021 at 1:09 AM
    " order to protect the core and re-build a more just society"


  41. Surge of pediatric cases of COVID, ASSHOLE:

  42. "Orwellian"? You should know, since you wrote that asinine parody, PIECE OF SHIT.


    "Both hospitalization and death rates have declined since last summer."

    You're makin' my point.

  44. You isolated one sentence about year-long averages. BUT THE ARTICLE IS ABOUT RECENT TRENDS OVER THE PAST TWO MONTHS, ASSHOLE. You're a fucking liar and propagandist.

    "But Sophia was one of roughly 130 children with Covid-19 who were admitted to a U.S. hospital that day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number has been climbing since early July; from July 31 to Aug. 6, 216 children with Covid were being hospitalized every day, on average, nearly matching the 217 daily admissions during the pandemic’s peak in early January.

    Hospitals in coronavirus hot spots have been particularly hard hit. On a single day last week, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, in Little Rock, had 19 hospitalized children with Covid; Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, in St. Petersburg, Fla., had 15; and Children’s Mercy Kansas City, in Missouri, had 12. All had multiple children in the intensive care unit.

    These numbers have sparked concerns that what had once seemed like the smallest of silver linings — that Covid-19 mostly spared children — might be changing. Some doctors on the front lines say they are seeing more critically ill children than they have at any previous point of the pandemic and that the highly contagious Delta variant is likely to blame.

    “Everybody is a little bit nervous about the possibility that the Delta variant could in fact be, in some way, more dangerous in kids,” said Dr. Richard Malley, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Boston Children’s Hospital.

  45. Pediatric hospitals are filling with coronavirus patients as schools start opening amid the latest surge in infections, this one driven by the highly contagious delta variant.

    Children's hospitals in Tennessee will be completely full by the end of this week, the state health department projected. The 94 children admitted to Florida's Wolfson Children's Hospital in July was more than four times the number admitted in June.


  46. "The pandemic is not coming to an end soon — given that only a small proportion of the world population has been vaccinated against Covid-19, a well-known epidemiologist told CNBC.

    Dr. Larry Brilliant, an epidemiologist who was part of the World Health Organization’s team that helped eradicate smallpox, said the delta variant of the coronavirus is “maybe the most contagious virus” ever."

  47. "Just six available ICU beds left for 2.4 million Austin metro"

  48. 'Gut-wrenching': Children making up more of Jacksonville's surge of COVID hospitalizations

  49. TWO-THIRDS of mild or moderately ill coronavirus patients suffer from 'long Covid' with shortness of breath and brain fog more than a month after testing positive, study suggests
    A new study looked at 303 COVID-19 patients with mild or moderate symptoms who did not end up hospitalized
    In total, 208 participants, or 68.7%, reported experiencing at least one symptom after 30 days, known as 'long Covid'
    The most common symptoms were fatigue, shortness of breath, confusion/brain fog and stress/anxiety
    Researchers say the findings provide more evidence that long Covid does not just affect those who fall seriously ill with the virus

  50. 'We showed that an estimated 67 percent of people with mild or moderate COVID have long COVID. In other words they still have symptoms more than 30 days after their positive test,' said lead author Dr Melanie Bell, a biostatistics professor at the University of Arizona's Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, in a statement.

    'This is a real wake-up call for anyone who has not been vaccinated. If you get Covid, the chances that you'll experience long-term symptoms are surprisingly high.'

  51. August 9, 2021 at 5:09 PM

    "You're a fucking liar and propagandist."

    Sorry to quote your referenced article. I'll try to include a trigger warning next time.

  52. Average of daily COVID cases at highest level since February, fueled by Delta variant

  53. You quoted an irrelevancy--the point of the article was not about the yearly trend but about an alarming spike in the past few months. You're dishonest piece of shit. You post lies and youtube conspiracist propaganda. ONce again, here's the recent trend, YOU LYING PIECE OF SHIT. "MORE CRITICALLY ILL CHILDREND THAN AT ANY PREVIOUS POINT OF THE PANDEMIC," YOU LYING VERMIN.

    "But Sophia was one of roughly 130 children with Covid-19 who were admitted to a U.S. hospital that day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number has been climbing since early July; from July 31 to Aug. 6, 216 children with Covid were being hospitalized every day, on average, nearly matching the 217 daily admissions during the pandemic’s peak in early January.

    Hospitals in coronavirus hot spots have been particularly hard hit. On a single day last week, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, in Little Rock, had 19 hospitalized children with Covid; Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, in St. Petersburg, Fla., had 15; and Children’s Mercy Kansas City, in Missouri, had 12. All had multiple children in the intensive care unit.

    These numbers have sparked concerns that what had once seemed like the smallest of silver linings — that Covid-19 mostly spared children — might be changing. Some doctors on the front lines say they are seeing more critically ill children than they have at any previous point of the pandemic and that the highly contagious Delta variant is likely to blame.

    “Everybody is a little bit nervous about the possibility that the Delta variant could in fact be, in some way, more dangerous in kids,” said Dr. Richard Malley, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Boston Children’s Hospital.

  54. I hope this happens to you, asshole. One less science-denying worm to endanger others and cause them to suffer and die:

    Phil Valentine, a conservative radio host in Nashville who said he wouldn’t get vaccinated and made parody songs about “the Vaxman,” caught the virus, and his condition quickly turned critical. He’s now in the hospital, on a ventilator. “He regrets not being more vehemently ‘pro-vaccine,’ and looks forward to being able to more vigorously advocate that position as soon as he is back on the air,” his radio station said in a statement.


