Friday, August 6, 2021

The one that got away?



  1. Have you looked at Estrada's numbers?

  2. If there were a firing squad for baseball GM incompetence, Cashmann would have been dispatched long ago. His burial and then rapid trade of Park is only one of countless inexplicable stupidities he has inflicted on the Yankees.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Celerino Sanchez--you mean on the basis of only 37 PA at Altooner vs. 249 PA for Somerset? What's your point?

  5. Here's a summary of Cashman's mind-numbingly idiotic transaction from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

    When the Pirates traded right-handed reliever Clay Holmes to the New York Yankees for a pair of infield prospects, the return was … well, a little surprising.

    Nothing against Holmes, who experienced success whenever he was able to harness his power sinker and consistently throw strikes, but he also had a 9.20 ERA and nearly as many walks (16) as strikeouts (19) over his final 18 appearances, plus an ERA of 5.57 over parts of four seasons.

    In return for Holmes, the Pirates got 25-year-old Hoy Park and Diego Castillo, 23, a pair of versatile infielders.

    The crazy part was that Park had been leading all Class AAA East players in batting (.327), on-base percentage (.475), OPS (1.042) and walks (46) at the time of the deal. Considering who the Pirates were giving up — a reliever who had experienced sporadic success — it appeared to be an impressive haul for general manager Ben Cherington.

  6. Anonymous, he’s batting .307 in 75ab for the Giants. What’s your point?

  7. Sorry--mistaken identity on my part.

  8. Just to get it straight: Estrada is hitting .307 in SF, Park is hitting .307 in Pittsburgh.

    And it's early yet, we have no idea if these guys will actually be productive major leaguers.

    What we do know? The money the Yanks got for Estrada will never do a fucking thing for us. Just for HAL.

  9. Yes, again--my mistake. Estrada is doing quite well with SF, with an .834 OPS to boot.

    And HC66, to correct your reporting on Hoy Park: he has gotten off to a torrid start with Pittsburgh--it's only 18 PA, to be sure, but here is the slash line: .375/.444/.563 (OPS 1.007).

  10. HC, Estrada has 75ab, 2 HR and .381 OBP. Park has 17 AB.

  11. I just tuned in - what happened to Wanda?

  12. Davis continues to make me miss Allen. Seems like a nice guy, but can't hit off a tee.

    Meanwhile, we can't hit a junk pitcher. I guess he's wily.

  13. AB, Wanda threw his required 26 pitches and left.

  14. Luetge's just dead set against ending this inning.

  15. The Master: "And Seattle takes a one nothing lead!"

  16. Incredible, nobody is warming up for the Yanks. In what is a bullpen game.

    I can't stand watching Lugnut pitch. But what the hell is the matter with Boone?

  17. Incredible. He can't finish off a .185 hitter.

  18. Lugnut not as sharp as he needs to be, but finally got the third out. Still, 1-0, and we can't hit the bum they have pitching.

  19. And the swings at ball four. Great.

    But forget about Chapman or Britton in the ninth. Lugnut won't get us into those innings.

  20. And we are getting one-hit by Marco "Lucky-I'm-a-Lefty" Gonzalez.

  21. And we are getting one-hit by Marco "Thank-the-Good-Lord for-making-me-a-Lefty" Gonzalez?

  22. Michael Kay just told us there is "a buzz and a Friday night energy at the Stadium, this crowd just waiting to explode."

    The crowd is nearly silent, watching this anemic hitting effort. I've heard louder ballet crowds.

  23. And we are getting one-hit by Marco "I'd-be-stacking-boxes-if-I-wasn't-a-Lefty" Gonzalez?

  24. And we are getting 2-hit by Marco "Lucky-I'm-a-Lefty" Gonzalez.

  25. Now we are told that "Yankee fans getting ready to cheer, with Judge, Stanton, and Gallo due up next."

    More realistically, I think they are getting ready to buy a hot dog.

  26. Wow, Rizzo steals second.

    Now all he has to do is swipe third and home, and we'll have a run.

  27. The Yanks' TV announcers lauded him for "a great piece of hitting" because he managed to just foul off a sinker out of the strike zone.

    I must be getting old. I just can't remember Bill White lauding Reggie for "a great piece of hitting" when he managed a foul tick.
    I'm sure he did.

