Saturday, September 11, 2021

As Long As We're Complaining

Last night I listened to the SNY (Met) broadcast because I often read how much better it is than ours. Sadly, it's true. More informative. Less empty banter, fewer forced laughs... Just a better broadcast.

For example, when Sanchez blew the tag, they eviscerated him for close to five minutes. It was extraordinary. It was also right on the money.  They said what should have been done, saying things like, “Hey you’ve got armor on! Get low and tag him out!” They got into the history of tough catchers. They were stunned. They were angry. They were everything our broadcasters should have been. 

How do I know this?  I use MLB.TV so I was able to listen to the same play and the aftermath on YES. Almost immediately they started making excuses. They acknowledged that it was bad but hey sometimes that happens but here’s why. Gary needs to do better. Blah blah blah...

To make it worse, YES cut away to a commercial because the inning was over. SNY saw that he Mets might challenge the call and stayed there.    

Then I watched the YES feed with the WFAN radio call and initially (of course) the call John made didn’t really convey the story other than the runner was out. They went to a commercial as well.

By the way… The Yankees are so bad so often they should really come up with “in-inning” commercials for stuff like this.

“That was the Yankees third error of the game. And when you’ve made a third error in judgement it is time to call a good attorney… The Barnes Group...”


“And Stanton goes down looking for the fourth time! This Golden Sombrero is brought to you by Old El Paso Enchilada Sauce. Old El Paso strike out to a bold new flavor.”

But I digress…

My point is that we are being underserved in every aspect of being a fan.

There is no part of the Yankees organization, with the exception of David Cone who would have fit right in the Met booth, that is serving us well.

“And if you feel underserved come to Mama Leone’s Italian Restaurant. Mama Leone’s we’ve been serving you like your family since 1948.”

Sorry just trying to make a buck. And speaking of Buck… 


  1. Regarding our grand experiment in live moderation (moderation in all things including moderation?), I am offline for the weekend. I'm on call and probably cannot provide my ministrations to you all tonight or tomorrow. Someone please tell Mustang. I fully intend to pitch in as frequently as life and work allow. Maybe we could have rotation?

  2. Winnie, you were phenomenal last night, thanks for putting the time and energy into this crazy task, VERY much appreciated my friend!

  3. Michael Kay used to be a very good color commentator back when he was in the radio booth with Sterling. Then he moved to tv and, little by little, he's become too "familiar" with the team, the management, etc. He's no longer a good broadcaster. I could live with empty banter from guys like Phil Rizzuto, but that was a special case of "the Scooter". This Yankee tv broadcast just doesn't do it for me. When the players suck and make stupid mistakes, they need to be excoriated on the air. I'm sorry to say it, but Kay should get the ax.

    The Hammer of God

  4. I agree Hammer. And Rizzuto was a unicorn.

    These guys are too jocular and have tired schtick. Did you know that Michael Kay went to Fordham and has a big head. Apparently Paulie like to eat. Although to be fair he's gotten better at explaining things from a hitter's viewpoint.

    I'm ready to move on.

    Doug K.

  5. I am afraid those idiots in the Yes booth aren't putting on any schtick. I think that's them for real. They are a punchbowl of and for chuckling fuckfaces.

  6. I'd take stories about great canolli's in some local eatery over the yesmen of today. Even with the moneystore ads.

  7. I am working this weekend, so I cannot guarantee I'll be around for moderation duties. I contacted Mustang. I will try to pitch in if I can.

  8. It's bad when John Schmuck says the Yankees lost momentum when the regulars returned. You'd think maybe, possibly, a chance, could be, that FUCKING MANAGEMENT would understand that.

    Emily Litella.

  9. Gleyber "Giancarlo" Torres running the bases.

  10. They'll find a way to end this Gardy Party badly. Our bullpen is only a few innings away.

  11. CashMoney is working on a trade for Walker right now.

  12. " TheWinWarblist said...

    CashMoney is working on a trade for Walker right now."

    Sadly true.

  13. The good news is Kluber isn't pitching a no-no, so they won't leave him in past his sale date (we frickin' hope).

    The bad news is, the bullpen will come in then.

    I'm lucky I have nap time scheduled for this evening.

    Unless the Yankees are winning by two touchdowns -- then I might watch.

  14. I'd trade walker for ICS, or the Glass Man, Krispy Kreme or Chapo. Straight up.

  15. Lot of three-ball counts here. You can sense it's all going to fall apart soon.

  16. Rufus, I'd trade all of them for Walker.

  17. Ashes, ashes, all fall down.

    The Yankees pitching coach mantra.

  18. Winnie, I'd trade half of the team for a player to be named later. Collectively.

    Maybe we can get some Reggie Bars in return. They'd be old, but collectable.

  19. What is going to the mound going to do. Kluber is a grown ass man. Either he can throw quality strikes or - and I know this seems obvious with what is happening right now - he cannot throw strikes or get people out.

    If we have no choice except to pitch him because we don't have the pitching depth, then leave him alone and stop slowing down play. Boone you idiot.

