Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Two seven inning games at home against a floundering Redsocks team? What could go wrong?

The Yankees currently have two problems: The 8th and the 9th. 

Today, they face neither. By tomorrow, with luck, they'll be holding a wild card birth. Look at the standings, look!

Why, after we take game one, all we need... wait... WTF is happening? Everywhere you look... is that, um, hope? Dear God. I'd forgotten what hope looks like. And.. gulp... optimism? This is nuts! Where's the despair? Where's the existential rage? This is a Yankee blog, goddammot! Where are the chains? The torture devices? What is happening to our world of pain? 

(Oh, and by the way, ha ha, did I mention that Oakland today plays the White Sox, still smarting from last weekend's spanking. Ha ha. We could bypass them, too!) 

Moreover, for reasons of juju, I shall not post the infamous Ryan McBroom profile. 

Today, wow, look around: The Yankiverse is a pleasant, joyous meadow - a garden of tits and ice cream, where shiny happy fans smoke the good weed and cheer their Olympian heroes. It's a bit, um,  disconcerting. Where are the bugs? Shouldn't there be a wildfire? Let's throw a little, um, perspective onto this picnic basket of fun.

1. Something's wrong with Clint Frazier. I mean, there are injuries, and there are injuries. Apparently, Clint won't be back in 2021, and from the bleacher seats, this looks particularly serious. He has vision issues and apparent vertigo, said to be not stemming from past concussions. So... WTF? I don't even want to speculate about such symptoms. But yeesh, let's hope he's okay. I mean, the guy is just 26. No Yank since Cameron Maybin brought a more infectious smile. I hope he rejoins the team, if only in spirit. I mean... should we be thinking about armbands?

2. Last night was the classic example of a HR victory. The Yankees won 2-1, on a 2-run blast from Joey Gallo (who makes the strangest faces I've ever seen on a player). In between, they squandered rally upon rally, twice via DP grounders from Luke Voit, who looks and runs like a circus strongman. The game should not have been so close. We should have scored four or five runs, and I cannot escape the dread that, come October, the homer-happy lineups always wilt against good pitching. The Yankees need to manufacture runs. They cannot homer their way to a world championship.

3. This weekend, I happened to watch a men's slow pitch softball tournament for about five minutes. It was wonderful. The pitcher tossed the ball, and the first batter hit a liner to center. Next pitch, a grounder to SS. Next pitch, single to right. Next pitch, RBI double. Next pitch, fly to deep center. Five batters, five pitches. And it hit me: 

Once upon a time, baseball was game of nonstop action. 

I watched five batters in the time it'd take for Aaron Judge to work a walk. 

Baseball is baked into American culture, but all the Field of Dream cornfields in creation cannot save the sport from the five-hour, 30 strikeout game. Watch the real game, and you'll see what we've lost. 


  1. A friend of mine recently watched Game 7 of the 1952 World Series, which they show on Yankees Classics from time to time.

    The game was hardly a classic. The Yanks made 4 errors, and it's best known for Billy Martin swooping in to grab a pop fly off his shoe-tops when the rest of the Yankees' infield froze. Very tense contest, with several different bases-loaded situations for both teams.

    But even as a World Series game, even with a combined 18 hits and 5 errors, it just whirled by. (There were only 4 walks and 9 strikeouts.) Total playing time was less than 3 hours, in the afternoon sunshine at Ebbets Field.

    Mickey Mantle—still just 20—hit the game-winning homer, and then drove in an insurance run with a single. My friend was shocked at how fast Mantle zipped around the bases, as if he were running out a triple. No preening, no strutting. Bang-bang.

    That was baseball, and what it should be again.

  2. @Hoss...someone with a well known twitter account mentioned recently how Stanton runs very well in the outfield, but when it's time to run out a grounder, it's as if he's running in mud...

  3. As we prepare for the most important doubleheader in our recent history, just remember;

    "People have hope because they cannot see Death standing behind them."

    Expect nothing good and you won't be disappointed.

    The Hopelessly Dismal Archangel

  4. Nathan Eovaldi 2021

    vs. Yankees: 4 GS, 26.1 IP, 1.71 ERA
    vs. everyone else: 19 GS, 106.2 IP, 4.47 ERA

  5. Stop it with this Shiny Happy Fandom Hope crap.

    Just cut it out.

    I mean it!!

  6. "LHP Andrew Heaney will start Wednesday against the Red Sox"

    How? How is this possible!!!!!!!! There is NO ONE? NO ONE ELSE AT ALL?

    Even if we sweep today (a longshot) this will give the Sox life. Not to mention that a double header today uses up the bullpen.

    Why? Why? Would you start your worst pitcher in a big big game?

    Doug K.

  7. Yeah, I’m not buying all the sunshine being blown up my keister.

    This team is maddening and will ultimately become a crushing disappointment. The Yankees lead the league in one-run games (and the winning percentage that goes with it) yet they’ve lost a remarkable amount of games in the late innings - real heartbreakers.

    And that is what will happen as the season winds down. I’m not getting my hopes up just to see defeat snatched from the jaws of victory at the last second.