  55. VIDEO
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    Alarming 94K surge in COVID-19 cases among kids, hospitals overwhelmed
    Some experts are urging the FDA to authorize vaccines for 5-11 year-olds.

    ByLibby Cathey andArielle Mitropoulos
    August 9, 2021, 4:36 PM
    • 13 min read

    Doctor explains rise in COVID-19 cases among children

    Dr. Mark Kline, the physician-in-chief of Children's Hospital New Orleans, describes the increase...Read More
    Public health experts and state officials are raising alarms about a surge in COVID hospitalizations among children -- now at their steepest and seeing the most significant increase since the onset of the pandemic.

    After declining in the early summer, child COVID-19 cases have steadily increased again in recent weeks -- just as many kids head back to the classroom.

    Recent Stories from ABC News

    In a newly released weekly report, which compiles state-by-state data on COVID-19 cases among children, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children's Hospital Association (CHA) found that nearly 94,000 new child COVID-19 cases were reported last week, a continued "substantial" increase.

    MORE: COVID-19 live updates: 'This is not your grandfather's COVID,' pediatrician warns
    Some of the worst numbers are in Louisiana and Florida but could get worse elsewhere fast as public health officials express concerns with the highly contagious delta variant amid continued vaccine hesitancy.

    "This is not your grandfather's COVID," Dr. Mark Kline, the physician in chief of Children's Hospital New Orleans told ABC's "Good Morning America" Monday. Louisiana is facing the nation's highest rate of new COVID-19 cases with the Children's Hospital in New Orleans describing what they're seeing as "an epidemic of very young children."

    "We are hospitalizing record numbers of children," Kline continued. "Half of the children in our hospital today are under two years of age. Most of the others are between five and ten years of age -- too young to be vaccinated just yet."

  56. Children with COVID-19 used to make up 1% of patients hospitalized at Children’s Hospital New Orleans.

    Now they account for about 20%, Dr. Mark Kline tells @RobinRoberts.

  57. Point taken -- you don't care what I think.

    I'll be sure to include a trigger warning the next time I quote you. Because, science.

  58. You don't take any points--none that contain any facts, anyway. You just slather this blog with fictions and acrid parodies and the rest of your panoply of far-right-wing conspiracist paranoia. You didn't quote me--not once. Again--the NYT passage you ripped out of context cited a year-long trend, BUT THE ARTICLE WAS ABOUT THE LAST TWO MONTHS OF AN ALARMING SPIKE resulting from the Delta virus, which was not a factor earlier in the year--THE MAIN POINT OF THE ARTICLE that you conveniently ignore, as though you had read only one sentence of the article and not the rest. I have cited all the relevant data and facts surrounding this issue--pediatric hospitals stretched to the breaking point, under-two COVID mortality spiking, etc--but you ignore it all. Simply ignore the broad canvass of the science and the facts and the CURRENT trends--because you're a malicious, dishonest, fact-averse, selfish PIECE OF SHIT.

    But Sophia was one of roughly 130 children with Covid-19 who were admitted to a U.S. hospital that day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That number has been climbing since early July; from July 31 to Aug. 6, 216 children with Covid were being hospitalized every day, on average, nearly matching the 217 daily admissions during the pandemic’s peak in early January.


    Continue reading the main story

    Hospitals in coronavirus hot spots have been particularly hard hit. On a single day last week, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, in Little Rock, had 19 hospitalized children with Covid; Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, in St. Petersburg, Fla., had 15; and Children’s Mercy Kansas City, in Missouri, had 12. All had multiple children in the intensive care unit.

    These numbers have sparked concerns that what had once seemed like the smallest of silver linings — that Covid-19 mostly spared children — might be changing. Some doctors on the front lines say they are seeing more critically ill children than they have at any previous point of the pandemic and that the highly contagious Delta variant is likely to blame.

    “Everybody is a little bit nervous about the possibility that the Delta variant could in fact be, in some way, more dangerous in kids,” said Dr. Richard Malley, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Boston Children’s Hospital.

    Clear enough now, asshole, or can I post some more facts for you, you selfish piece of shit?

  59. More facts about the effect of the RECENT DELTA VARIANT on children from the same article that you have apparently yet to read, YOU SELFISH, SLIMY, DISHONEST PIECE OF SHIT.

    From July 22 to July 29, nearly 72,000 new pediatric Covid cases were reported, ALMOST TWICE AS MANY AS THE PREVIOUS WEEK (all caps for dishonest piece-of-shit selfish right-wing assholes), according to the association. At Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, 181 children tested positive for the virus in July, up from just 12 in June.

    Most of those children have relatively mild symptoms, such as runny noses, congestion, coughs or fevers, said Dr. Wassam Rahman, the medical director of the pediatric emergency center at All Children’s. “Most of the kids are not very sick,” he said. “Most will go home and be treated with preventive care at home. But as you might imagine, families are scared.”

    A small share of children do develop severe disease, showing up at the hospital with pneumonia or in respiratory distress.

    Of the 15 children with Covid-19 who were inpatients at Children’s Hospital New Orleans late last week, four — including a 3-month-old baby — were in intensive care, said Dr. Mark Kline, the hospital’s physician in chief. None of the children, including the eight who were old enough to be eligible, had been vaccinated.

  60. Trigger warning!

    Math is hard.

    Don't feel bad about it.


    The Delta Variant Is Sending More Children to the Hospital.

    It is not yet clear whether the Delta variant causes more severe disease in children, but its high level of infectiousness is causing A SURGE IN PEDIATRIC COVID-10 CASES. [all caps added for a semi-retarded selfish piece of shit]

  62. By the way--all this anti-vaxxer bullshit is being posted by Rufus T. Firefly--in case you were interested.


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