  20. So pathetic. I've passed through an iridescent wall of anger (like the end on 2001). And now I'm in the quiet of a womblike cocoon. Which is filling with the pathetic. It's so very pathetic out there it's seeping into my cocoon and making everything grimy. I thought I was safe in here, but no. Never. Let's mic up Boone so I can listen to that idiot throughout the entire game.

    Pathetic. Gerrett Cole through a bullpen today. I don't care. Pathetic.

  21. John and Suzyn don't have Bonehead miked up. So I haven't puked yet. I'd (almost) rather hear Booby Valentine.

  22. Five runs should be enough to win this game, right?

  23. Don't worry guys, we just have to get through five and then hand it over to the vaunted bullpen. But seriously, I saw they were up five and immediately started thinking who would blow it. It thought maybe Heaney after 3 1/3 stellar innings from Kluber, maybe a 9th inning Chapo meltdown. Nope, just your standard Kluber stinker to take care of it right away.

  24. Only an asshole would say, on today of all days, that watching the Yankees pitching staff try to protect a 5 run lead is like being waterboarded. So I won't say that. But it is difficult to watch.

  25. The was a drug (may still be) that was a paralytic, but not an anesthetic. Can't remember the name, but remember a couple of cases where it was given without the anesthetic. Caused the patients severe pain until it was discoverd that the anesthetic wasn't given.

    That's the Yankee season to me. I have become numb with the pain, but the anesthetic is STILL not kicking in.

    As Moe Howard used to say, "Doctor, please administer the anesthetic!"

  26. Publius, who the flying fuck said that!? Although I bet I could give you a short list of candidates.

  27. Rufus most anesthesia is a cocktail of drugs that usually include a paralytic, usually a curare. What happens is that you paralyze the patient and then intubate and then administer the anesthesia(s). But in very rare instances, enough anesthetic isn't given, and the patient is awake and fully paralyzed when the surgeon starts in their work. There are now MANY safeguards that this never happen. The field of anesthesiology completely remade themselves 30 years ago in the interest of patient safety. They held themselves to a higher standard of patient safety, largely on their own initiative. That work was paradigm breaking, much to the benefit of all medicine.

  28. Winnie, this was in the 80's that I was talking of.

    Didn't mean to malign the medical profession.

    Different time back then, even in reputable places.

    I do remember "WRONG KNEE" in magic marker in the orthopedic ward preop though. Of course I remember the ash tray at the nursing station also. Frightening, but wouldn't trade those memories at all. Loved every second of it.

    I do wish I could remember the name of the paralytic. It was Pavulon without the necessary adjunct anesthetic. Like I said, a very different time.

  29. The pain is still here, but not the anesthetic.

  30. I just turned on the game. Has he fucking sat Voit again? The fuck is with this guy?

  31. Another four hour nightmare.

    Night all.

    Never forget.


  32. Chad Green is shot...but so is the rest of the pitching staff...

  33. I know you weren't maligning medicine, Rufus. I was explaining how what you remembered actually happened. They taught me about this very thing in med school. Wow that was along time ago. I am old.

  34. Jiminy cricket. I just got off work and tune in to the Yankee came just in time to see Chad green give up a gopher ball.

    My day is complete

  35. Driving home at about 4:15 EST today, I heard the WFAN host--I don't know who he was--go on a rant, saying that, if fans care about the Yankees, they'll hope they lose, lose, lose all the way out. Otherwise, nothing will change. Sneaking into the playoffs would be a worst-case scenario for them. It was surprising and refreshing to hear this on the, uh, "flagship station."

  36. I know Dick...Chapman would pitch in the ninth....

  37. Just setting us up for the Chapman special.

    Do they bring Gardner back next year, because he and Judge seem to be the only two guys who give a shit out there.

    And Voit, oh my God, can he do anything other than hit into ground outs and double plays? Holy shit get a base hit for once.

    I'm torn here, a sweep by the Mets is one step closer to ridding this team of Coops' shackles, but I can't stomach losing to the Mets.


  38. "Nobody warming in the Yankees bullpen."

    Music to my ears.


  39. We may not have to wait for Chapman to fuck this up

  40. Maybe they'll blow it before the Chapman special.


  41. Damn!

    Now that Alonso has skied out to center to disappoint the Met's fans, what will the Yankees do to disappoint their fans?

    I can't believe I'm still watching this. It's worse than watching a Giants/Jets preseaon game.


  42. And now here comes our disappointment: Chapman warming up in the bullpen.

  43. Let Higgy catch every single game from here on out

  44. Well said Bosch. Coops must be Tantalus then. Always tempted by the Joey Gallo's of baseball to quench his thirst for strikeout king bums and the allure of dumpster diving from other teams to sate his hunger for glory.

  45. I’m actually disappointed. Especially about the four hours.

  46. Chapman didn't fuck up...Rolaids spells relief....

  47. Holy crap! We won! We haven't won since that game we deserved to lose against Baltimore last whatever-the-hell-it-was.

  48. Goodnight all! Let’s come back and torture ourselves again tomorrow


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