    I simply cannot take another post mortem press conference where the Brain and Boooooone lament the year: “we gave it our best shot and the playoffs are a crapshoot and…blah…blah…blah.”

    So, what I want to know is why did it take half the year to get a left-handed bat into the lineup? They say you can’t win a championship in April, BUT YOU SURE AS FUCK CAN LOSE ONE!!

    And that is the sad tale of this season. This is a team composed of scrap heap parts, a patchwork quilt of damaged goods - and an ugly one at that.

    And the sad truth is that I will watch and hope til the bitter end. And it will be bitter because I know better.

    And prayers for Clint. Something IS seriously wrong.

  8. Doug, why Heaney-Hiney-Ho is even still on the roster is a mystery.

    Maybe he could pitch mop-up duty if we're up or down by 20 runs, but otherwise, he serves no function. Except losing.

  9. Dick, it sounds crazy, but the reason we're this close to the Sox and Rays is because of our pitching. Yep. We all know the offensive performance has been dismal, with us in the bottom of the lists for all kinds of stats. But pitching? We're not bad.

    4th in ERA.
    2nd in saves.
    3rd in hits allowed.
    3rd in earned runs allowed.
    4th in HRs.
    3rd in strikeouts.

    You get the idea. I think all of that is amazing, given the bullpen meltdowns, the starters and bullpen arms lost to the IL, the Kriskes and Nelsons and Heaneys (oh my), the castoffs and forced call-ups.

    Just a modicum of offense, if the pitching staff can somehow continue in this vein, could send us deep into the playoffs. Good pitching beats good hitting, a phrase that is often used against our HR reliance, works against other teams, too. So it's hard to say if the baling wire holds or for how much longer. But, here we are.

  10. I would rather DFA Heaney and use his 40 man on someone else down on the farm.

    The money can't be that much with 6 weeks of the season left and the minimum salary for a rook

  11. JM, you’re right, of course.

    But asking for a modicum of offense? I don’t know. Between all the Ks and DPs, I don’t see how this team is capable of a sustained run - a deep run - towards a parade.

    I know we’ve got a ton of IL candidates and they’ll all be back soon, but I can’t seem to enjoy any of it. What a motley collection!

  12. I am here to appreciate Dr OGU for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. Is about 2 years and 6 months now I have been living with this virus and it has been a serious problem to me, I was so confused cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. OGU curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. on his email: drogugusolutionhome@gmail.com , i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, he gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via DHL which i used for 2 weeks and i was cured everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, dr .OGU , God bless you and give you more power and ability for more cures.i dont know if there is any one out there suffering for herpes virus or any of these diseases..DIABETIES, CANCER,GENITAL AND SIMPLEX HERPES,LOW SPERMS COUNT, SYPHILIS, HIV/AIDS, FIBRIOD, COPD, MENINGITIES,HEPATITIES B [HBV] DISEASES .etc why don't you contact dr.Ogu today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; drogugusolutionhome@gmail.com or text/call: +1 (719) 629 0982

  13. Well, Dick, there's our answer. It all comes down to Dr. Ogu.

  14. Always Dr Ogu, that fucker.

    Thanks for the help with SYPHILIS and FIBROID you wily old fucker.

  15. So a 2-2 game, with 2 Red Sox getting thrown out on the bases. Must be something in the water at the Stadium.

    Also, Gardner starting again. How can this possibly be?

  16. If only Dr. Ogu could throw a ball in the dirt on an 0-2 count.

  17. And not only is Gardner starting, he’s also batting second. Fuck.

  18. Hey, has anyone noticed: we are no longer advocating for Sanchez’s death? Or immediate banishment to Pittsburgh?

  19. JD Martinez is now 1-17 (.059) with 1 BB and 7 K career vs. Jordan Montgomery.

    Crazy to see such an elite right-handed hitter completely owned by a lefty pitcher.

  20. I thought Sanchez had died? Who's catching today??

  21. Wade should be put in the two hole and Gardner should retire immediately - how can Booooone condone hitting him second with a 211 average?

  22. Lol!

    I really like Wade's long overdue adjustment at the plate. And the Yankees beating the shift so much more in general.

    Just wonder how long it will take for teams to realize that the shift hurts them as much or more than it helps.

  23. "The All Important Loss Column."

    I'm not even listening, but I am sure it's been said.

  24. Ok, the shift helped us there.

  25. We're going to get swept today. Stop with all this Hope crap. What do you think this is 1996?

  26. I wonder if we should call Dr. Ogu

  27. Montgomery’s got such good stuff, but I can’t help think he’s still missing something that’s keeping him from being elite.

  28. The speedy Gardner goes to first. Like that'll matter.

  29. Dick, all Montgomery needs is a lot more talent and intelligence to go with that stuff, and he'd be all set.

  30. Three walks and a bloop.

    That works, too.

  31. The good news: we won’t blow this game in the ninth.

    The bad news: it’ll happen sooner

  32. Sox can't throw strikes.

    And Stanton comes through.