  28. Why is puckered Anon permitted to spew his adolescent bile here?

    Rhetorical question.

  29. I miss Bill White, in a big way. What a better time for baseball.

  30. Checked in on the Mets, who are losing to Philly, for whom Didi has a big home run this year.

    That made me curious, so I looked up Gleyber. You know it's now been 14 games and 61 plate appearances since he homered? Before that, he had a brief spurt of 3 HRs in 4 games. Before THAT, it had been a month-and-a-half since he homered.

    That guy's disappearance is maybe the greatest of the great mysteries surrounding The Dynasty That Never Was.

  31. Meanwhile, in other stadia the Orioles and the Devil Rays are 5-5 (7th) and the Blue Jays have got 5 on the Crimson Hose (9-4 in the 6th).

    Is there anyone left in the Bronx bullpen?

  32. Maybe Cash Money can work a quick trade for Marco "Lucky-I'm-a-Lefty" Gonzalez. He seems really good.

  33. Great job, Higgy! Now that Davis asshole, or maybe someone else who can't hit, gets to be a leadoff automatic out next inning!

  34. You mean Marco "Glad My Parents Were More Imaginative Than Righty Joe Smiths'" Gonzales?

  35. @Hoss...there was a rumor about Gleyber and a buzzer back in early 2020

  36. The French are advancing! Not a good sign...

  37. As the Dolly Parton Rays pull ahead “Nine to Five” I wonder: can we actually blow this gift?

  38. Kinda. Thanks for the DP Stanton.

  39. “For Yankee fans, the eighth and ninth innings have become a torture chamber.”

    - El Duque, 2021, Couple of hours ago

  40. Great time to get to our sub-.200 guys.

  41. You know if we go to the tenth, Seattle will score.

  42. And Gardner makes the out by swinging at ball four.

  43. Say what you will about Gardy, he made Schmeckenbecher work!

    So we'll have LaMachine on 2nd and Rizzo at bat? Could be worse...

  44. Some cold comfort: Nice bit of Schadenfreude going on in Canada – Beantown being beaten 12-4, top of 9th

  45. Stanton with two outs. We lost.

  46. Wow. I can only think of one word:


  47. Gardner!! Of all people. Wow.

  48. Good lord! Can he retire now?

  49. Countdown: 13½ hours till the return of Mr. Heaney! In blinding daylight!

  50. If I hear one more time that Gardner has been here since 2008 I’m gonna scream…

  51. The longest tenured Yankee. The old bastard.

  52. Before we get too blood-engorged over Parks impressive stats, it's important to note that he didn't make AAA until age 25, which isn't young. Age in the minors is VERY IMPORTANT, I.e., how well you compete against your same age peers +/-. He didn't show any power until this year. From 2015-2020 he never slugged over.370. That is what made him expendable. For those interested: For those interested in explanations of both minor and major leagues concerning stats, how players are viewed around the League, and much more Google Mike Axisa, and his blog "RAB Thoughts" (which is behind a pay wall for three bucks a month). He also writes for CBS which makes him a low level insider. Many of you are familiar with him, I'm posting this info for newer fans, and those interested in shortening the learning (appreciation) curve that makes baseball such a great game. IHIFIIC, has many of the most knowledgeable curmudgeons on the web, I learn something everyday, including controlling my temper. BTW, who had the winning hit tonight. Saluta!

  53. Shut up, Kevin. Everyone noted that he had only 18 PA with the Pirates. You're a hopeless imbelice.

  54. Oh hell. Now Gardner will be signed to a five-year extension.

  55. You have a bit of a attention span problem, you do it frequently, unless it's a deliberate argument strategy. Naaah. I never mentioned anything about MLB play. Try and pay attention, boy, you just might learn something. Which given what you've shown should be easy.

  56. Blah, blah, blah, Kevin. "Before we get too blood-engorged over Parks impressive stats." You were talking about others' references to his hot start with the Pirates. So you're not only fucking STUPID, but you're also dishonest. But we already knew that about a withered, lonely old obsessive with no interest in life except his two main hobbies: his Strat card collection and his kiddie porn files on his computer.

  57. Just to add fuel to the fires, Park is now batting .412 with an OPS of 1.121

    The Baseball-Reference Archangel

  58. Anon, PS please take your meds, your thoughts are all over the place.


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