  33. And now the unthinkable has happened: Booooone outmanaging the Cheater.

  34. Wow...situational hitting...what a concept...

  35. Rare great decision by Boone to pull Montgomery early so the Yankees can score some runs. We know how this team hates scoring with Monty on the mound. So get him out of there and we immediately take the lead. 5D chess by Boone.

  36. We've scored 5 without a home run.

    If only we weren't so reliant on them.


  37. There's an article I saw somewhere (today?) that says Gary S is a lot thinner than he was b4 the illness.

    Either COVID slimmed him down -- and I guess this disease can do anything, including repell down tall buildings -- or he's laying off the ICS.



  39. Wade strolls and the kid is up again with bases loaded.

  40. Gardner came into this game with a .435 OBP this month and he's on base twice again today. I know you all hate him here, but that's a nice little streak he has going. And in August too! Usually Gardner's worst month.

  41. I like him lately, Zach. He finally turned things around.

    It's a good thing this is only a seven inning game. With all Cora's genius pitching moves, we might never have fit in a second game.


  42. Don’t you confuse me with facts Zach!

    I do not wish to be dissuaded from my unreasonable prejudices!



    If you are Lorna Boone, do you bring in another bullpen guy for the 7th (last inning, remember) -- and risk meltdown?

    Or do you leave Johnny L -- who is already warm, and has mown down 3 evil RedSuckers -- in to finish the game?

    No fair posting after Lorna screws up.

  44. Good thing we pinch ran Jonathan Davis for Giancarlo Stanton instead of just letting Stanton play the field for one inning and using Davis as a defensive replacement in the 7th.

    That worked out nicely.

  45. Davis is one of the worst hitters I can recall. I'd rather have the pitcher bat.

  46. Top of the 7th nee 9th. Now we lose.



  47. Looks like the end-of-game-blow-it disease is pervasive.

  48. Why isn't he being more aggressive? All these shitty curves and changeups.

  49. Jesus Christ. He's a successor to Chapman, all right.

  50. OMG> my heart, my heart, ThuuuuuuuYankeees WIN

  51. Stupid outs on the basepaths? Crushing failure with bases loaded and zero outs? Bullpen blowing the lead against a rival?

    That's a classic 2021 Yankees performance by the Red Sox.

  52. Good point, Zach. It sure was.

    I drink too much and smoke too much, and I'm almost 66 years old. Can someone please close out a game without hanging it by a thread? My heart ain't what it used to be.

  53. NO. That did not just happen. I refuse to acknowledge that. There was no double header today. There was not a bases loaded no outs save. Nope nope nope.

    Nothing to see here. Move along Sonny.

  54. Could these others teams be just as bad as the Yankees, dare I dream????? Please give me guidance Dr. ODU!!!!!


  55. For once, we benefited from the new Little League rules. I have no confidence we would have won a 9-inning game.


    We'll take it.


  56. I have had CHF (congestive heart failure). No one told me about this. I almost died. Just in case you might have something similiar --

    Symptoms: Can't catch your breath (lying flat, standing up, sitting, whatever). A vague sound in your ears of "popcorn"

    ...the sound is the water in your body IN YOUR LUNGS. I didn't know that. I just knew Not Breathing was a bad thing, so I got to the hospital ER.

    The treatment was a wonderful weight-loss program (and saved my life, I guess). I was 5-foot-7 and 212 pounds on the way in. After 3 days of intensive pumping into my body of lasix (yes, the stuff they give race horses) . . . left at 196 pounds. My body was holding 16 pounds of liquid!

    If only I had known Dr. Ogu, I'm sure I could have avoided this. But the relevant point:

    Today's experience in the top 7th was roughly the same, only without the popcorn sound.

  57. Joe Formerly, I'm soooooooooo glad you came through that!!!!!!
    I've recently loss weight to bring down my blood pressure, it's been a challenge but I made my goal, and my physician was pleasantly surprised since so few of his patients stick to the program. Glad to say I'm within a healthy BP range, my 'diet' is now my forever plan, and I'm beyond grateful that they/we discovered the problem in time.

  58. I'm just now recovering from that last inning. Remember when Sterling speculated about life after Mariano? Now we know

  59. Hoss here—many computer problems, don't ask.

    But holy hell, that was some gutsy fucking pitching.

  60. Your New York Yankees—a thrill a minute!

  61. Chad Green (61.1 IP) and Jonathan Loaisiga (60.2 IP) have thrown more innings than any other AL reliever. And they're not pitching any old innings, they are pitching high-leverage, high stress innings. I feel like we're gonna pay for this in October when they run out of gas.

    Also, this afternoon's game was our 67th game decided by 1 or 2 runs, the most in all of baseball. Remember when we could put up crooked numbers consistently?

  62. Joe FoB, I am so sorry to hear that. Do they know why your heart failed? Whether they do or not, please take you meds as prescribed.

  63. We're gonna need a new thread for tonight's game. All you going on about some game that didn't happen? No, no, no! It will not stand this group hallucination by the Commentariat!

  64. BTW Sterling had a 3 second warble today...


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